"Complete the task?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, a little surprised. \u0026

After all, the "Reverse Porcelain Association" has just been established, and it hasn't made any outstanding achievements yet.

Of course, it is not without achievements. At the very least, the official website of the "Reverse Porcelain Association" has been established, and the anti-porcelain teaching materials, treatment and promotional videos have also been launched one after another.

But anyway, after completing a task, Ye Rongrong was in a very good mood.

Ye Rongrong checked his glory value, and there were 350 glory points left.

"Do you want to draw a prize?"

Ye Rongrong was a little moved.

After all, I still have enough glory points now, if there is no lottery, Ye Rongrong will be itchy in his heart.

Anyway, it was still early, Ye Rongrong turned around and walked into the bedroom.

"Husband, why are you going back to the bedroom?"

Liu Qingqing just came over with breakfast, seeing Ye Rongrong going into the bedroom, she couldn't help asking.

"It's still early, I want to go back and take a nap for a while, but you have already brought breakfast, so I'd better have breakfast first."

Ye Rongrong said hahaha.

It seems that I have to resist the impulse in my heart and eat this breakfast first.

"I'll take a nap in the bedroom for a while."

After wolfing down his breakfast, Ye Rongrong stood up and said to Liu Qingqing who was cleaning up the dishes.


Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

Anyway, Liu Qingqing always felt that something was wrong with Ye Rongrong now, usually he would not gobble up food like he is now.

You must know that he often teaches his daughter to eat slowly, which is the healthiest eating habit.

But Liu Qingqing didn't ask either.


Ye Rongrong walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and entered the lottery space in his mind. He spent 100 glory points to activate the start button of the big turntable.

The pointer on the big turntable rotated rapidly, and soon stopped at the largest [Consumables] column in the area, and a small golden box appeared in front of Ye Rongrong.

The small golden box was slowly opened, and a spell emerged. Ye Rongrong recognized this character. This is an ancient oracle bone inscription in China, and the word reads the word "Enlightenment".

Ye Rongrong reached out to take this spell, and soon the name of this spell appeared in his mind: "Repentance Talisman".

The "Repentance Talisman" acts on the individual, and will send people's consciousness to a certain dream space in sleep, so as to gain some benefits in a dream like a real one, and can bring people into a dream that simulates the future directional, and experience the future Some kind of possible life, so that it can carry out profound repentance, is a one-time consumable...

Soon Ye Rongrong had the detailed information of the "Repentance Talisman" in his mind.

"This is a bit tasteless!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, put this "repentance talisman" into the Qiankun ring, and then left it alone.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong decided to draw another prize.

Spending one hundred glory points, Ye Rongrong started the roulette of the lottery space again, and soon the pointer on the roulette rotated rapidly, and finally stopped in the attribute column.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the earth attribute."

Ye Rongrong didn't wait for the small golden box to appear, but the electronically synthesized sound of "Lazy System" came from his mind.

"Earth property?"

Ye Rongrong immediately froze.

Ye Rongrong once drew the "wind attribute", which allowed him to fly freely in the sky like a bird, and also drew the "water attribute", which allowed him to swim freely in the water like a fish.

Could this "earth attribute" allow him to have the ability to "earth escape" like the "earth grandson" in "Fengshen Bang", able to sneak quickly underground.

If this is the case, Ye Rongrong feels that he really has the ability to go to heaven and earth.

Ye Rongrong's heart couldn't help but flutter a little.

"The soil attribute allows the host to freely enter the soil material through the medium of the soil material."

Soon Ye Rongrong had an introduction about "earth attribute" in his mind.

"Can you really enter the ground?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

"Do you want to try?"

Ye Rongrong thought about it and started to do it.


Ye Rongrong chanted according to the mantra in his mind.

Immediately, Ye Rongrong's feet sank into the ground, but Ye Rongrong didn't feel any discomfort in his feet.

Ye Rongrong used his consciousness to let his whole body enter the soil.

Even if his whole body entered the ground, Ye Rongrong didn't feel any discomfort, instead he felt that his body was a part of the ground.

Even Ye Rongrong can clearly see the situation on the ground and hear the sound on the ground.

"Isn't this amazing?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help sighing.

This "lazy system" is so powerful that it even has the "Earth Dungeon" in the era of Chinese mythology.

Could it be that the fairies and monsters in the fairy tales have some kind of relationship with the "Maya planet" that I don't know.

Ye Rongrong suddenly became suspicious.

But when he thought about it, the extremely powerful "Maya Planet" had been destroyed by his own technology, so Ye Rongrong didn't think much about it.

Otherwise, if this "Yama Planet" still exists, Ye Rongrong will be a little restless.

I'm really afraid that one day a group of characters like those immortals and demons in the age of mythology will descend on the earth.

That might be a disaster!

Anyway, Ye Rongrong didn't think it was a good thing.

Ye Rongrong walked on the ground, and soon walked outside the yard, where he saw "Xiao Si'er" fishing by the lake with a fishing rod.

As soon as Ye Rongrong turned his eyes, he walked to the position behind "Xiao Si'er", reached out his hand from the soil, and patted "Xiao Si'er" on the back lightly.

"Who is it!"

"Xiao Si'er" was startled by such a sudden slap, and suddenly turned around to look behind him in displeasure, but there was no one at all.

"Strange, is it my own illusion?"

Xiao Si'er was a little puzzled.

After looking around and confirming that there was no second person, Xiao Si'er turned back and continued fishing.


Soon, Xiao Si'er screamed in horror, because he felt that he was slapped on the back again, and this feeling was absolutely unmistakable.

But no matter how he looked at it, Xiao Si'er found that there was no one within 50 meters around him.

"Could it be?"

Immediately, Xiao Si'er's face turned pale with fright, threw the fishing rod, and ran into the yard, yelling constantly: "Ghost...there is a ghost!"

"I didn't expect this to scare Xiao Si'er. It seems that after marrying a beautiful wife, this Xiao Si'er is much less courageous."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and walked quickly underground.

The speed of "running away" was very fast, and Ye Rongrong returned to the bedroom very quickly.

Now Ye Rongrong is very satisfied with this "earth attribute".

After not checking the attributes for a long time, Ye Rongrong checked his own attributes.

Immediately, personal attributes appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

Host Gender: Male

Host age: 29

Host Fame: Squire and Celebrity

Host Honors: Philanthropist, General, Network Platinum Writer

Host Level: Excellent Lazy.

Host physical condition: general elite level.

Host life skills: god-level chef (cook), advanced acupuncture, advanced medical skills, advanced animal taming skills, experts in thousands of languages, wine brewing skills, master-level Go skills, and advanced engraving skills.

Other skills of the host: Taijiquan, iron cloth shirt, master-level piano art, master-level painting skills, god-level hacking skills, gambling skills, advanced driving skills, Lingbo Weibu, advanced Fengshui techniques, identification techniques, Wanjian Jue.

Special abilities of the host: water attribute, mind power, detection, treasure sensing, wind attribute, intelligence aura, ten-second time stillness, invisibility, "earth attribute".

Host Glory Value: 150


Seeing that there were only 150 glory points left, Ye Rongrong stopped thinking about drawing a lottery again.

"Ghost... There are ghosts..."

"Really... there are ghosts..."

Suddenly, Xiao Si'er's terrified cry came from outside the house.


I didn't expect this Xiao Si'er to become so timid and so frightened now.

Ye Rongrong shook his head and walked out of the bedroom.

"Brother Rong... Rong Rong... There are... There are ghosts!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong coming out, Xiao Si'er immediately ran to Ye Rongrong's side and said in horror.

"Ghost, where is there any ghost in this world, are you dreaming!"

Ye Rongrong glared at Xiao Si'er and said,

It is obvious that he patted him on the back by himself, but called himself a ghost. It is no wonder that Ye Rongrong can give Xiao Si'er a good face.

"Really, there are ghosts!"

Xiao Si'er said with a pale face.

"Xiao Si, please explain clearly, what kind of ghost is not a ghost, it confuses us."

Liu Qingqing looked at Xiao Si'er and said.

What happened to scare Xiao Si'er, a tall and big man, into such a fright.

As for whether there are ghosts in this world, Liu Qingqing is not sure, but Liu Qingqing is very clear about one thing, even if there is a man of her own, ghosts are nothing to be afraid of.

"I was fishing by the lake just now, and suddenly my back..."

After Xiao Si'er told Ye Rongrong and the others what happened just now, she asked with a look of horror, "Didn't you say you encountered a ghost?"

Living in the countryside since she was a child, Xiao Si'er has heard stories about ghosts from old people, and even saw "wild fire" when she was a child.

So Xiao Si'er is very firm that there are ghosts in this world.

"Ghost your head, the sky is bright and white, which ghost dares to come out, it will die!"

Ye Rongrong pointed at the big sun in the sky, and scolded Xiao Si'er with a smile.

"That's right!"

Xiao Si'er looked at the big sun in the sky, nodded and said.

Ghosts can't see the sun anymore, now that the sun is so big, why dare to come out!

But I didn't feel wrong just now, did I really feel someone patting me on the back?

You can say that you felt wrong the first time, but is it also that you feel wrong the second time?

Is there such a possibility?

Xiao Si'er was a little unsure.

"In the past two months, do you often have sex with your wife?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xiao Si'er and asked.

"Yes... yes?"

Xiao Si'er didn't understand that Brother Glory suddenly asked this question, which made Xiao Si'er a little embarrassed.

How does Brother Glory know that he has sex with his wife?

"now it's right!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xiao Si'er and said.

"Yes...what is it?"

Xiao Si'er asked in confusion.


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