"Congratulations, you are going to be a father. Tomato Novel Network ▽△"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xiao Sier with a smile and said.

Just now, Ye Rongrong accidentally discovered that Xiao Si'er's children's palace is plump and bulging, bright and clean, with a ruddy color. Judging from the appearance, this is a sign of having children.

Ye Rongrong suddenly felt that one day he would run out of money, so he could go to fortune-telling to make money.

At the very least, there is absolutely no problem in supporting a family.

"I'm going to be a father?"

After listening to Ye Rongrong's words, Xiao Si'er was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, with a hint of suspicion in her eyes, thinking, how could brother Rongrong know that his wife was pregnant and he didn't even know about it.

"Honey, do you mean that Chenchen is pregnant?"

Liu Qingqing also asked with a look of surprise.

"It should be. Judging from Xiao Si'er's face, Chengchen should be pregnant."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


Liu Qingqing paused for a moment, looked at Ye Rongrong with a puzzled face and asked, "Husband, when will you know your face?"

"Know a thing or two, know a thing or two!"

Ye Rongrong said modestly.

Huaxia's feng shui technique includes the technique of physiognomy, and Ye Rongrong possesses "advanced feng shui technique", so he can naturally look at people's faces.

"Brother Glory, you didn't lie to me, am I really going to be a father?"

Xiao Si'er grabbed Ye Rongrong's hand emotionally and asked.

Once a man gets married, what he wants most is a child, because only with a child can this be considered a complete family.

"From your face, it should be."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Let me just say, why does Chenchen like to eat sour food lately? Occasionally she has nausea and vomiting, and she likes to lose her temper with me when she doesn't come. It turns out that she is pregnant."

After being told by Ye Rongrong, Xiao Si'er suddenly remembered her wife's abnormal behavior during this period of time.

Thinking about it now, Xiao Si'er wanted to call herself a pig. Aren't these all signs of a woman's pregnancy?

At that time, I was still wondering if my wife had advanced menopause?

Xiao Si'er had the urge to slap herself.

"You men are careless!"

Liu Qingqing glanced at Xiao Si'er and said.

Really, his own wife is pregnant, and this little Si'er doesn't even know about it, it really shouldn't be.

Think about when I was pregnant, my husband found out the first time.

No matter how you look at it, her husband is better than Pan Chengchen's husband.

Women like to compare their husbands with other people's husbands.

Unlike other women who always feel that their husbands are not as good as other people's husbands, in Liu Qingqing's eyes, other people's husbands are not as good as her own.

She is the happiest woman.

"I'm going to call Chenchen now."

Saying that, Xiao Si'er hurriedly took out her mobile phone and ran out of the yard.

Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing were by the side, Xiao Si'er couldn't say anything for fear of being teased by Ye Rongrong and the others.

As for what the hell happened, Xiao Si'er had already forgotten about it.

"Is everything ready?"

Ye Rongrong asked Liu Qingqing.

After all, this time I am going to my old man’s house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I can’t leave empty-handed, I have to bring some Mid-Autumn gifts.

The gifts for this Mid-Autumn Festival are basically moon cakes.

Ye Rongrong deliberately drove to Qiaodun Town in the neighboring county yesterday to buy half a carload of Qiaodun mooncakes.

Qiaodun mooncake is a famous snack of the Han nationality in the southern part of Zhejiang Province.

The method of Qiaodun mooncakes is also unique in the local area. The selection of materials is quite sophisticated, and the process is relatively complicated. The main raw materials are: fine flour, peanuts, sesame, longan, white sugar, vegetable oil, spine fat, melon seeds, winter melon sugar, red Local specialty mooncakes made of high-quality ingredients such as melons, onions, and preserved fruits.

The mooncakes that Ye Rongrong ate during the Mid-Autumn Festival were basically Qiaodun mooncakes when he was a child. There are two time-honored mooncakes in Qiaodun, namely "Chen Fuxing Mooncake" and "Ding Yuanxing Mooncake".

If you send mooncakes to relatives and friends in Wenzhou during the Mid-Autumn Festival,

Basically, I choose these two mooncakes.

Of course, if many people eat at home, they will choose to buy bridge pier mooncakes in bulk, because the bulk price is cheap, and of course ordinary people will choose cheap ones to eat at home.

Ye Rongrong chose the mooncakes from "Ding Yuanxing Mooncake Shop" because this shop is the most famous. As for the taste, the mooncakes from various mooncake shops in Qiaodun are basically the same.

Because the operators of the mooncake shops in Qiaodun Town have some connections with each other, either they were brothers or apprentices when they were learning art, so the taste is naturally not much different.

"Everything is ready, everything to be brought is put on the plane."

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

"Okay then, let's go now!"

Ye Rongrong looked at his watch, it was already half past nine in the morning, and said.


Ye Rongrong's helicopter landed on the tarmac of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army. After all, the area where Liu's family lived was a no-fly zone for planes. Ye Rongrong had no way to fly the helicopter directly to the Liu family compound.

"Honey, let's go to our new home first, what do you think?"

After getting off the plane, Ye Rongrong asked Liu Qingqing.

The small courtyard house that Ye Rongrong bought in the capital last time has been renovated and is ready to move in at any time. Ye Rongrong plans to move in today.

Taking advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday these days, Ye Rongrong planned to spend the holiday with his family in this capital.

Now in the capital, I also have my own house, so I don't have to live in my husband's house anymore.

It's not that Ye Rongrong has any dissatisfaction with the old man's family, but because he lives in the old man's house for a long time, Ye Rongrong feels a little uncomfortable.

Maybe I am too masculine!

No matter what, Ye Rongrong still likes his house.

There's no place like home.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

Liu Qingqing also knew that Ye Rongrong bought a courtyard house in the capital, but she hadn't visited it yet.

But there is one thing that Liu Qingqing knows very well, in the capital where every inch of land is expensive, this courtyard house is definitely worth a lot.

The Borui car that Ye Rongrong bought in the capital and the bulletproof car equipped by the security department are all parked in the parking lot of the PLA General Hospital.

Although it hasn't been driven here for a long time, there are people in the hospital who take care of these vehicles, and they don't look dirty at all.

When Ye Rongrong returned to the capital, he didn't greet the people from the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in advance, and no one specially came to pick him up, which saved a lot of trouble.

It was already past twelve o'clock at noon, and a group of people drove to the location of the small courtyard after having a meal in a high-end hotel near the PLA General Hospital.

It is not the morning or evening rush hour of traffic in the capital city, and the road is not very crowded. It took an hour to finally drive the car to the small courtyard.

The main reason is that there are many traffic lights on the roads in Beijing, and there are many places with speed limits. It is still fast to drive from the PLA General Hospital to the small courtyard in an hour.

If it is the morning peak and evening peak, this time must be multiplied by 2.

The working hours of the big and small companies here in the capital are all at nine o'clock in the morning, but many people who go to work are on the road two or three hours in advance, otherwise it is easy to be late.

"Honey, this is the courtyard house you bought, it's really beautiful!"

After looking around the courtyard, Liu Qingqing said happily.

The decoration style and layout of this courtyard are Liu Qingqing's favorite. Looking around, Liu Qingqing is very satisfied with this small courtyard.

After all, this also belongs to one's own home, and one's own home should naturally be lived in by one's own liking.

"It's pretty good."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

After buying the courtyard last time, Ye Rongrong directly handed over the courtyard to Zhang Hua and asked her to supervise the decoration company's renovation of the courtyard.

This is also the first time that Ye Rongrong has seen the effect of this decoration.

The overall decoration is still done according to Ye Rongrong's requirements. It is not luxurious, but it must have a warm feeling of home.

Although it cost more than five million yuan to decorate the courtyard, Ye Rongrong was not disappointed by the decoration effect.

"Well, I like it very much"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

"Honey, as long as you like it."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong actually decorated this yard according to Liu Qingqing's favorite style.

Because before coming here, Zhang Hua had already arranged for someone to clean the yard, and the whole yard was very clean, and they could move in completely without having to clean it again.

Arranging for Ma Yu and the others to buy daily necessities, Ye Rongrong took the family to the old man's house. After all, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he wanted to have a reunion dinner at the old man's house.


As soon as she saw Ye Rongrong entering the yard, Liu Xixi ran over excitedly, hugged Ye Rongrong and shouted happily.

Originally, Liu Xixi wanted to go to her brother-in-law’s house for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, but after hearing that her brother-in-law’s family was going to the capital to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, Liu Xixi put out the idea of ​​going to her brother-in-law’s house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

"Okay, I'm already a big girl, but I can't hug your brother-in-law casually like this!"

Liu Qingqing said to her sister helplessly.

Liu Qingqing has a headache for her younger sister, she likes to cling to her husband.

"Sister, are you jealous?"

Liu Xixi looked at Liu Qingqing and asked.

"Do you want to fight?"

Liu Qingqing made a gesture to hit Liu Xixi.

"Brother-in-law, help, someone is going to murder my own sister!"

Liu Xixi immediately hid behind Ye Rongrong and shouted.

"Okay, stop making trouble, grandpa and the others are all in the house."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Hmph, I'll let you off this time."

Liu Qingqing gave Liu Xixi a blank look, and went into the house. The family members are all in the house now.

"Duddu, auntie hug!"

Seeing that her sister ignored her, Liu Xixi said to Dudu in Ye Rongrong's arms.

"I do not!"

Dudu hugged Ye Rongrong's neck, not letting Liu Xixi hug him.

This child is easy to give birth to. I haven't seen the little aunt Liu Xixi for several months. She has a little bit of her identity and won't let her hug her.

"You little heartless, auntie bought you so many fun and delicious things, you don't recognize little auntie so soon."

Liu Xixi said to Xiaodudu depressedly.

"Kids are like this, I'll be with you later. Let's go in!"

Ye Rongrong said, and walked into the house with Dudu in his arms.


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