The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1692 We are all good citizens

"Xiaoye, I think you should go out and hide. This dog will bite people when it is in a hurry. We don't want to be bitten by dogs, do we?"

Aunt Zhang persuaded Ye Rongrong who was sitting on the alley road.

Now the situation is obvious, these unscrupulous young people hate "Xiaoye" to death, and they are planning to call someone to kill "Xiaoye".

In Aunt Zhang's opinion, it's inappropriate to confront such a bad young man head-on. "Xiaoye" should ask his old father-in-law who is a "high-ranking official" to come forward to resolve this matter.

"Who are you calling a dog?"

Hearing Aunt Zhang's words, the red-haired youth immediately yelled at Aunt Zhang with wide eyes.

"Did I call you a dog? If you think you are a dog, then I will call you a dog."

Aunt Zhang looked at the red-haired youth and said.

Now that Aunt Zhang is in her sixties, she is really not afraid of this red-haired young man, and people like Liang would not dare to do anything to an old man like Aunt Zhang.

If these people dared to attack Aunt Zhang, Aunt Zhang would dare to lie down on the ground and scare them to death.


The red-haired young man was at a loss for words, not knowing how to refute Aunt Zhang.

In terms of cursing, this red-haired young man is no match for Aunt Zhang.

"Brother Ma" in black short-sleeves pulled the red-haired youth and told him not to argue with these old women.

When the person I called arrives, just beat the man up and down, there's no need to waste words with them.

"Brother Ma, let's forget about this matter. I think this person is very difficult. Let's not mess with him."

Li Yuan whispered to "Brother Ma".

I don't know why Li Yuan always has an ominous premonition, Li Yuan wants to leave here quickly.

"Do you think I'm easy to provoke!"

"Brother Ma" glared at Li Yuan and shouted.

Now "Brother Ma" is in a very bad mood, this Li Yuan is raising other people's aspirations and destroying his prestige in front of him, it's no wonder "Brother Ma" can give him a good face.


Li Yuan wanted to tell "Brother Ma" about himself that his father Li Shangshu told him.

"shut up!"

"Brother Ma" glared at Li Yuan and said angrily.

Now "Brother Ma" is not in the mood to talk to Li Yuan.

"Brother Ma..."

Li Yuan wanted to say something, but was stared at by "Brother Ma", and suddenly changed his mouth in fright and said, "I...I have a stomachache, and I go to the bathroom."

"Get lost! Useless things."

"Brother Ma" scolded Li Yuan.

Now "Brother Ma" partly blames Li Yuan for his Bugatti Veyron being dragged away by the city traffic control station.

Who told his father to be in the traffic police brigade of Xicheng District, so he couldn't even settle this matter.


Li Yuan responded, and hurriedly ran out of the alley, clutching his stomach.

Now Li Yuan was terrified by Ye Rongrong's mysterious identity, and felt that he couldn't afford to offend Ye Rongrong, so he ran away quickly.

As for "Brother Ma" and the others?

Forget it, they don't let themselves talk anymore, and they can't control it anymore.

A dead fellow Daoist is not a poor fellow, as long as he is fine.

"Xiaoye, you should listen to Aunt Zhang and hide before those bad guys come."

Sister Jiang also persuaded Ye Rongrong.

In Sister Jiang's opinion, Ye Rongrong is tall and burly, but if there are many people coming from the opponent, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, Ye Rongrong is definitely not their opponent.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, and Sister Jiang also felt that Ye Rongrong should go out to avoid the limelight at this time.

"Aunt Zhang, Sister Jiang, don't worry, I'll be fine. Isn't there still Zi Yan and Ma Yu here?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

With Ye Rongrong's skill, he is really not afraid of the opponent's crowd.

What's more, now that there are a large group of guards with superb martial arts skills around, Nangong Ziyan can beat the people who come to the ground without Ye Rongrong's action.

"What's the use of them?"

Aunt Zhang glanced at Nangong Ziyan and Ma Yu, shook her head and said.

This "Little Leaf" can really joke,

How can these delicate and tender women fight!

"Aunt Zhang, don't worry, with us here, nothing will happen, we will protect the boss."

Ma Yu said to Aunt Zhang with a smile.

With Ma Yu's skills, it is not a problem for one person to deal with six or seven strong men. There are seven people on my side, and I can deal with dozens of people. What's more, as a guard, these people are equipped with firearms .

So there is no fear of the opponent's crowd at all.

Of course, there is another reason. Ma Yu has already called the security department of the military department. The military department will send soldiers over soon, and maybe there is no need for people like himself to do it.

"Xiaoye is messing around, why are you messing around too?"

Aunt Zhang looked at Nangong Ziyan dissatisfied and said.

There are just a few delicate and beautiful girls who still protect "Xiaoye", what a joke.

"Aunt Zhang, Sister Jiang, I will be fine, I will never make fun of my body."

Ye Rongrong said to Aunt Zhang and Sister Jiang with a smile.

No matter what, these new neighbors cared about him so much, which moved Ye Rongrong's heart.

"Okay then, I'll call my son and ask him to come back quickly. Can I help you if there is anything else?"

Seeing that she couldn't persuade Ye Rongrong, Aunt Zhang could only say helplessly.

If this really started a fight, her old arms and legs wouldn't be able to help. Aunt Zhang thought of asking her two sons to come and help.

I have to say that Aunt Zhang is really a very enthusiastic person.

"Aunt Zhang, I really don't need it. Don't worry, no matter how many people come, I will be fine."

Ye Rongrong said gratefully to Aunt Zhang.

"Are you really confident?"

Aunt Zhang asked Ye Rongrong a little worriedly.

"I have confidence. If I didn't have confidence, why would I just sit here and wait for them to call?"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong was so confident, Aunt Zhang and the others stopped talking.

Anyway, Aunt Zhang and the others felt that Ye Rongrong was a little unclear.


Ten minutes later, five minivans drove into the alley quickly and stopped at the side of the alley.

As soon as the doors of the vans were opened, more than 30 well-dressed young men walked out of the five vans, with various animal patterns tattooed on their bodies. It was obvious at first glance that these people were not kind people.

Each of these people held a wooden stick in their hands and walked towards Ye Rongrong.

Ye Rongrong looked at these people and couldn't help shaking his head a little. In a place like the capital where the security management is so strict, how come such people haven't been arrested.

Ye Rongrong was thinking in his heart, if the Beijing police station put all these fancy-dressed people with various animal pattern tattoos in jail, the public security in the capital would definitely be improved by more than half.

Of course, this is not only for the capital, but for all other cities in China, this is the law.

Ye Rongrong thought in his heart, if he was the chief of the police station, he would arrest all such people, and then he would not have to worry about public security issues.

Of course, this is just Ye Rongrong's addiction, Ye Rongrong will not become the chief of some police station. .

"It's troublesome, there are so many people here."

Seeing so many people holding wooden sticks, Sister Jiang suddenly said uneasy.

If there was a fight, "Xiaoye" would not be an opponent at all.


At this moment, the siren of the military vehicle came to the alley, and the sound was getting closer.

This made the gang of unscrupulous youths who were walking towards Ye Rongrong stop in their tracks. They didn't understand why the siren of a military vehicle sounded nearby.

But no matter what, now that there are military vehicles passing by here, some of these unscrupulous young people dare not act rashly, for fear of attracting the attention of the passing soldiers.

But soon, these unscrupulous young people felt that something was wrong, because the siren of the military vehicle was getting closer and closer. According to the sound, it was coming towards this alley.

But this alley is not a main road, and there is still a certain distance from the main road. How could these military vehicles drive here.

It's a pity that before these people figured out the reason, four or five military vehicles drove into the alley quickly.

After parking, more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition got out of each military vehicle.

"My God!"

"What... what's going on here?"

"Why are there so many soldiers here?"

"This...what's the big deal?"

Seeing so many soldiers with live ammunition appearing in the alley, everyone in the alley was shocked.

Especially those unscrupulous young people with wooden sticks in their hands, their faces turned green with fright.

None of these people have shown their prestige yet.

Where did this kill so many soldiers!

This is really killing!

"Don't move!"

As soon as they got out of the car, these soldiers with live ammunition held their guns and shouted loudly at these unscrupulous youths with sticks in their hands.


"Don't shoot...don't shoot...misunderstanding...misunderstanding..."

"Brother Bing, is there some misunderstanding? We are all good citizens, good citizens."

With so many guns pointed at them, these unscrupulous youths were so frightened that their feet went weak.

If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't dare to take this job if I was killed!

Being held by so many guns, if any gun accidentally went off, it would be really fatal.

"Put down your weapons!"

An officer with the rank of major shouted at such a bad young man.

"Let it go, we can rest assured!"

"I really misunderstood. We just took the wooden stick for fun. It's just for fun. We didn't do anything illegal."

"We are really good citizens!"

"Brother Bing, can you put this gun down, it looks really scary!"

These unscrupulous youths threw the wooden sticks in their hands on the ground one after another, looked at the soldiers anxiously and said.

Anyone who is pointed at by so many guns will be scared to death.

"Catch them all!"

The major officer immediately ordered the soldiers below.

Soon these unscrupulous youths were caught by these soldiers and put on military vehicles.

"What... what's going on?"

Seeing this scene, "Brother Ma" was so frightened that his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

Those who can be transferred to the army in the capital are definitely much higher than my father. Now "Brother Ma" is really scared.

"Brother Ma, what... what should we do now?"

The voice of the red-haired youth trembled a little.

Now the red-haired young man is really scared now, he knows that even his father can't save him this time.


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