The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1693 No matter what you say, it makes sense

"I... I don't know either."

Now "Brother Ma" is also scared out of proportion.

It never occurred to him that this guy surnamed Ye was so awesome that he could call soldiers.

How can this fight!

"Brother Ma" really couldn't figure out when such a powerful person lived in this alley.

You must know that the reason why "Brother Ma" and the others set up a private club in this courtyard and dare to park indiscriminately here is because they already know the situation of the residents here.

The people living in the courtyard in this alley are ordinary people, and they are all ordinary people who are not very good at messing around. No one dares to mess with these people.

Even if something happens, he can easily settle it.

This time, I really don't know where such an awesome character came from.


After asking the soldiers to arrest those unscrupulous youths with tattoos on their hands, the major officer immediately ran over to Ye Rongrong and saluted Ye Rongrong: "Report to the chief, Major Xiang Zhigang from the Beijing Security Department came to report!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Ye Rongrong stood up from his seat and returned a military salute to the major officer, then nodded and said.

"Serve the people!"

The major officer said reflexively.


Hearing the major's words, the onlookers couldn't help but smile knowingly.

But after laughing, everyone was very curious about Ye Rongrong's identity.

A major-level officer should salute Ye Rongrong and call him chief.

Is this Ye Rongrong also a soldier?

He is a lieutenant colonel? Colonel? Colonel?

Or a major general?

But thinking of the major general, everyone shook their heads involuntarily.

Ye Rongrong is really too young.

How could he be a major general at such a young age?

Especially Aunt Zhang and Sister Jiang, they couldn't believe that this young man who was very good in their eyes turned out to be a high-ranking official.

It turns out that there is not only an old man who is a high-ranking official, but he himself is a high-ranking official.

Everyone is really worrying for nothing!

"Take them away together and hand them over to the city police station, and let the city police station check them out."

Ye Rongrong pointed to the group of red-haired youths and said to the major officer.


Xiang Zhigang gave a military salute to Ye Rongrong, then turned around and arranged for the soldiers to arrest the red-haired youths.

Before coming, Xiang Zhigang received instructions to protect General Ye's safety and obey General Ye's command.

"I... I didn't break the law, you can't arrest me."

Seeing these soldiers rushing to catch them, the red-haired young man panicked and shouted hastily.

But no matter how he yelled, the two soldiers restrained him and made him unable to move.

"My dad is the mayor of Xicheng District. You are not the police, so you can't arrest me."

Both hands were controlled by the soldiers, "Brother Ma" shouted hastily.

Now this "Brother Ma" can only hope that his father's identity can scare these soldiers.

It's a pity that the idea is full, but the reality is cruel.

"Be honest with me."

Seeing "Brother Ma" yelling and wanting to use his father's status to suppress himself, a soldier who controlled "Brother Ma" suddenly became upset and kicked "Brother Ma" on the leg, The painful "Brother Ma" broke out in a cold sweat, and did not dare to gnaw anymore.

"Put them all in the car."

Xiang Zhigang ordered.

Soon this group of rich second generations were escorted into military vehicles.

After Xiang Zhigang gave a military salute to Ye Rongrong, he led these people out of the alley.

"Okay, the matter is settled, everyone leave!"

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Ye Rongrong said something, and hurried to the yard.

"I really didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Yeah, there's no need to think that this new resident is so awesome. In the future, who will dare to say that there are no big shots in our alley."

"What do you say is the identity of this new resident?"

"How would I know, they just moved in yesterday, okay?


"Aunt Zhang, you have been to his house, what kind of official do you think this person is?"

An old lady asked Aunt Zhang curiously.

"I don't know, I didn't expect that 'Xiaoye' is also an official!"

Aunt Zhang shook her head and said.

Not to mention other people, now Aunt Zhang is very curious about Ye Rongrong's identity.

"It doesn't matter what official 'Xiaoye' is, he has done a big favor for our alley."

Sister Jiang said.

"That's right, seeing those arrogant rich second generations being captured by soldiers, I'm in a particularly good mood."

"I think after this time, these people will never dare to come to our alley to play wild again."

"I wish this group of people wouldn't come to our alley. What kind of stuff are they? They have no quality at all. It would be best to arrest them and shoot them."

"Shooting is unlikely, but it is true that they will never dare to come here again."

"Hahaha, seeing those rich second generations turn pale with fright, my heart is very painful."

People in the alley were discussing excitedly.

Everyone believes that after this time, these arrogant rich second generations will never dare to come to their own alley to act wildly again.

This matter was resolved satisfactorily.


In the courtyard.

"Where did these people get so much money to buy this super luxury car?"

Ye Rongrong asked Nangong Ziyan who was walking beside him.

"It should be given by the family, right?"

Nangong Ziyan thought for a while and said.

After all, those super sports cars cost tens of millions or more, so Nangong Ziyan didn't believe that those young people could earn so much money.

From what these people said just now, Nangong Ziyan could tell that the families of these people were all officials.

Being an official in China, relying on that little salary, even if you don't eat or drink for a lifetime, you can't afford a super sports car.

So obviously there is something wrong with the origin of the money.

"Then where does their family get their money from?"

Ye Rongrong continued to ask.

"I... I don't know."

Nangong Ziyan hesitated, then shook her head and said.

There are some things, even if you feel like a mirror in your heart, you can't talk nonsense.

"Forget it, I'll call Secretary Zhang of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Ye Rongrong understood what Nangong Ziyan was worried about, so he stopped asking her.

Anyway, Ye Guangrong didn't plan to end this matter just like that. There is a saying that "letting the tiger go back to the mountain is like bringing about its own destruction".

For these people, since they met, Ye Rongrong was not going to let them go so lightly. The reason why these young people dare to be so arrogant and ignore the common people is because they have a powerful father and mother behind them.

Unless the backers behind them are brought down, these people will continue to oppress the common people.

It's just that I dare not come to this alley, and continue to oppress the common people in other places.

So Ye Rongrong is going to call Secretary Zhang of the Beijing Disciplinary Committee. As for how to deal with it in the end, Ye Rongrong believes that the Beijing Disciplinary Committee will definitely handle it impartially.

Poor some leaders in Xicheng District don't even know that they have been tricked by their own sons and are about to face prison.


As the eldest son-in-law of Liu's family in the capital city and the major general director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Ye Rongrong now has a wide network of contacts, so he naturally knows one or two leaders of the Beijing Disciplinary Committee.

After finishing the phone call with Secretary Zhang, the head of the Beijing Discipline Inspection Commission, let Secretary Zhang handle it. Ye Rongrong is too lazy to follow up on this matter. I believe that Secretary Zhang will definitely enforce the law impartially.

"Xiaoye, thank you so much this time."

Not long after Ye Rongrong hung up the phone, Aunt Zhang and Sister Jiang came over with a smile and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Xiaoye, if it weren't for you, we really couldn't beat them."

Aunt Zhang said happily.

"It's nothing, I just know a few friends from the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau and the Beijing Army, and they are also business-like, so it's because of those people that they didn't behave properly."

Ye Rongrong said modestly.

"Xiaoye, you know more than a few friends. That officer, I heard someone say that he is a major. Every major salutes you and calls you 'chief'. Xiaoye, tell everyone. What kind of official are you?"

Sister Jiang asked curiously.

"I am just an ordinary person."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"We don't believe it, Xiaoye, you must be a high-ranking official."

Uncle Wang said.

"It doesn't matter whether I am a senior official or not, we are all neighbors, neighbors, right?"

Ye Rongrong smiled.

"I like what Xiaoye said."

Aunt Zhang nodded and said happily.

"Xiaoye, if you are not married yet, I will definitely introduce my daughter to you."

Sister Jiang said jokingly.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Sister Jiang with a depressed face and said.

In the morning, they also taught themselves to show their men a good look. If their men treated them badly, they would run to their mother's house and let their men come here for a while.

In this situation, do you still dare to be cold?

This elder sister Jiang is ready to introduce her daughter to her husband.

"Qingqing, I'm joking, don't take it to heart."

Sister Jiang said to Liu Qingqing with a smile.

It's a pity that "Xiaoye" got married too early. If she hadn't married, Sister Jiang really wanted to introduce her daughter who was studying in college to him.

In today's society, there are too few good men, especially young and promising men like "Xiao Ye", who have status and status, and who have such a sense of justice are even rarer.

"Hehe, I know you're kidding me, sister."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

"Qingqing, you can't take what your aunt told you this morning."

Aunt Zhang remembered something and hurriedly said to Liu Qingqing.

"What's going on?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

"It's the means of treating men. The means I told you in the morning are for dealing with incompetent men like my wife and capable men like Xiaoye. You can't take it lightly. You can't let him sit for a few months , Half a year, then he will be seduced by other beautiful women, we women can meet such a good man, but we have to..."

Aunt Zhang talked to Liu Qingqing about her experience again.

This made Ye Rongrong admire these women, it really makes sense.



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