The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1694 Love Story

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Throughout the afternoon, Ye Rongrong's courtyard was bustling. After seeing off Aunt Zhang and Sister Jiang, many neighbors from the alley came to visit one after another. .

"Little Ye!"

"Uncle Zhao, you are here."

"This is a foreign wine that my son-in-law brought me from abroad. It's a good wine, but I'm not used to it, so I brought it for you."

"Uncle Zhao, how can this be done? It was given to you by your son-in-law. How can I accept it?"

"What's the matter? Isn't it just two bottles of wine? If you don't accept it, you will look down on me, Mr. Zhao."

"Then...then I'll accept it!"

"Are you always?"

"I live in the courtyard on the east side of the hutong. My surname is Gong, and I will be neighbors in the neighborhood from now on. I thought about coming here to get acquainted. Thank you so much for what happened today. You have done a great thing for our hutong. "

"Master Gong, you're being polite. I'm also a member of this alley now. Naturally, I'll take care of these people messing around in our alley."

"I know that young man, you are a warm-hearted person. If you have time, you can go to the uncle's house to sit."

"Okay, I will definitely go when I have time."




One afternoon, many neighbors from the neighborhood came to visit, some already knew each other, some did not, which made Ye Rongrong's courtyard very lively.

Fortunately, these neighbors came to drop by the door, said a few words and left, otherwise, Ye Rongrong's courtyard would not be able to accommodate so many people.

It didn't stop until around four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Honey, bring me a bottle of iced tea, I'm dying of thirst."

After seeing off a neighbor, Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing.


Soon Liu Qingqing took a bottle of iced black tea and handed it to Ye Rongrong.

"Honey, if there are neighbors from the neighborhood, you can take care of them. This work is too tiring, and my throat is hoarse when I speak."

After taking a sip of iced black tea, Ye Glory said to Liu Qingqing.

Ye Rongrong is really not used to the work of receiving guests.

It took a lot of effort, and he died.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingqing nodded.


Afternoon, five o'clock.

There was a new group of guests in the courtyard, they were old friends, so Ye Rongrong still came forward to receive them in person.

"Brother Ye, your courtyard house is not bad."

Zhang Wansan looked at Ye Rongrong's courtyard carefully and praised.

Zhang Wansan felt that this courtyard house was much better than the big villa he was living in, no matter the layout or its accumulated historical charm.

Looking at Ye Rongrong's courtyard, Zhang Wansan had the idea of ​​buying a courtyard in this alley.

It's a very good thing to be neighbors with Big Brother Ye.

"Not bad, I spent a lot of money to buy it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong is also very satisfied with the courtyard house he lives in now.

Whether it's the layout of this courtyard house or the human touch of this hutong neighborhood, Ye Rongrong has a good impression of this place.

With the rise of high-rise buildings in the metropolis, the human touch between people has become much weaker than before. In the big city of Beijing, there are few people in the old capital who are as enthusiastic as the people in this alley.

Living in this alley, everyone knows each other and visits to greet each other, which makes Ye Rongrong feel like he is in his own country, which is very good.

Ye Rongrong likes the human touch in the countryside very much. People at the head of the village know people at the end of the village, and everyone walks around with each other. If someone has something to do, everyone helps each other.

This kind of human touch is not comparable to the city people who live in high-rise buildings and close their doors every day, and don't know who lives next door.

"Brother Ye, sister-in-law Qingqing, let me introduce you. These are my friends Deng Yi and Zhao Jiayu. They all admire you very much, so I brought them here."

Zhang Wansan pointed to a pair of young men and women who came with him and said.

Zhang Wansan used to call Ye Rongrong "Mr. Ye", but now that everyone is familiar with him, Zhang Wansan calls Ye Rongrong "Big Brother Ye", and he is no longer so reserved when facing Ye Rongrong.

"Brother Ye, hello, you are my idol, and I have heard a lot of your legendary stories."

The young woman named Zhao Jiayu said to Ye Rongrong generously.

"Hi, welcome to my house as a guest."

Ye Rongrong nodded to Zhao Jiayu, who had extremely fair skin.

The first impression Zhao Jiayu gave Ye Rongrong was that this is a mixed-race beauty, she has the unique temperament of Xiaojiabiyu of Chinese women, and the beauty of white skin of Western women, the combination of these two kinds of beauty makes this Zhao Jiayu unique. A particularly eye-catching beauty.

This is definitely a beauty at the level of the city and the country.

It's a pity that she was unlucky today. With Liu Qingqing, a peerless beauty, her beauty suddenly seemed to be lacking in brilliance.

"Brother Ye, hello, I also admire you very much."

Deng Yi shook hands with Ye Rongrong and said.

Deng Yi didn't know much about this uncle of the Liu family, except that he was the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine last year.

After all, for reasons of confidentiality and safety, there are basically no reports about this mysterious uncle of the Liu family, and even some previous reports about him have been quietly withdrawn.

Now in Baidu Encyclopedia, I can check the information of this uncle of the Liu family, except for some basic information, there is nothing else.

Even the photo of the uncle of the Liu family could not be searched on Huaxia's Internet. There are still some photos and videos about the scene of Ye Glory winning the Nobel Prize on foreign websites.

However, few people abroad will pay attention to a Nobel Prize winner who is not from their own country.

Not to mention foreigners, how many people in China pay attention to Nobel Prize winners?

Nowadays people like to pay attention to celebrities, how many ordinary people know the name of the Nobel laureate and what he looks like...

It's just that Deng Yi especially admired Zhang Wansan, and Zhang Wansan especially admired Ye Rongrong, and often mentioned how powerful and mysterious Ye Rongrong was in front of everyone.

This made Deng Yi slowly admire Ye Rongrong.

"Really? Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend."

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Everyone don't stand, sit down, I'll bring you some fruit."

Liu Qingqing invited everyone to sit down.

"Sister Qingqing, don't bother, we are not unfamiliar."

Zhao Jiayu took Liu Qingqing's hand and said.

This Zhao Jiayu was about the same age as Liu Qingqing, and he was also a child of a top family in the capital. He had known Liu Qingqing before.

Zhao Jiayu used to be jealous that Liu Qingqing was more beautiful than herself, but now Zhao Jiayu has new jealousy, jealous that Liu Qingqing has a good husband.

It's not that Zhao Jiayu is interested in Ye Rongrong, nor is it that Zhao Jiayu doesn't like Deng Yi anymore.

Mainly women have a romantic feeling.

Now the story of Liu Qingqing and Ye Rongrong is circulating in the aristocratic families in the capital. It is said that the reason why Liu Qingqing ran away from home was because she had made a vow of eternal love with Ye Rongrong. Ye Rongrong, who was still poor and white at the time, eloped...

I don't know whose mouth this story came from, but it just described the love story of Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing in a decent way, which is comparable to the ancient Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

It's just that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are more unlucky, that Liang Shanbo is not as capable as Ye Rongrong, and can make the wealthy family recognize him as a son-in-law.

But Ye Rongrong is different. This is a very powerful man. On the first day when he went to the old man's house, he directly beat him in. Even dozens of guards couldn't stop him.

In the end, the Liu family had to admit that he was a uncle.

Even the process of Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing's acquaintance was well-known. It was a stormy afternoon, Liu Qingqing was blown by the storm and hit the road, and a high-speed vehicle headed towards her...

A very old-fashioned story of a hero saving the beauty, just such a old-fashioned story, is now very popular in the family of the capital, especially for girls like Zhao Jiayu who are still in the age of dreaming.

Gradually, the story of Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing turned into a very touching and romantic love story of eachother.

Zhao Jiayu also really wants such a romantic love.

It's a pity that as a child of a family, Zhao Jiayu's marriage is destined to have political factors.

This Deng Yi is the future husband-in-law appointed by the Zhao family to Zhao Jiayu.

Although through dating, Zhao Jiayu also fell in love with Deng Yi and was willing to marry him.

But deep down in his heart, Zhao Jiayu also wanted to have a very romantic encounter, not the marriage appointed by his family.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for three years, Jiayu, you are much more beautiful, you are simply stunning."

Liu Qingqing said while holding Zhao Jiayu's hand.

As a child of a top family in the capital, although Liu Qingqing was not friends with Zhao Jiayu before, she was an acquaintance and often saw her at some gatherings.

After all, as a woman, especially a beautiful woman, she is particularly concerned about the existence of other beautiful women.

"Sister Qingqing, don't make fun of me, you are getting more and more beautiful, I thought I had caught up with you, but who knows that the gap is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that I will lose to you in my life gone."

Zhao Jiayu said with a sigh.

In the past few years, she has become much more beautiful, but this Liu Qingqing has become even more beautiful.

It seems that her marriage is really happy, and the nourishment and beauty made me, a woman, attracted by her beauty.

Zhao Jiayu now somewhat understands Zhou Yu's blood-vomiting words during the Three Kingdoms period: "Since Yu was born, He Shengliang".

"Hehe, stop praising each other. You are all beauties. You are so beautiful that even women on earth are jealous."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's right, I really envy Brother Ye and Deng Yi, who have such peerless beauties to accompany them for a lifetime, I just can't do it,"

Zhang Wansan said enviously.

After all, a fair lady is a gentleman, and Zhang Wansan is also a normal big man. If you don't envy it, there is really something wrong.

"Don't complain to me. You are the most carefree here. I think your secretary is pretty good. As a man, I think you have to be responsible to others."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Zhang Wansan and said.

For Liu Xiaoqing, Zhang Wansan's female secretary, Ye Rongrong was still very impressed, and thought she was a very nice girl.


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