The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1696 Sudden Change

"My surname is Ye."

Ye Rongrong nodded to Li Xianger and said.

"So it's Young Master Ye. Hello Young Master Ye, my name is Li Xiang'er. Let me sing and dance with you tonight."

After speaking, Li Xianger immediately took Ye Rongrong's arm and said enthusiastically.

My sister told me that the people who came here today are all the children of the top aristocratic families in the capital. As long as I take care of them, I can make myself the number one or number two actress of a popular TV series or movie with just a phone call.

Forget about that Young Master Shen, he is the object of my good sister's fawning, and it's not easy for me to rob her.

As for the other one, with pimples all over his face, Li Xianger disliked him a little.

Especially at the thought of letting him hold her down at night and do that kind of indescribable thing, Li Xianger felt sick all over, so just now in the box, Li Xianger stayed in the corner quietly waiting for the children of other aristocratic families to appear .

Now finally came three more young and old, a man who looked like he was being stared at by the woman next to him, no one dared to provoke him, Li Xianger was not stupid, so naturally he would not provoke him.

And that Young Master Zhang looked like a big shot at first glance, but it was a pity that other people moved much faster than him, and they surrounded Young Master Zhang, and he couldn't squeeze in.

Now Li Xianger can only put the treasure on this "Young Master Ye".

However, judging from the performance of these women in this box, this "Young Master Ye" is probably not a child of a big family, or else a group of people would have surrounded him, and it would not be his turn.

But for Li Xianger, it was enough.

Li Xianger, who came from an ordinary family, understands that there is no shortage of female stars who are prettier than herself around the children of this big family, and even if she sticks to it, she may not be able to please her.

Instead of wasting time competing with other female stars for the children of the big family, it is better to get along with this second- and third-rate family child.

Don't underestimate the children of these second- and third-rate families. If they are willing to make a star, it is very easy.

"Thank you, no need, I have a wife."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Young Master Ye is really a good and responsible man. I really envy Young Master Ye's wife."

Li Xianger said delicately.

But I don't think so, after staying in the entertainment industry for a long time, Li Xiang'er has never seen any man. Those men who talk about having wives are actually the least men, and the most carefree.

"That... this beauty, let's keep a distance, lest the fragrance of your body get on me, and then I will not be able to explain to my wife when I go back."

Ye Rongrong gently detached his arm from Li Xianger's arm, and said to Li Xianger apologetically.

"Hahaha, Young Master Zhang, where did you find such a henpecked bastard!"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, Shen Lang couldn't help but looked at Ye Rongrong mockingly and said.

Immediately, Ye Rongrong turned his head and looked at Shen Lang coldly.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen such a stalwart man like me, a henpecked..."

Ye Rongrong's eyes made Shen Lang very unhappy, and he immediately stared at Ye Rongrong and shouted.

Who is Shen Lang? He is the third young master of the Shen family, the top family in the capital. If Zhang Wansan or Deng Yi, the sons with strong backgrounds, looked at him with such eyes, he would be fine.

But I have never seen this man before, and Zhang Wansan did not introduce him. Although the capital is big, the circle of top aristocratic families is so big. No, so Shen Lang didn't take him seriously at all.


Before Shen Lang finished speaking, Zhang Wansan, who was surrounded by beauties, suddenly pushed away the beauties beside him, came to Shen Lang in a flash, and slapped him hard.

The whole box fell silent in an instant, only the clear and crisp applause echoed in the box.

"Zhang, you fucking beat me!"

Shen Lang never expected that Zhang Wansan would appear out of nowhere and slap him directly.

After being stunned for a while, he came back to his senses, and once he came back to his senses, he clenched his fists and waved towards Zhang Wansan's face.

Although he didn't understand why Zhang Wansan slapped himself suddenly, Shen Lang didn't think too much about it. For Shen Lang, Zhang Wansan slapped himself in front of so many beauties, which was absolutely unbearable.

We are all children of a family of the same level, and there is no possibility of bowing our heads.

If I don't beat this Wansan into a pig's head today, how can I hang out in the circle of children from the aristocratic family in the capital in the future.

But Shen Lang's fist just swung halfway, when a slap from his side hit his face.


Before Shen Lang had time to dodge, the slap had already slapped Shen Lang's face fiercely.

Shen Lang covered his face in pain, pointed at Deng Yi with disbelief and said, "You..."

Shen Lang really couldn't figure out why Deng Yi hit him too.

"What are you, tell you that beating you is considered light, if you dare to speak ill of Brother Ye, I will destroy you."

Deng Yi looked at Shen Lang coldly and said.


Shen Lang was dumbfounded.

I just said that the man Zhang Wansan brought over was a coward who was afraid of his wife, and this man hadn't reacted violently yet, but Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi had such a big reaction, and beat themselves.

This...why is this?

"You don't hit people in the face, and you don't expose them. It's wrong for you to beat people like this."

Ye Rongrong shook his head to Deng Yi and Zhang Wansan and said.

"Brother Ye, you are right, I was impulsive."

"Brother Ye, we will definitely change it next time."

Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi, like the students who did something wrong, lowered their heads and made a review with Ye Rongrong.

"Isn't this true? Am I dazzled, Young Master Zhang and Young Master Deng actually bowed their heads to this Young Master Ye to admit their mistakes?"

"Is this incredible?"

"Who is this Young Master Ye? For him, Young Master Zhang and Young Master Deng actually attacked Young Master Shen?"

"Could it be that Young Master Ye's status is higher than Young Master Zhang and Young Master Deng?"

"Strange, if this Young Master Ye has a high status, how could Young Master Shen not know about it, and dare to make fun of him like that?"

"too weird?"

"What should we do now? Stand over there?"

The sudden scene made the beauties in these boxes dumbfounded.

But soon these beauties began to mutter in their hearts, re-examining the "Young Master Ye" who was not taken seriously by everyone just now.

Perhaps this man is today's "big fish".

"For this kind of person, it should be like this!"

With that said, Ye Rongrong slapped Shen Lang again with one hand.


Shen Lang screamed like killing a pig, his whole body was slapped by Ye Rongrong, and he fell to the ground directly after landing, the fat on his face trembling.


Opening his mouth, Shen Lang spit out his front teeth.

If he dared to call himself a coward, Ye Rongrong would naturally not be polite to him.

Ye Rongrong has never been a good-tempered person.



Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi couldn't help being stunned.

This is called beating people without slapping their face, exposing people without exposing their shortcomings?

Your slap in the face is more ruthless than the two of you!

I'm ashamed to tell myself what to slap someone but not face!

Really... so shameless!

Of course, Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi looked at each other, but they dared not say it.

"Are you crazy? You beat Shen Lang like this."

The female guests in the box were too scared to speak. Li Hualong, who had been sitting on the sofa with his arms around the beauty, also came back to his senses at this time, and shouted at Ye Rongrong and the others in fright.

Who is Shen Lang? He is the third young master of the Shen family.

To be beaten like this by Zhang Wansan and the others, the Shen family will definitely not give up.

Li Hualong really couldn't understand why Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi wanted to help this outsider beat Shen Lang.

Although everyone's friendship is so-so, they often eat and drink together.

How can you turn your face and turn your face!

Besides, aren't Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi afraid that the Shen family will make trouble for them?

Apart from being crazy, Li Hualong really couldn't understand why Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi hit people.

"Li Hualong, I don't have anything to do with you, don't talk too much."

Zhang Wansan glared at Li Hualong and said.

After all, everyone is friends who often play together, Zhang Wansan does not want Li Hualong to follow in Shen Lang's footsteps.

If Shen Lang hadn't scolded Big Brother Ye for being too nasty, Zhang Wansan would not have hit Shen Lang.

But Shen Lang shouldn't have scolded Brother Ye for being a coward who is afraid of women.

Who is Brother Ye?

He is the eldest uncle of the Liu family!

Mr. Huang's savior and year-end friend!

Still a Major General!

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine!

Putting all these aside, Big Brother Ye is still his own savior!

Zhang Wansan naturally did not allow anyone to insult Brother Ye.

Not even Shen Lang who has a good relationship.


After being stared at by Zhang Wansan, Li Hualong suddenly didn't dare to gnaw.

Li Hualong was also worried that Zhang Wansan would not be happy to do something to him. Now they have three big men on their side, and he has only one big man on his side. The difference in strength is too great.

Li Hualong naturally did not dare to commit suicide anymore.

"Be careful!"

Li Xianger pointed at the back of Ye Rongrong and screamed in horror.

Shen Lang, who was originally lying on the ground and howling, suddenly stood up from the ground, then grabbed the stool in the box, lifted it high, and threw it at the back of Ye Rongrong's head.

This stool is made of an iron frame, if it is smashed firmly, the back of Ye Rongrong's head will definitely explode.


"My God..."

The sudden change caused the women in the box to open their eyes and scream.

This is the rhythm of death!

"Shen Lang, stop it!"


Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi also reacted at this time, and rushed to stop Shen Lang.

But it was too late, the iron stool had already smashed Ye Rongrong's head.

Now that he is angry, Shen Lang won't think about going down this stool, whether Ye Rongrong's head will bloom, and whether he will beat him to death.


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