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"Be careful!"

Li Xiang'er was beside Ye Rongrong, and she didn't know where the courage came from. She suddenly turned around and blocked Ye Rongrong's back. She was preparing to take this blow for Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong didn't expect Li Xianger, a weak woman, to be so courageous. Seeing Shen Lang holding up a chair and trying to throw him at him, she would dare to take this blow for herself.

Is she going to die?

A hint of surprise flashed in Ye Rongrong's eyes.

Of course, Ye Rongrong would not let a weak woman like Li Xianger block this blow for him.

"court death!"

Ye Rongrong snorted coldly, grabbed the stool that was about to fall with one hand, and twisted his hand, Shen Lang couldn't help but feel great pain in his hand, and immediately let go of the hand holding the stool.

Ye Rongrong grabbed Shen Lang's neck with the other hand, lifted him up, and threw him to the door of the box.


Shen Lang's body as fat as a pig slammed heavily on the door of the box.


After screaming a few times, Shen Lang passed out in pain.

Although Shen Lang is not tall, he is very fat, at least he weighs 150 to 60 kilograms. He did not expect to be picked up gently by this person and thrown so far.

The box was suddenly dead silent, and everyone stared straight at the astonishing scene in disbelief.

They were shocked how Ye Rongrong lifted Shen Lang's fat pig-like body easily and threw it out.

What a power!

The beauties in the box looked at Ye Rongrong with changed eyes.

The sound insulation effect of this box is so good, even if there is such a loud noise, the waiter guarding the door must not have heard the abnormal noise in the box.

"Damn, dare to sneak attack Brother Ye."

When he came back to his senses, Zhang Wansan cursed, and ran to the door of the box, punching and kicking Shen Lang who had passed out.

Thinking about the scene just now, Zhang Wansan's back is still chilling.

If this stool really hit Brother Ye on the head.

This thing has really become a big deal.

I have to follow to the end.

Now Zhang Wansan even has the heart to kill Shen Lang.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Rongrong asked the pale Li Xianger.

"I...I'm fine..."

Li Xianger recovered from the fear just now and said.

Now Li Xianger was afraid for a while, if that stool fell on her head, her head would definitely explode.

How could I do such a thing on such impulsiveness.

Fortunately, this "Young Master Ye" is powerful, otherwise I would really die.

"Thank you just now!"

Ye Rongrong said gratefully to Li Xianger.

"Actually, I didn't help at all."

Li Xianger said with a slightly red face.

This "Young Master Ye" is so powerful, it is impossible for him to be hurt by this "Young Master Shen". I really did nothing to help.

Originally, he wanted to help "Young Master Ye" block that blow, so that "Young Master Ye" could remember him, and the relationship between him and "Young Master Ye" would be closer.

Looks like it's gone now.

"You can't say that."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

After all, in the scene just now, it took a lot of courage for this Li Xianger to stand up and block that blow for herself.

"Brother Ye, how to deal with this Shen Lang!"

After kicking Shen Lang hard a few times, Zhang Wansan asked Ye Rongrong.

"Don't bother with him, let's go."

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan.

After such a commotion, Ye Rongrong was not in the mood to play here anymore.

"it is good!"

Zhang Wansan nodded and said.

When something like this happened, Zhang Wansan was too embarrassed to ask Ye Rongrong to continue playing here.

Now Zhang Wansan is also very depressed.

Originally, he wanted to ask Ye Rongrong to come out to cheer him up, but this Shen Lang was so short-sighted and ruined the good atmosphere just like that.

Zhang Wansan hates that!

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he walked outside the box.

Originally, Ye Rongrong didn't like such occasions, and when he encountered such disturbing things, Ye Rongrong didn't want to stay here anymore.

But when he reached the door of the box, Ye Rongrong stopped, looked back at Li Xianger and asked, "Shall we go together?"


Li Xianger was stunned for a moment, then realized that she ran towards Ye Rongrong in surprise, wanting to reach out and hold Ye Rongrong's arm.

"Then... keep your distance, I'll go home later."

Ye Rongrong avoided Li Xianger's hand and said.

I don't know why, but as Ye Rongrong grows older, Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be messed with anymore.

I remember when I just got the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong was a little complacent when surrounded by beautiful women, and even dreamed of having three wives and four concubines.

But over time, mentality also changes. On the contrary, Ye Rongrong thinks that marrying a wife is the best, it's not so troublesome.

Look at those Gongxindou dramas in TV dramas, a man caught in a group of women, it is really tiring.

What's more, Ye Rongrong didn't have any bad prejudice against this kind of woman who was in the entertainment industry, and of course he didn't have a good impression either.

In the entertainment industry full of unspoken rules, there are not many women who can keep themselves clean.

Since this Li Xiang'er came to this club to entertain with his young master buddies, Ye Rongrong also knew that she had been dyed by the big dye tank of the entertainment industry.

But no matter what, the girl from the other family can stand up and block that dangerous blow for herself, which makes Ye Rongrong feel a little good in his heart, so Ye Rongrong is going to help her.

It's not easy being a woman in the entertainment industry, and it's even more difficult being a beautiful woman!


Li Xianger replied with a slightly red face.

Now Li Xianger understands that this "Young Master Ye" in front of him really doesn't care, he only has his wife in his heart, which makes Li Xianger especially envious of the wife that "Young Master Ye" talks about.

She is so happy.

"Brother Ye, wait for me."

Zhao Jiayu came back to his senses, and hurriedly followed Ye Rongrong to the outside of the box.

"You take care of the rest of Li Hualong's affairs. Tonight's matter, everyone should be strict. I don't want to hear any gossip outside."

Zhang Wansan glanced at everyone in the box and said coldly.

Originally, I wanted Brother Ye to come out and have fun, but it turned out like this, and Zhang Wansan was in a bad mood.

Naturally, he would not have a good look at these people.

After speaking, Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi also walked out of the box.

"Master Shen, are you okay?"

"Master Shen, I'll call an ambulance for you."

"Really, it hurts me to see it so hard. Young Master Shen, hold on, the doctor will come soon."

As soon as Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi walked out of the box, a large group of beauties in the box ran to the ground and woke up to care for the howling Shen Lang.

Anyway, this Young Master Shen is the third young master of the Shen family, the top family in the capital, and he is the object of everyone's curry favor.

Especially this Young Master Shen was beaten like a dog, his mentality is definitely not normal now, everyone dare not neglect at this time.

Otherwise, he would put this hatred on people like himself, and he would be in big trouble.

Now many people regret attending today's meeting.

But there is no medicine for regret in this world.


"Are you a star in the entertainment industry?"

In the corridor of the clubhouse, Ye Rongrong asked Li Xianger who was walking beside him.

"Well, Young Master Ye has watched the TV series I filmed?"

Li Xianger asked in surprise.

Although Li Xianger is a third- and fourth-tier star, she has actually filmed quite a few TV dramas, but the roles she plays are all relatively sideline supporting roles.

What kind of maid, what kind of department colleagues, and sometimes even passers-by.

They are all characters who can't get on the stage.

Li Xianger is so beautiful, she has acted in so many TV dramas, and she has been so lukewarm, because she has never acted as a heroine, and even the fourth and fifth female roles are rarely her turn.

This is the reason why Li Xianger would have blocked that blow for Ye Rongrong if Li Xianger had made a bold move today.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This Li Xianger has debuted for many years, and she is also beautiful. Ye Rongrong has seen her on TV, so he has some impressions.

"Great, Young Master Ye, what do you think of my acting skills?"

Li Xianger said excitedly.

"not bad."

Ye Rongrong said hahaha.

As for Li Xianger's acting skills, how could Ye Rongrong remember.

In a TV show, Li Xiang'er didn't appear in many scenes, and she wasn't the main character. How many people who watched TV dramas would pay attention to her acting skills.

"Really, I'm so happy, but unfortunately..."

Speaking of this, Li Xianger was a little depressed.

"What a pity?"

Ye Rongrong stopped and looked at Li Xianger and asked.

"It's a pity that I have been filming for five or six years. I have never acted as the lead actress, let alone the lead actress, even the fourth lead actress. I really want to..."

Li Xianger said sadly.

Even if Ye Rongrong didn't ask, Li Xiang'er would find a way to tell Ye Rongrong about this matter.

Li Xianger understands that this may be her most promising chance, or the last chance.

Because after this time, Li Xianger knew that it would be very difficult for him to meet this "Young Master Ye" in the future, and even if he did, he might not be able to remember her.

After all, I am just an insignificant passer-by in the life of this "Young Master Ye".

But for Li Xianger, she understands the importance of this opportunity to herself.

Li Xianger has been in the entertainment circle for five or six years, and this year Li Xianger is 27 years old. In the entertainment circle, women who are not popular at the age of 27 will soon be replaced by those tender and tender women who come out soon. The little star is suppressed.

Men, especially those powerful men in the entertainment industry, are basically those who love the new and dislike the old, and I am no longer popular among them.

If he is not popular again, in two years, he will be squeezed out of the entertainment industry.

This is not the result Li Xianger wanted.

"You let me in, I'll find someone!"

"You can't go in!"

"My daughter is inside, you let me in, I will find my daughter, and I will come out right away."

"No, you leave immediately, or we will call the police."

Suddenly, the noise at the door of the clubhouse interrupted Li Xianger's words.

"This voice is somewhat familiar!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the gate of the clubhouse with some doubts.


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