The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1698 Unspeakable things

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"Brother Rong Yue?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the door of the clubhouse in surprise.

"Brother Ye, how are you doing?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong looking at the entrance of the clubhouse with a surprised face, Zhao Jiayu asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I saw an acquaintance."

Ye Rongrong came back to his senses and said.

I really didn't expect that the man who was arguing with the security guard at the door was Ye Rongyue, a villager of his own village. According to his seniority, Ye Rongyue was of the same generation as him. This Ye Rongyue was ten years older than Ye Rongyue, and Ye Rongyue wanted to call him brother.

It's just that Ye Rongyue was a little surprised that Ye Rongyue came to the capital. You must know that Ye Rongyue met and greeted him in the village last week.

Now this season, he should be doing his farm work at home, why did he come to the capital suddenly.

But Ye Rongrong didn't think too much, and walked quickly to the door of the clubhouse.

"Brother Ye, wait for me."

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking quickly towards the door of the clubhouse, Zhao Jiayu and Li Xiang'er couldn't keep up, so they could only trot after Ye Rongrong.

"Let me in, let me in, I must find my daughter today."

Ye Rongyue said emotionally to the security guard at the gate of the clubhouse.

"Sir, you can't go in, or you just wait quietly outside, if you make such a mess, we really have to call the police."

A security guard said to Ye Rongyue unhappily.

This "South Metropolitan Club" is one of the most high-end clubs in the capital, and the guests here are either rich and powerful, or billionaires. How could it be possible to let such a farmer who can tell at a glance that he is from the countryside enter.

As for the farmer's daughter, from the security guard's point of view, it is very likely that she is in this club. After all, as a high-end club, how could it not have some beautiful beauties.

It's just that there are too many beauties in this club, and they are also very mobile, and they all like to use fake names, what Xiaohong, Xiaoli.

These security guards really didn't know the real names of these beauties, and even if they knew, it was unlikely that they would go in and call her daughter for this farmer.

"Little brother, I know you are a good person, so just let me in? I won't make trouble, I just want to find my daughter."

Ye Rongyue begged the security guard.

"Uncle, I told you that your daughter is really not here, you should go now."

The security guard pushed Ye Rongyue aside and said to him.

After all, guests coming in and out at the entrance of this clubhouse, the impact of noise is very bad.

"No, I saw her go in with my own eyes, and she was inside."

Ye Rongyue said with certainty.

One must know that Ye Rongyue followed all the way to this clubhouse, how could he follow the wrong way.

It's just that I was a step late. When I got out of the taxi, my daughter had already walked into the clubhouse.

"Then you just wait here until your daughter comes out. If you are still messing around, get another security guard to come over. They won't be as polite to you as I am."

The young security guard said to Ye Rongyue impatiently.

People who come to this "Southern Metropolis" to consume are all social elites, and this farmer should not be allowed to spoil the interest of that elite.

Otherwise, the boss would be the first to let himself be the security guard.

Not to mention losing his job, he might even be beaten severely.

"Brother Rong Yue, why are you here?"

Ye Rongyue walked over and shouted to Ye Rongyue who was begging for security.

"Rong... Glory, why are you here?"

Ye Rongyue looked back and saw Ye Glory, and said in a panic.

"A friend invited me to play here. I don't think it's interesting. I'm planning to go back. Brother Rongyue, why did you come to the capital?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.


Ye Rongyue didn't even know how to speak.

It's really embarrassing to tell this matter, Ye Rongyue doesn't want Ye Rongyue to know.

But in this unfamiliar capital,

Ye Rongyue is very helpless now, and the only one who can help him now is Ye Rongyue, a capable person who is rare in this village in five hundred years.

Ye Rongyue was conflicted in his heart.

"Brother security guard, please avoid it."

Ye Rongrong said to the young security guard.

"it is good!"

The security guard nodded and immediately went back to the clubhouse.

"Brother Rong Yue, did something happen to Ye Ling?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

After all, Ye Rongyue heard clearly just now, Ye Rongyue was arguing with the security guard to go in and find his daughter.

And Ye Rongyue's daughter is called Ye Ling. She got very good grades in high school and has always been the pride of Ye Rongyue's family. major.

In August, Ye Rongyue went to Ye Rongyue's house to have a banquet for his entrance examination. For this reason, Ye Rongyao wrapped a big red envelope of 2,000 yuan for their family.

"Hey... this is embarrassing, I can't say it!"

Ye Rongyue sighed, squatting on the ground sadly speechless.

"Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

At this time Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi also came out of the gate of the clubhouse. Seeing Ye Rongrong and the others in a corner not far from the gate of the clubhouse, they hurried up to ask.

"It's nothing, Wansan, go over there for a while, I have something to talk to Brother Rong Yue."

Ye Rongrong said to Zhang Wansan and the others.

It seems that something happened to Ye Ling that Brother Rong Yue couldn't talk about. These words are not suitable for Zhang Wansan and the others to hear.

"Oh well."

Zhang Wansan glanced at Ye Rongyue who was squatting on the ground, nodded to Ye Rongyue, and then led Zhao Jiayu and the others to the other side, making sure that Ye Rongyue's voice could not be heard from that distance.

"Brother Rongyue, please tell me what's going on. I still have some contacts in this capital, and maybe I can help."

Ye Rongyue squatted beside Ye Rongyue and said.

Seeing a tough guy like Ye Rongyue cry, Ye Rongyue felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Rongrong remembered that when he was a kid, Brother Rongyue was already a big man who stood up to the sky. At that time, everyone in Taoyuan Village still lived on the mountain and lived a life of bitter cold.

I remember that people in the village at the foot of the mountain often laughed at myself and those who lived on the mountain, calling them "mountain ghosts".

Ye Rongrong still remembered that every time he passed by the village at the foot of the mountain on his way to school, those villagers would point at his children and say some nasty things.

Everyone has endured these, there is no way people are poor!

People who are poor can only be laughed at.

But the most exaggerated thing is that the people in the village at the foot of the mountain blocked the road later, preventing the people on the mountain from passing through the road at the foot of the mountain.

This angered all the people in Taoyuan Village. Ye Rongyue still remembers it clearly. It was Brother Rongyue who led a group of young people from the village to rush down the mountain with poles to fight with the people in the village at the foot of the mountain. I was so scared that I hid in the house and dared not come out.

In this way, the villagers at the foot of the mountain were blocked for three days, and finally the leaders of the village came forward to coordinate and finally gave up.

Since then, the people at the foot of the mountain no longer dare to laugh at the people who live on the mountain, and even less dare not let the people on the mountain walk the road in the village.

At that time, little kids like Ye Rongyue especially admired big brothers like Ye Rongyue, thinking they were heroes.

In Ye Rongrong's heart, Rong Yue, who has always been a tough guy, actually shed tears, which made Ye Rongyue feel very sad.

Time is the most ruthless. The burly man in those days is now a half-white-haired old man, and time has obliterated a lot.

"Glory, this... this matter, I... I have no face to say it, woo... I have no face to say it..."

Ye Rongyue couldn't help crying as he spoke.

"Brother Rong Yue, don't get excited, let's talk slowly, you have to trust me."

Ye Rongrong took out a pack of tissues from his Qiankun ring, pulled out a tissue and handed it to Ye Rongyue and said.

A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, just because he hasn't reached the sad place.

It seems that this Ye Ling really did something that made Uncle Rong Yue very sad.

After all, Brother Rongyue lost his wife in his early years, and raised his daughter by himself as both a father and a mother. He devoted all his efforts to Ye Ling.

Ye Rongyue still remembered that at the school entrance banquet, Brother Rongyue's joy made everyone in the village happy for him. He finally made it through, and his daughter was admitted to a prestigious university. After graduation, he will be a social elite.

Many people in the village are particularly envious, and some even ask him for advice on this method of educating children.

But how long has it been? Brother Rong Yue actually came to the capital, and he is still so sad.

"Glory, my brother told you about this matter, you can't tell it when you go back to the village, my brother can't afford to lose that person in this life."

Ye Rongyue took the tissue from Ye Rongyue, wiped away his tears, and said to Ye Rongyue.

"Brother Rongyue, don't worry, you know that I don't talk much, and I have a strict mouth."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Hey, how can I open my mouth about this matter, it's a shame..."

Ye Rongyue's heart broke when he thought about his daughter.

"Brother Rong Yue, let's talk slowly without rushing."

Ye Rongyue didn't care whether the ground was dirty, so he just sat on the ground and said to Ye Rongyue.

"A few days ago, I received a call from Lingling's homeroom teacher, saying that Lingling had been going out late every night and came back very late. Every day when it was getting dark, there was an old man in his fifties. The man picked her up at the school gate in a big Mercedes."

"Although Lingling's homeroom teacher didn't say it clearly, I also heard that she meant to tell me that Lingling was taken care of by someone."

"Glory, you know Lingling, she is such a well-behaved girl, how could she do those things, I don't believe it, but I also think Lingling's teacher doesn't need to lie to me."

"In order to know whether Lingling did that thing, I came to the capital without notifying Lingling, and stood guard at the gate of their school. I don't believe Lingling will become like that."


Ye Rongyue was in pain and couldn't speak.

"But Lingling got into that old man's big Mercedes, and you followed him all the way here."

Ye Rongyue continued to say what Ye Rongyue hadn't said.

To be honest, if Brother Rongyue didn't say this himself, it would be hard for Ye Rongrong to believe that Ye Ling, who is regarded as a good girl in everyone's eyes, would become like this.

One must know that she has only been studying in university in Beijing for more than a month!


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