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"The family is unlucky!"

Ye Rongyue said painfully.

"Brother Rongyue, don't be too sad, Lingling is still young, maybe she was confused for a while, and she will know she was wrong after being educated."

Ye Rongyue comforted Ye Rongyue and said.

"Glory, I know Lingling is inside, but I just can't get in."

Ye Rongyue looked at Ye Rongyue asking for help and said.

In Ye Rongyue's view, Ye Rongyue is such a capable person, he must have a way to bring himself into this place to find his daughter.

"Brother Rong Yue, I'll take you in."

Ye Rongrong stood up from the ground and said to Ye Rongyue.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong is also very curious, how the good girl Ye Ling in everyone's eyes has changed after only studying in the capital for a month.

"Glory, thank you!"

Ye Rongyue said to Ye Rongyue gratefully.

"Brother Rong Yue, why are you being polite to me, let's go in!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he took the lead and walked towards the gate of the clubhouse.

"Brother Ye..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking into the clubhouse, Zhang Wansan hurriedly followed and said to Ye Rongrong.

"We're going in to find someone."

Ye Rongrong said something to Zhang Wansan, and then walked into the clubhouse.

Ye Rongyue looked at the security guard who stopped him from going in just now, and followed Ye Rongyue into the door with some anxiety.

The security guard looked at Ye Rongyue, opened his mouth, but still didn't make a sound.

After all, the people who walked with Ye Rongyue were all distinguished guests in the clubhouse, and they were very important figures in the capital, and they were not something that a small security guard could offend.

If this person had told himself earlier that he knew these big shots, how could he have stopped him from coming in.

Now the security guard is worried that Ye Rongyue will make trouble for him.

In that case, he would really have to walk away without food.

Under the leadership of Ye Rongyue, Ye Rongyue walked into the club smoothly all the way.

"Do you know which box Lingling is in?"

Ye Glory turned back and asked Ye Rongyue.

But just after asking this question, Ye Rongrong laughed a little bit at himself. It's not for nothing, brother Rongyue can't even enter the gate, so how do you know which box Lingling is in?

"I... I don't know."

Ye Rongyue said with some anxiety.

Walking into this clubhouse and seeing the magnificent decoration, Ye Rongyue felt a little uneasy.

This is the first time Ye Rongyue has been to such a high-end place. For Ye Rongyue from a poor family, coming here has a deep sense of depression.

This feeling of depression made Ye Rongyue very uneasy and inferior. This is not a place for him to stay.

Ye Rongyue had the urge to turn around and leave the club.

But thinking that his daughter was still inside, Ye Rongyue suppressed the uneasiness and impulse in his heart.

"Brother Ye, why don't we push one by one to look for them."

Deng Yi suggested.

"it is good."

Originally, Ye Rongrong wanted to use the "detection technique" to investigate, but after Deng Yi said so, Ye Rongrong gave up using the "detection technique".

Seeing that Ye Rongrong agreed with his suggestion, Deng Yi volunteered to walk in the front. When he saw a box, he pushed it away without saying hello, and turned on all the lights in the box.


"What are you doing?"

"Grass, looking for death, right?"

The lights in the box were all turned on, and the originally dark box became brighter, and the scene of the whole box immediately fell into everyone's sight.

The men and women who were hugging and hugging each other were taken aback by such a sudden, the woman screamed and hurriedly left the man, while the men who were disturbed looked at Ye Guangrong angrily and cursed.

"Who are you scolding?"

Zhang Wansan stared and said very unhappy.

"Zhang... Young Master Zhang..."

When the man who was full of momentum just now saw Zhang Wansan, he immediately flaccided like a balloon leaking air.

As long as there are no children from the capital's aristocratic families who don't know Zhang Wansan, seeing Zhang Wansan's face that everyone owes him millions, this man is terrified.

"Who are you scolding?"

Zhang Wansan looked at the man with a dark face and continued to ask.

Zhang Wansan is in a bad mood today, so his face is naturally not good-looking.

"I...I scold myself, I'm courting death."

The man said tremblingly.

Who doesn't know that young master Zhang of the Zhang family in Beijing is the kind of top son who can't afford to offend.

"Okay, let's go to the next box to have a look."

Ye Rongrong said.

In the current situation, Ye Rongrong is not in the mood to listen to nonsense here.

Ye Rongrong's group of people opened the boxes one by one, and the people in the boxes jumped in fright. But facing Zhang Wansan and Deng Yi, the two top young men in the capital, they could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

After all, in the entire capital, there are only a few of the top young and old. As long as they are in the circle of the capital, there are no super rich people and children from aristocratic families who don't know each other.

Seeing Ye Rongrong and the others savagely pushing open the doors of boxes one by one, the service staff and management staff of the clubhouse did not dare to stop them.

It's really scary, the administrator of this club has called his boss long ago, after the boss asked, he asked everyone to leave it alone, just let Zhang Shao and the others toss about it.

As long as the clubhouse is not demolished, it will be fine.

Even the boss with such a powerful background dare not take care of them, and those who work for the club are naturally even more afraid to take care of them.

Deng Yi pushed open another box and turned on the light of the box. There were four or five men and women in the box. One of them was a bald old man in his fifties who was holding a young woman in her twenties. The young woman was a little coquettishly dressed.

Seeing the bald old man put his hands into the young woman's short sleeves, Ye Rongrong frowned involuntarily.

"Waiter, what's going on, waiter?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong and the others barge into the box, the bald old man shouted unhappily.

It's a great time to play with myself in the private room as a college freshman who has just met, but it's no wonder that Li Jiacai is happy when he is suddenly interrupted.

"Ling... Lingling..."

Seeing his daughter being hugged by an old man who was older than him, and one of his hands was still inserted into his daughter's underwear, Ye Rongyue felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Ye Rongyue kept thinking in his heart that the teacher must have misunderstood his daughter, and he had misunderstood his daughter. How could his daughter be so young and beautiful with an old man who was older than him.

But the current situation made Ye Rongyue feel like digging a hole and going straight down.

I have lost all my old face.

Is this the daughter I worked so hard to raise as both a father and a mother for her to study in a prestigious university? don't have such a daughter.


At this time, Ye Ling in the box was also terrified by this scene. She never thought that her father would come to the capital and find this box.

"So it's Lingling's father. I'm Huaying, the chairman of Beijing Huayang Group, and I'm Lingling's godfather."

Hearing Ye Ling call the father of a middle-aged man who broke into the private room, Li Jiacai took his hands back from Ye Ling's underwear, and introduced himself to Ye Rongyue with some embarrassment.

I really didn't expect that Ye Ling's father would find this place.

This made Li Jiacai very depressed. He just liked the simplicity of Ye Ling, a college student who just came out of the countryside, and he was still a good person. It would not be easy to catch up with Ye Ling through her roommate. I originally planned to spend the night in this club Play later, take Ye Ling directly to your home, and I will do it for her tonight.

In the current situation, it seems that this matter can't be done at night.

Li Jiacai felt that he was unlucky enough. A few days ago, he met Ye Ling's "big aunt" and couldn't deal with her. Now that "big aunt" has finally passed by, he unexpectedly met his father and came to him.

This made Li Jiacai feel like a cooked duck is about to fly.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Ye Ling hurriedly got up from the sofa, ran to Ye Rongyue's side, and asked nervously.


Ye Rongyue slapped Ye Ling with a wave.

I have worked so hard to raise my daughter, and finally trained her to be a college student in a key university, and after a few more years, after graduating from college, she will become a social elite.

But what do you see now?

My daughter, whom I have worked so hard to raise for so many years, actually... actually did such a shameless thing.

From Ye Rongyue's point of view, not only was he humiliated, but his family was also humiliated!

"Dad, you hit me!"

Ye Ling covered the face that was beaten by his father, looked at his father in pain and said.

Ever since he was a child, his father was reluctant to hit him, but today he hit him, Ye Ling felt very uncomfortable.

"I don't have a shameless daughter like you."

Ye Rongyue looked at his daughter in pain and said.

Looking at the very coquettishly dressed girl in front of him, Ye Rongyue couldn't believe that this was his good daughter.

"That Lingling, it's rare for your dad to come to the capital for a while. I'll transfer 100,000 yuan to your bank card later. You can take him to play, and I'll go back first."

Li Jiacai glanced at Ye Rongyue and Ye Ling, said something, and was about to leave the box.

After all, the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing now, the old people come to the door, seeing that an old man like him is making love to his young daughter, if he gets impulsive, he will be beaten.

So Li Jiacai felt that he would avoid it first, and after Ye Ling had communicated with her father, he would find her by himself.

As for giving up Ye Ling, it was impossible, it was almost meat on the lips, how could Li Jiacai let her slip away.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Jiacai coldly and said.

This old man is so old that he is almost ready to be Ye Ling's grandfather, but he is so shameless that he seduces a girl like Ye Ling who came to study in a big city from the countryside.

If it was someone else, Ye Rongrong would be fine, but if this girl is Ye Ling, then it won't work.

Anyway, Ye Ling still calls himself "uncle"?

"What do you want?"

Li Jiacai looked at Ye Rongrong with some fear and asked.

It was Ye Rongrong's physique and aura that scared him.


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