The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1700 Conflict between Father and Daughter

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"Why don't you think about it, Wansan, Deng Yi, you take them outside and have a good talk, you must have a good talk."

Ye Rongrong turned his head and said to Zhang Wansan and the others in a flat tone.

"Brother Ye, don't worry, I will have a good talk with them."

Zhang Wansan nodded and said to Ye Rongrong.

As for how to talk about it, Zhang Wansan was not stupid, so he naturally understood the meaning of Ye Rongrong's words.

The old man dared to extend his evil hands to Brother Ye, his niece. He was looking for death. Zhang Wansan knew what he should do to satisfy Brother Ye.

"I still have something to go, I don't have time to talk to you, Xiao Zhang, let's go."

Li Jiacai shook his head and got up and said.

Now that there are few people on my side, Li Jiacai is naturally unwilling to talk to Zhang Wansan and the others.

We are all adults, not stupid, how could we not understand the meaning of "talking".

This is preparing to be rough on yourself!

Li Jiacai is old, of course he knows that his old arms and legs are no match for these young people at all.

Li Jiacai wouldn't go out with these people to talk about anything if a good man doesn't suffer from the immediate loss.

In this clubhouse, Li Jiacai believes that they dare not do anything to him. After all, the boss of this clubhouse has a strong background. If anyone dares to make trouble in this clubhouse, he will have to weigh his own weight.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy. Pull them all to the next room for me."

Deng Yi said to the male waiters at the door.


Both Deng Yi and Zhang Wansan are the supreme members of the club, and they are also the top young masters in the capital, so the waiters in these clubs naturally listen to them.

"You...what are you going to do, I...I am a platinum member of your clubhouse, please let me go quickly."

Li Jiacai, who was carried away by two male waiters, immediately yelled uneasily.

It's a pity that no matter how much he shouted, these waiters simply ignored him.

If you are a member above the gold level, the waiter still has some scruples, and the most common platinum member, the waiter naturally doesn't take it seriously.

After all, Platinum members are just people with some money but no social status. This kind of people poses no threat to Nandu City.

Soon, these people were all taken away.

"You all go out."

After Ye Ronghui drove out all the idlers, he closed the door of this box, and in the whole big box, only Ye Rongrong and Ye Rong's father-in-law and daughter were left.

"Dad, what did I do wrong, you want to hit me!"

Seeing outsiders have all gone out. Ye Ling looked at his father with an aggrieved face and asked.

"You still have the guts to ask, what do you think you look like, and let such an old man... I can't say it, our old Ye family has been completely humiliated by you!"

Ye Rongyue pointed at Ye Ling and cursed.

It never occurred to her that her daughter had only been in the capital for a month, and it would be like this.

Why is that?

"I'm ashamed? You think I'm willing to belittle myself and accompany an old man who can be my grandfather, but it's because you don't have the ability!"

Ye Ling said unconvinced.


Ye Rongyue didn't expect his daughter to talk back, and she was more excited than herself.

Ye Rongyue is just a girl like Ye Ling, just now, Ye Rongyue's heart is bleeding with a slap!

Who would like to see his daughter demeaning himself like this, and let an old man older than him play with her!

"Okay, calm down for me."

Ye Rongrong said at this time.

Now that things have happened, what can be done is to solve the problem, not to quarrel.

Arguing will never solve the problem.

"And Ye Ling, your father has worked so hard to raise you, you can't talk to your father like this."

"If your father didn't have the skills, he would have married you a long time ago. How could he train you to be a college student in a prestigious university?"

"In order not to make you angry with your stepmother,

Your father didn't marry you a stepmother, only you owe your father, not your father owes you. "

"Why, now that you've been admitted to a famous university, you're a famous college student, so you don't like your dad anymore, and you despise your dad for being incompetent."

Ye Rongrong looked at Ye Ling very unhappy and scolded.

"Uncle Glory, it's not what you think, I..."

Ye Ling looked at Ye Rongrong with some fear and said.

This Uncle Glory is the most capable man in Taoyuan Village. Ye Ling admires him very much, but he is also very afraid of him.

Especially his fierce appearance, really scary.

Ye Ling dared to quarrel with Ye Rongyue because he was his father, so he didn't take it into account because he was close, but Ye Ling didn't dare to show Ye Rongyue any shame.

"It's not what I think. Tell me, why do you say that your father is incapable, and why do you demean yourself."

"You know how much you hurt your father by doing this."

Ye Rongrong said.

"I... woo woo..."

Ye Ling burst into tears immediately after being told by Ye Rongrong.

This woman likes to cry when she doesn't come.

"Stop crying, tell me what's going on?"

Ye Glory handed Ye Ling a tissue, and then pulled Ye Rongyue to sit on the sofa and listen to Ye Ling talk about what was going on.


Ye Ling wiped away her tears, and slowly told Ye Rongyue and Ye Rongyue what happened to her this month.

As the capital of China, Beijing is definitely the top three in terms of consumption level in China.

University is an open school, where girls like to compare themselves, especially in the dormitory where Ye Ling lives, every roommate's family is very rich.

Whether it is food, use, or clothing, Ye Ling is incomparable.

Her roommates are all nice, they treat guests to dinner twice a day, in a dormitory, others always invite you to dinner, Ye Ling, as a girl, has a thin skin, so naturally she has to invite these roommates back.

It’s just that Ye Ling’s monthly living expenses are only 500 yuan, which is basically enough to treat guests in ordinary restaurants, but the places where her roommates treat guests are all the most high-end hotels near the school, and each time they spend at least 1,000 yuan dollars.

How to do it?

Ye Ling thought of borrowing money online, and borrowed more than 2,000 yuan in a short time. The money will be returned within a week, with a daily interest rate of 10%.

Originally, Ye Ling thought it was an emergency, and he went to find a part-time job near the school where he could work at night, and he should be able to pay it back soon, so he didn't think much about it.

But a week later, Ye Ling still hadn't found a suitable temporary job.

At this time, Ye Ling didn't pay attention to the loan, and felt that it would be okay to pay back the money in another week.

It wasn't until one day that he received a reminder call saying that he already owed 25,000 yuan, that Ye Ling was dumbfounded. How long did it take, and 2,000 yuan became 25,000 yuan.

But this reminder call came every day, and even threatened Ye Ling if she didn't pay back the money, what would happen to her, but Ye Ling was terrified.

Twenty-five thousand yuan is nothing to rich people, but it is a huge sum of money to Ye Ling's family.

Ye Ling knew that for his father and for his education, he had no money at all. Half of the money for his university education was paid by the village committee.

My father couldn't afford 25,000 yuan to pay off his debts.

More importantly, Ye Ling didn't dare to tell his father about it.

From childhood to adulthood, I have always been a good girl in the eyes of my father, and a good girl in the eyes of the villagers.

But within half a month of the start of the university, he owed 25,000 yuan, and Ye Ling didn't dare to let his family know.

But the interest is getting higher and higher, and every day, the money will be increased by three thousand or five thousand.

Ye Ling even thought about committing suicide.

At this time, one of Ye Ling's roommates told her that she could play with those rich people, as long as those rich people were happy, it would be no problem to give you tens of thousands a night.

The roommate also told Ye Ling that her "godfather" bought her the brand-name clothes she was wearing, the iPhone 7 in her hand, and the high-end cosmetics she used.

In addition to these, more than 10,000 yuan of pocket money is given every month.

This made Ye Ling, who had nowhere to go, was a little moved. In addition, calls for reminders came every day, and the arrears were rolling up day by day. Ye Ling, who couldn't bear the pressure, asked her roommate to help her find a "godfather" .

The bald Li Jiacai just now was the "godfather" Ye Ling's roommate found for her.

Although he was old and ugly, he was really good to Ye Ling. When he met Ye Ling for the first time, he helped Ye Ling pay back all the money he owed.

Later, he took Ye Ling to buy beautiful clothes, bought her an iPhone 7 mobile phone, and gave her a lot of high-end cosmetics.

Seeing the envious looks of the girls in the school, Ye Ling gradually fell in love with this vain life.

He also began to let go of himself and let that old man "godfather" take advantage of him.

I even stayed at the "godfather"'s house for two nights, but I didn't complete the last step with my "godfather" just because my "relatives" came.

But now Ye Ling has fallen in love with this kind of affluent life, and is completely voluntary to follow his "godfather", and is willing to let him take advantage of him.

As long as he can provide himself with a prosperous life.

" rebellious girl!"

After listening to Ye Ling's words, Ye Rongyue pointed at Ye Ling and turned pale with anger.

"Dad, I know you are very angry, but I like this kind of life very much now. I eat the best, and I don't need to look at the price to buy clothes. You can just swipe your card. Look, the mobile phones I use now are all the latest iPhones. "

"You heard what my godfather said just now, because when you come to the capital, he will transfer more than 100,000 yuan to my bank card, so that I can play with you in the capital. Dad is in this society now. It’s just a ‘godfather’ who laughs at the poor but doesn’t laugh at the prostitutes, and many female students in my school recognize the rich.”

"Right now money is more important than anything else."

"Although my godfather is a bit old and ugly, he is very rich..."

"shut up!"

Ye Rongyue was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and he interrupted Ye Ling angrily.

How could my own daughter become like this.

This is not the good girl from my previous home at all.


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