The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1701 Using the Amulet of Repentance

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"Why should I shut up, what's wrong with me, is it wrong that I just want to live a better life for myself? Look at my classmates, everyone has an Apple phone worth thousands of dollars in their hands, and they wear thousands of dollars. Clothes worth RMB 100, cosmetics used are all imported.”

"But for me, the mobile phone I use is a broken mobile phone that comes with a mobile phone charge, the clothes I wear are street stalls that cost tens of dollars, and the cosmetics I use are cheap domestic products.

"These are not the life I want. What I want is to be like the girls in our school, wearing beautiful clothes, using a fashionable mobile phone, and being picked up by a luxury car."

"But you can't give me all of this. Is it wrong for me to find someone who can give me such a life?"

"No, I'm not wrong, it's you who are wrong, why are you so incompetent, why can't you be as rich as Uncle Glory..."

The more Ye Ling spoke, the more excited he became, and he poured out all his anger and grievances on Ye Rongyue.


After being spoken by Ye Ling, Ye Rongyue lowered his head and was speechless.

Is your daughter wrong?

No, she was right. It was her inability, her lack of money, and her inability to provide her daughter with a prosperous life. It was all her fault that made her daughter laugh at others.

It's because I'm useless and can't give my daughter the life she wants, so my daughter recognizes some kind of "godfather" and makes an old man who can be her grandfather despise her.

It's all my fault, I'm useless...

Suddenly, Ye Rongyue fell into a dead end of self-blame.

"Ye Ling, can you talk like that."

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ye Rongrong was furious.

If this Ye Ling was his daughter, Ye Rongrong would probably have slapped her in the face by now.

What nonsense is this!

"Uncle Ye, am I wrong? Can't I live a rich life? Don't I also want to have a man as capable as you like Aunt Qingqing? But can you fancy me? If you If you give me tens of thousands of dollars a month for living expenses, how could I go with an old and ugly man?"

Ye Ling looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

It's all like this now, and Ye Ling is going all out, breaking the jar and smashing it.

" rebellious girl, I'll kill you!"

Ye Rongyue didn't expect such words to come out of his daughter's mouth, and she clenched her fists to hit Ye Ling.

Now Ye Rongyue is very disappointed in his daughter.

"You hit me, you might as well beat me to death, so as not to embarrass you."

Ye Ling looked at his father and said forcefully.

It seems that Ye Ling has been deeply poisoned.

"Brother Rong Yue, don't be impulsive!"

Ye Rongyue held Ye Rongyue's hand and said.

Today's young people are very rebellious, just relying on beatings is not enough to educate them.

If not done well, it will make her go to extremes.

"Glory, I..."

Ye Rongyue really has nothing to do with this daughter.

"Brother Rong Yue calm down, there is always a way to solve things."

Ye Rongrong persuaded Ye Rongyue.

"I can't do anything about this daughter."

Ye Rongyue said to Ye Rongyue helplessly.

My own daughter has changed, and Ye Rongyue feels very strange.

This is not the obedient daughter she used to be.

"Okay, everyone is angry now, and it's hard to talk about things. You all stay at my house tonight, and you all have a quiet night. Let's talk tomorrow."

Ye Rongrong looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, so he spoke.

"I... I'd better go back to school."

Ye Ling shook his head and said.

"There is no need to discuss this matter. You will all stay at my house tonight."

Ye Rongrong said forcefully.

"Glory, I have caused you trouble."

Ye Rongyue said to Ye Rongyue with some embarrassment.

If I had known that my daughter would become like this when she was in college,

Ye Rongyue won't let her go to university, but it's too late to say it now.

"Brother Rong Yue, don't be polite to me, it's getting late, let's go."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

"Why don't you stay at my house?"

Seeing Ye Ling not moving, Ye Guangrong stared at Ye Ling and said.

"I... I... I'll just go."

I don't know why Ye Ling is afraid of Ye Rongrong.

"Then let's go!"

After Ye Rongrong spoke, he took the lead and walked out of the box.

"Brother Ye, the matter is settled, that old man will never dare again."

Seeing Ye Rongrong come out, Zhang Wansan hurriedly whispered beside Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong nodded.

As for how Zhang Wansan solved it, Ye Rongrong didn't bother to ask.

Anyway, these young masters have a lot of ways to toss people around.


It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when Ye Rongrong returned to the courtyard.

"Honey, you're back."

Liu Qingqing hadn't slept yet, and had been waiting in the yard for Ye Glory to come back.

"Well, you haven't slept yet!"

Ye Rongrong said with some emotion.

Isn't this man's greatest happiness that there is always someone at home waiting for you to come home?

This is why Ye Rongrong insists on going home every day as long as conditions permit.

"Brother Rong Yue, Ye Ling, you are here too."

Liu Qingqing noticed Ye Rongyue and Ye Ling, and greeted them.

"Hello, Aunt Qingqing!"

Ye Ling said to Liu Qingqing with red eyes.

"What's wrong? Cried?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Ling suspiciously and asked.

"Qingqing, don't ask any more questions, it's getting late, let Aunt Wang make some supper, I'm hungry."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong hasn't eaten yet this evening.

"Okay, Brother Rongyue, Ye Ling, sit down for a while, and I'll get you some supper."

Liu Qingqing greeted Ye Rong's father and daughter and said.

"Qingqing, I'm really sorry to trouble you."

Ye Rongyue said embarrassedly to Liu Qingqing.

"Brother Rongyue, please be polite, please sit down for a while, it will be fine soon."

Liu Qingqing said, and then walked to the kitchen at the back.

The kitchen of this courtyard house is independent and located at the back of the yard.

"Uncle Glory, is this yard yours?"

Ye Ling looked at the courtyard and asked enviously.

Ye Ling is really envious that Uncle Glory can buy such a large courtyard house within the second ring road in a place like the capital where every inch of land is expensive.

Ye Ling also dreams that one day he can live in such a big courtyard in the city.

Thinking of what his classmate said, Ye Ling felt that it made sense, what happened to an old man, after a few years, the mistress was promoted to the main wife, and she became a wealthy wife, leading a wealthy life.

After a few more years, when the old man dies, he will be able to share a lot of family property, and when he has money, what kind of man does he think he doesn't have?


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong could tell that this Ye Ling had really changed.

From a poor child in the countryside to a metropolis like Beijing, she seemed unable to withstand the temptation and had already fallen.

"It's so beautiful. I don't know when I can live in a yard like this."

Ye Ling looked at the courtyard with envy.

It's nice to have money!

Live, wear, eat, and use, everything is the best, and you have a special status.

Just like my glorious uncle.

He used to have no skills. When he was poor, many people in the village looked down on him. Even if he married a beautiful woman like Aunt Qingqing, many people in the village said it was "a flower stuck in cow dung". Glory got shit luck.

But now that Uncle Glory has money and status, everyone in the village speaks well of him, and everyone lowers himself a level when talking to him.

To put it bluntly, it's not that Uncle Glory has money and status.

After coming to a metropolis like the capital, Ye Ling realized how important money is.

Without money, there is no dignity in life, being discriminated against and ridiculed by others.

Now Ye Ling is completely in the eyes of money.

"There's nothing delicious to eat at night, so let's feel wronged and eat noodles."

Liu Qingqing and the others brought out the noodles and said to Ye Rong's father-in-law.

"Thank you, Aunt Qingqing."

Ye Ling said gratefully to Liu Qingqing.

The rich people, that is, the rich people, eat the best noodles here.

"Don't be polite to auntie, you eat noodles, and I'll prepare a guest room for you."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Ling, and went to prepare the guest room with Aunt Wang.

"Aunt Qingqing is so kind, Uncle Glory, you are so happy."

Ye Ling said emotionally.

You know, Uncle Glory used to be very poor and lazy, and never worked, but a beautiful woman like Aunt Qingqing still followed him steadfastly.

However, Aunt Qingqing still managed to see the bright moon through the dark clouds in the end, and now she is living an enviable and prosperous life.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's all go back to bed first, if there is anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Seeing Ye Ling finish eating the noodles, Ye Rongyue said to Ye Rongyue and Ye Ling.

"Aunt Wang, take them to the guest room."

Liu Qingqing said to Aunt Wang.

"Ye Ling, wait a minute."

Suddenly Ye Rongrong remembered something and called Ye Ling to stop.

"Uncle Glory, what's the matter?"

Ye Ling asked suspiciously.

"Go back and think about it at night. Money is very important, but if you fall for money, you may end up with nothing."

Ye Rongrong patted Ye Ling on the back and said.

"Uncle Glory, I will think about it carefully."

Ye Ling nodded and said.

Although Ye Ling said so, he didn't think much of it in his heart.

In Ye Ling's view, Ye Rongrong is a man who is full but does not know a man who is hungry.

Now that he has money, he probably has forgotten the hardships of living without money.

It's okay in the countryside, everyone is bitter, but it's nothing.

But in a metropolis like the capital, it is really difficult to move without money.

As long as you walk out of the school gate, you can't stop spending money. In school, students compare food, clothing, and use. Poor students don't even have the courage to speak.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong naturally saw that Ye Ling didn't take his words seriously, but these were not important, the important thing was that he had pasted the "Repentance Talisman" on Ye Ling.

Ye Rongrong hopes that this "repentance talisman" will have an effect on Ye Ling, and hope that it will make her realize suddenly.


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