The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1702 Abandoned

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"Husband, what happened to Brother Rong Yue and Ye Ling?"

After Ye Rongyue and Ye Ling walked away, Liu Qingqing asked Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

"Hey, what do you say about this?"

Ye Rongrong sighed, and continued: "After Ye Ling went to college..."

"No way? Ye Ling will become like that?"

After listening to Ye Rongrong's words, Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

After all, Ye Ling and Liu Qingqing are similar this year, and they also move around a little bit. Liu Qingqing still knows Ye Ling better. too fast.

"Sometimes a person makes a wrong step, and then falls to the bottom and makes a wrong move. It's hard to learn good and easy to learn bad!"

Ye Rongrong said with emotion.

"Yeah, it's easy to learn bad, but difficult to learn good!"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

After marrying Ye Rongrong, Liu Qingqing liked to read Buddhist scriptures.

In the Buddhist scriptures, there is a unique explanation for "it is difficult to learn good, but easy to learn bad".

The Buddha said in the scriptures that the decision is to spend a long time in the three evil ways and a short time in the three good ways. From our own nature, there are more inherent troubles than good intentions. We look at the eight consciousnesses and fifty-one mental states. The Buddha told We have only eleven wholesome mental states and twenty-six unwholesome ones, more than half.

That's why it's hard to learn good and easy to learn bad.

"Okay, let's not worry about these things anymore, go back to sleep!"

Ye Rongrong put his arms around Liu Qingqing and said.



in the guest room.

Ye Ling took out his mobile phone and called his "godfather" Li Jiacai.

"Beep beep..."

The phone rang for a long time before someone answered the phone.

"Godfather, why didn't you answer my phone for a long time!"

Ye Ling asked a little unhappy.

"Lingling, let's not contact each other in the future."

Li Jiacai's weak voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Godfather, what's the matter? Why don't you want me? Is it because of my dad? You can rest assured that my dad has nothing to do with me. "

Ye Ling said hastily.

It's hard to live a prosperous life for a few days. If this suddenly returns to the days of Cinderella eating vegetables and tofu, Ye Ling will not do it.

"It's not your father's business. I figured it out. I'm too old to suit you. Let's end it like this. Don't call me in the future, and I won't see you again."

Li Jiacai said while lying on the hospital bed.

Now that Li Jiacai is given ten bear galls, he dare not contact Ye Ling anymore.

This evening, Li Jiacai was broken by the third young master of the Zhang family. Young master Zhang said that if he dared to touch Ye Ling again, he would throw him into the river to feed the bastard next time.

This makes Li Jiacai dare to contact Ye Ling again.

Originally thought that Ye Ling was a poor female college student from a rural area, she had no relationship or background, and she didn't have any scruples about playing by herself.

It never occurred to her that her family was related to the Deng family and Zhang family, the top families in the capital.

If Li Jiacai had known about this relationship with Ye Ling's family earlier, even if Li Jiacai was killed, he wouldn't dare to provoke Ye Ling.

"Godfather, what happened, how can you..."


Ye Ling hadn't finished speaking when a "beep" sound came from the phone. Obviously, the other party hung up the phone.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Ling dialed again depressed, Ye Ling must ask why her godfather didn't want her.

Ye Ling has been fascinated by the luxurious life of the recent period.

If the "godfather" doesn't want him, he can no longer live such a luxurious life, which is unacceptable to Ye Ling.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

"The number you dialed is off or out of service area, please try again later."

Ye Ling's mobile phone came with a mobile language prompt.

Dial again, and the same language prompt comes from the phone.

"Is this abandoned?"

Ye Ling is depressed!

After thinking about it, Ye Ling called his female classmate.

It took a long time for someone to answer the call, and a young woman's voice came from the phone: "Lingling, what time is it, why are you still calling me?"

"Sister Yuanyuan, I have been abandoned!"

Ye Ling said sadly.


Wang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and continued: "This old man got tired of playing with you so quickly?"


Ye Ling responded.

As for her father's visit, Ye Ling didn't want to tell Wang Yuanyuan, thinking that would be a bit embarrassing.

"It's okay, my sister will find you another godfather tomorrow, and now there are many rich old men."

Wang Yuanyuan said indifferently.

But soon Wang Yuanyuan thought of something and asked, "By the way, how much youth loss fee does that old man give you?"

"No, nothing, just blocked my phone."

Ye Ling said depressedly.

"Did you do something wrong to make the old man angry, or else he would give you some youth loss fees."

Wang Yuanyuan asked with some doubts.


Ye Ling shook his head and said.

"Forget it, maybe he's taken a fancy to other women, this kind of stingy old man, don't mind, by the way, are you still a virgin?"

Wang Yuanyuan asked.


Ye Ling said with a blushing face.

"That's okay, this man values ​​women's film very much, and I'll help you find a younger godfather tomorrow."

Wang Yuanyuan said.

It's not that Wang Yuanyuan is enthusiastic and likes to introduce "godfather" to girls in school, mainly because she can get a lot of introduction fees.

For a rich man, as long as he can find a female college student he is satisfied with, the introduction fee will definitely not be stingy, and under normal circumstances, it will be tens of thousands.

"Sister Yuanyuan, thank you!"

Ye Ling said gratefully.

"Well, that's it. I just played with my godfather for half an hour. I'm exhausted. You should have a good rest."

Wang Yuanyuan said weakly.

"half an hour?"

Ye Ling was a little surprised.

Ye Ling also met Wang Yuanyuan's "godfather". He was an old man in his sixties.

I didn't expect that his physical strength would be so good that he could last for an hour.

"He took the medicine. He didn't take the medicine. He couldn't last for five minutes. Let's not talk about it. I'm going to sleep."

After Wang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she hung up the phone.


After talking with Wang Yuanyuan on the phone, Ye Ling also felt relieved.

Now in Ye Ling's view, there is nothing wrong with recognizing a "godfather".

Even if the "little three" can't be promoted to the "main wife" in the end, he can still make a lot of money from the "godfather" while he is young.

I don't know how the new "godfather" introduced by sister Yuanyuan is like?

I hope that person won't be old and ugly like Li Jiacai, but it's better to be younger, just like my Uncle Glory...

Ye Ling lay on the bed and tossed and turned countless times. Finally, Ye Ling couldn't hold on, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was a new day. Ye Ling always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was.

get up.

Get dressed and go out to freshen up.

"Wake up, let's eat!"

As soon as Ye Ling walked out of the guest room, she saw her father in the yard, who spoke to her in a calm tone.

"Dad, what about you?"

Ye Ling was a little uncomfortable with the changes in his father.

Last night, he didn't have such a good face to show himself.

"I've eaten, go and have breakfast!"

After Ye Rongyue said something, he stopped talking.

"Lingling is up, it's time for breakfast!"

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Ling with a smile.

"Thank you Aunt Qingqing, by the way, where is Uncle Glory?"

Ye Ling asked suspiciously.

"He's still sleeping late, don't worry about him, he won't get up until he's in the sun."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.


Ye Ling nodded and started to eat breakfast.

After Ye Ling had finished her breakfast, Ye Rongyue came over to her and said, "Lingling, Dad is going back today, and Dad also wants to understand, you have grown up, and I can't control it anymore, what do you want to do in the future?" Live the life you want, live it however you want!"

"Father has nothing to say, I just hope you can live in peace."


Ye Ling looked at his father in surprise, not understanding why his father's thoughts changed overnight.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Later, you can use your mobile phone to buy a train ticket for Dad to go back today. I will go back today."

Ye Rongyue interrupted Ye Ling's words.

"Dad, why don't you spend a few more days in the capital, I'll take you to see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City..."

Ye Ling said.

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood to read it. You can take care of yourself in the future."

Ye Rongyue shook his head and said.


After her father left, Ye Ling started her glamorous life, changing "godfathers" one after another, and living a very nourishing life. In her words, this is the life she wanted.

Not long after, the teachers and leaders of the school found out about this matter, and talked to Ye Ling several times, hoping that she would correct it, but Ye Ling couldn't listen to it at all.

Then...then Beijing University of Science and Technology couldn't accommodate her anymore, and the school finally expelled Ye Ling.

After being expelled from the university, Ye Ling also lost the aura of a beautiful college student, and no rich boss is willing to take her.

After being expelled from school, Ye Ling indulged herself even more, and gradually lost herself in gambling, and soon lost all the "youth loss fees" given to her by her "godfather".

When he ran out of money, Ye Ling hung out with some gangsters he met in the casino, and earned some gambling money by sleeping with them.

Just like that, ten years passed in the blink of an eye, and Ye Lingdu was in his thirties, and she was just an old lady in the capital.

Because of these years of indulgence, Ye Ling is aging very quickly. A woman in her early thirties looks like she is in her forties.

There are no young gangsters willing to play with her anymore.

Young gangsters don't want to play with her anymore, so she can only live with an old gangster who is more than ten years older than her in the casino.

After being together, it is natural to have a relationship. This kind of thing has happened many times before, and Ye Ling doesn't care. But this time it was different, she was pregnant.


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