The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1805 Popcorn

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Being looked at by Liu Xixi like this, for some reason, Ye Rongrong felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going back to Beijing for class tomorrow."

Liu Xixi looked at Ye Rongrong with watery eyes and said.

After all, the National Day holiday has ended for several days, and the family is urging them to go back to the capital to go to school, so tomorrow Liu Xixi and Liu Xiaohui will go back to the capital to study.

Although Liu Xixi was very reluctant, she couldn't help this matter, and Liu Xixi could only go back to school obediently.

After all, she is still a student, and she must focus on her studies.

"That's what it should be. I've been on leave for several days."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

After all, Ye Rongrong is now an educator and the principal of an elementary school, which must be in line with his identity.

Of course, the most important thing is that when you talk about others, you don't have a backache.

"Hmph, brother-in-law, don't you want me to leave quickly, you hate me!"

Liu Xixi immediately said unhappily.

"Ahem, I'm here!"

Liu Qingqing looked at her sister unhappily and said.

Seeing her younger sister talking more and more explicitly to her brother-in-law, Liu Qingqing had to cough a few times to show her presence.

"Sister, I just think I'm leaving tomorrow, so don't think too much about asking my brother-in-law to make delicious snacks for me."

Liu Xixi explained with a slightly red face.

"This can be!"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll get some popcorn to take to school later."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


When Liu Xixi heard that her brother-in-law was making popcorn for herself, she said unhappily: "Popcorn is not good, don't want it."

"The popcorn you have eaten is all made by machines, and they are all made of the worst materials. The popcorn made by your brother-in-law is definitely much better than the ones on the market. How do you want it? If you don't want it, just pull it down gone."

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Xixi and said.

"Popcorn is just popcorn. If it doesn't taste good, I'll..."

"How about you?"

Liu Qingqing stared at her sister and asked.

"Sister, what can I do to my brother-in-law? I can't beat him, but I dare not scold him."

Liu Xixi said pitifully.

"That's about the same."

Liu Qingqing nodded in satisfaction, and started to clean up the dinner table with Aunt Wang.

Ye Rongrong took Dudu to the yard to play.


Liu Xixi caught up with Ye Rongrong and said.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at his sister-in-law suspiciously and asked.

"If the popcorn you make doesn't taste good, hehe..."

Now that her sister is not around, Liu Xixi can threaten her brother-in-law without any scruples.

"Co-author, do you want to threaten me?"

Ye Rongrong said as if I was terrified.

"That's, if you dare not cook something delicious for me, I'll call you every night at eight or nine o'clock, send you my cool photos on WeChat every day, and I'll flirt with you every day..."

Liu Xixi said threateningly.

You must know that Liu Xixi often pays attention to the lives of her brother-in-law and sister, knowing that they do such embarrassing things between men and women at eight or nine o'clock every day.

Hmph, if he dares not to cook something delicious for himself, he will be tortured by himself!

Thinking of their depressed look when they were interrupted by a phone call from me while they were doing business.

Liu Xixi is very happy in her heart!

Dare to offend a woman, it's just looking for guilt!

"you are vicious!"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

Meeting such a superb sister-in-law, Ye Rongrong felt joy and pain.


In the afternoon, Ye Rongrong took out more than a dozen catties of corn from the storage room at home.

These corns are all grown by themselves, and they have all used "plant high-grade nutrient solution". The taste and quality of these corns are not comparable to those on the market. The popcorn tastes absolutely delicious.


As a kind of puffed food, it is very popular among young people, and it is a daily snack for young people.

Traditional popcorn is served with just salt and a little melted cream, or sweetened with caramel.

There are three kinds of popcorn, one is popcorn, the second is rice, and the third is millet.

Common popcorn is to put into the machine of popcorn together with corn, ghee, sugar and make.

The principle of puffed rice takes suitable amount of corn or rice and puts into the popcorn pot, and seals the top cover, then the rice puffed pot is placed on the stove and constantly rotates to make it evenly heated, so that it may produce good to eat puffed rice.

This is because during the heating process, the temperature in the pot continues to rise, and the pressure of the gas in the pot also continues to increase.

When the temperature rises to a certain level, the rice grains will gradually become soft, and most of the moisture in the rice grains will become water vapor. Because the temperature is higher, the pressure of water vapor is very large, which makes the softened rice grains expand.

But at this time, the pressure inside and outside the rice grains is balanced, so the rice grains will not burst in the pot. When the pressure in the pot rises to 4-5 atmospheres, the top cover of the popping pot is suddenly opened, the gas in the pot expands rapidly, and the pressure decreases quickly, which makes the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the rice grains larger, resulting in the high-pressure water vapor in the rice grains also It expands rapidly and pops the rice grains instantly, which becomes popcorn.

Ye Rongrong remembers that when he was young, people who liked popcorn came to the village to popcorn.

At that time, you could bring your own ingredients for popcorn. Every time a popcorn popper came to the village, Ye Rongrong would take his own corn to popcorn.

You can save a lot of money by using your own popcorn, and it only costs one yuan to pop popcorn once.

But for the era when one penny was still used at that time, one dollar was a lot of money.

You must know that at that time, one penny could buy a candy and a handful of melon seeds.

Ye Rongrong's family doesn't have a special pot for popping rice, but this is not a problem for Ye Rongrong. Ye Rongrong can use a pressure cooker instead.

Of course, there are certain risks in using a pressure cooker to pop the popcorn, and a bad one may hurt people.

But for Ye Rongrong, who is bold and courageous in Yigao, there is no pressure at all, not to mention that Ye Rongrong has a good grasp of the heat, basically there will be no explosion of the pressure cooker.

Even if the pressure cooker explodes, with Ye Rongrong's "Iron Cloth Shirt" as the master, it can't hurt Ye Rongrong in the slightest.

But for safety's sake, in the afternoon, Ye Rongrong locked himself in the kitchen alone, preventing others from entering.

Ye Rongrong is going to make strawberry-flavored popcorn.

The sweet strawberry powder exudes bursts of strawberry fragrance. The lightly sweet strawberry flavor is paired with crispy popcorn. The strawberry fragrance immediately fills the whole taste buds, allowing people to taste the sweetness and crispness of strawberries in every bite.

The combination of the two is really impeccable, and this taste is most suitable for women.

However, it is very troublesome to make strawberry-flavored popcorn, mainly because it is difficult to make strawberry powder.

It is very convenient to buy it from the market, but Ye Rongrong doesn't like it very much.

The strawberry powder on the market is made of the worst strawberries, and a lot of chemicals are added, which is not good for health.

So Ye Rongrong decided to make this strawberry powder by himself. At the very least, the strawberry powder he made must taste good and be hygienic without adding those messy things.

There are ready-made strawberries, which are grown at home and also watered with advanced plant nutrient solution. The taste is much better than the strawberries sold in the market outside.

Of course, this season, strawberries have passed, unless they are strawberries grown in greenhouses, but strawberries grown in greenhouses taste very bad.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong's Qiankun ring has a lot of fruits and vegetables grown by himself.

After all, there is no time in this Qiankun Ring. In it, any item is in an absolute zero-time state, and there is no deterioration or change of taste.

No matter how long something has been put in, when it is taken out, it will be exactly the same as when it was just put in.

Absolutely great for storing food.

Taking out strawberries from Qiankun Ring, Ye Rongrong spent an hour using a special method to prepare the strawberry powder.

With this strawberry powder, the popcorn is much faster, Ye Rongrong popped a whole bucket of popcorn in ten minutes.

Despite the large amount of popcorn in this bucket, it doesn't weigh a few catties, but it's enough for Liu Xixi to eat for a while.

After all, this popcorn is a swelling food, and you can't eat much at a time.

"Brother-in-law, is the popcorn ready?"

Liu Xixi asked at the kitchen door.

After all, my brother-in-law has been tossing mysteriously in this kitchen for more than two hours.

Don't let others into the kitchen, isn't it just popping popcorn? Use it to make it so mysterious!

But the brother-in-law's method is really effective. At the very least, Liu Xixi is itchy in her heart, and she is really looking forward to what kind of popcorn her brother-in-law will pop for her.

Seeing how much effort my brother-in-law put into making it, it must be delicious.

"It will be ready soon, you can wait in the front yard."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Then hurry up, it's almost time for dinner."

Liu Xixi said, and went back to the front yard.


Ten minutes later, Ye Rongrong came to the front yard with a large pot of popcorn that he had made, and said to everyone, "Okay, everyone can try the popcorn I made."

"It smells so good, it has a special taste."

Liu Qingqing smelled the aroma of popcorn and said.

This is a scent that evokes people's desire to eat. After smelling it for a while, Liu Qingqing secreted a lot more saliva in her mouth.

"It smells like strawberries."

Liu Xixi said.

"That's right, I added strawberry powder to this popcorn, so it smells like strawberries."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Unlike the adults who were still discussing the smell of the popcorn, this Dudu didn't care what the smell was. When he heard that the popcorn was edible, he immediately grabbed a handful and ate it with relish.


Seeing Dudu eating popcorn with relish, the bear next to Dudu yelled, and stretched out his big hand to grab popcorn from a basin about the size of his hand.



I'm sorry, I've been out all day today. I just came back, feeling dizzy and having diarrhea. I'll update one chapter first, and the next chapter will be much later. I can only update two chapters today, sorry.

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