"If you do this, what shall we eat?"

Before the bear's paw reached the basin, "Xiong Da" was grabbed by Ye Rongrong with one hand.

Good guy, with such a big bear's paw, the pot of popcorn will be eaten by it, so how can it be done?

In addition, "Xiong Da" is a big eater, so he can't let him eat the popcorn so freely, or the popcorn he made himself wouldn't be enough for him to eat.

But whoever dared to reach out to grab the bear's paw like this, only Ye Rongrong had the ability in the whole yard, and others didn't have the strength to grab the bear's paw.

In terms of strength, Ye Rongrong is stronger than this "Big Bear", so he can catch it easily.


"Xiong Da" immediately shouted dissatisfied.


Ye Rongrong grabbed a handful of popcorn and gave it to "Xiong Da".


"Xiong Da" felt that Ye Rongrong gave too little popcorn.

"That's all. You don't have to eat a lot of popcorn in one bite, you have to eat one by one."

Ye Rongrong said to Xiong Da.

"Yes, Xiong Da, Dad is right, this popcorn should be eaten like me, and I will teach you how to eat it."

Dudu said to Xiong Da like a teacher.

Soon, Xiong Da squatted next to Dudu, eating popcorn like Dudu, with a look of relish.

This guy is also not picky eater, he eats everything he can eat.

"Brother-in-law, the popcorn you make is really delicious, much better than the popcorn sold outside, especially the strawberry fragrance, I love it so much."

Liu Xixi said happily while putting popcorn in her mouth.

My brother-in-law is really great, everything is so delicious.

"It's much better than the popcorn outside."

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

The food produced by my husband is not bad.

"It's best not to eat the kind of popcorn sold on the street. There are many harmful substances in it. Eating too much is not good for your health."

Ye Rongrong said.

Most of the popcorn sold on the street is fried in old-fashioned converter-style frying pans. This old-fashioned converter contains lead. When heated under high pressure, a certain amount of lead in the converter will melt, and some of the lead will melt. It will turn into steam and lead fume, polluting raw materials.

Especially at the moment when the last raw material is popped, lead is more likely to adsorb on the loose popcorn.

You must know that lead is a toxic heavy metal that is extremely harmful to the human body. Therefore, when lead and its compounds enter the body, they will cause harm to multiple systems such as nerves, hematopoiesis, digestion, kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine. lead poisoning.

Lead mainly affects human health through food, drinking water, air and other ways.

After metallic lead enters the human body, a small part will be excreted from the body along with the metabolism of the body, while a large amount of the rest will be deposited in the body.

For adults, the invasion of lead will damage the nervous system, digestive system, male reproductive system and affect the hematopoietic function of bones, and then people will experience dizziness, fatigue, dizziness, sleepiness, insomnia, anemia, low immunity, abdominal pain, constipation, limb pain , muscle joints, irregular menstruation and other symptoms.

For children, because the brain is developing and the nervous system is in a sensitive period, the inhalation amount in the same lead environment is several times higher than that of adults, and the damage is extremely serious. Therefore, lead poisoning in children will cause retardation, loss of appetite, inconvenient walking and constipation. , insomnia; some are accompanied by hyperactivity, hearing impairment, inattention and mental retardation.

Severe cases cause brain tissue damage, which may lead to permanent disability.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong does not recommend that his family members go to the street to buy this popcorn to eat.

"Well, brother-in-law, how much popcorn did you make for me, I can't do without it."

Liu Xixi asked.

It was the first time Liu Xixi had eaten such delicious popcorn, so naturally she wanted as much as possible.

"A lot, a whole bucket, enough to feed you for a week."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"It's only a week, it's too little, I want a semester's worth.


Liu Xixi immediately said dissatisfied.

It's been a week, and I haven't had enough mouth addiction yet.

Besides, I'm not the only one in my dormitory, there are three close roommates, this delicious food, I can't hide it even if I want to.

In this way, let alone a week, one or two days will be frantically wiped out.

"Popcorn is easy to get wet. Once it gets wet, the popcorn will lose its crunchy and delicious taste. Generally, it is good to store it in a dry environment for a week. If it is too much, it will be wasted."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

This is the truth. Popcorn is easy to get damp and taste bad, and it is not easy to store for too long. Basically, it has been stored for a week.

"Then I don't care. The amount for a week is too small. I still have friends. I want to share good things with good friends."

Liu Xixi said immediately.

"Well, my mother said it all, good things should be shared with everyone."

Dudu nodded, echoing Liu Xixi's words very seriously.

"Brother-in-law, listen, Dudu supports me, I want to share good things with you."

Liu Xixi said immediately.

"Want more popcorn?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Xixi and smiled authentically.


Liu Xixi nodded heavily and said.

"Then when you get into the top three in the class in the midterm exam, I'll send you more popcorn."

Ye Rongrong said.

"No way, brother-in-law, are you too cruel?"

Liu Xixi immediately stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

Although Liu Xixi has good grades in the class, there is still a long way to go before the top three. If she wants to get into the top three in the class in this midterm exam, it will be really stressful for Liu Xixi .

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.


Liu Xixi had no choice but to ask her sister for help.

"I support your brother-in-law."

Liu Qingqing ignored her sister's eyes asking for help, after all, her husband was doing it for her sister's benefit.

"I hate you guys!"

Liu Xixi rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing, and ate the popcorn depressedly, as if these popcorns had a deep hatred with her, and took a bite out of each popcorn.


After sending his sister-in-law and brother-in-law back to the capital, Ye Rongrong lived a leisurely and comfortable life at home.

The only thing I'm not happy with is that ever since I had a red horse with wings, a giant white bear, and a big wild wolf in my yard, people from the village have come to my yard to see what's new, making it difficult for Ye Rongrong to try to be quiet .

Fortunately, after three or five days, the novelty passed, and the villagers stopped disturbing the peace of Ye Rongrong's family.

As for people from non-Taoyuan Village, I'm sorry, they declined to visit, and all of them were stopped by Weng Tao.

"I'm a reporter, you let me in, you have no right to stop my interview!"

Ye Rongrong took "Little Hui" to go for a stroll in the village to familiarize him with the environment of the village, when he heard a man's arrogant voice when he arrived at the door.


Dizzy, don't update too much.

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