The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1808 Drug Resistant Virus

A young female nurse hurriedly ran out of the door. She didn't pay attention to Ye Rongrong who was standing at the door, and she bumped into Ye Rongrong's arms. If Ye Rongrong didn't hug her, she would have fallen.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Rongrong let go of the young female nurse's hand and asked with concern.

"Ye... Dean Ye..."

The young female nurse raised her head, only to find that the person she bumped into was actually Dean Ye, she immediately blushed and said nervously.

The young female nurse never thought that she would bump into Dean Ye's arms.

You must know that Dean Ye is his idol!

Thinking about it, the young female nurse blushed.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Rongrong still asked with concern.

After all, it's okay to be hit by a car with a strong body, but the little girl is not good, she has delicate skin and tender flesh.

"I... I'm fine!"

The young female nurse blushed and said.

"Dean Ye, you are here!"

"Hello, Dean Ye!"

"Hello, Dean Ye!"

At this time, the medical staff in the entire infirmary noticed Ye Rongrong at the door and immediately became nervous.

After all, Dean Ye saw the mess just now, and everyone was really worried that it would leave a bad impression on Dean Ye.

"You were in a panic just now, what happened?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"Dean Ye, the thing is like this, a patient with a severe cold and fever was admitted to the hospital last week. We all thought it was just a common cold and fever, and we didn't pay much attention to it, but we never thought that this cold and fever would be contagious. So fast, we have used relatively high-level antibiotics to patients, but the effect is not obvious, and some even have no effect at all... I am worried that this is a super virus."

As the highest-ranking chief doctor in this infirmary, Zhang Yueyuan said worriedly to Ye Rongrong.

"Super virus?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"What is a super virus?"

A young doctor said curiously.

"Super virus is actually synonymous with NDM-1. NDM-1 is not a virus, but a bacterial drug resistance gene. However, since humans have experienced epidemics such as SARS and influenza A, they are worried that small-scale epidemics will eventually develop. become a worldwide public health event.

"Because SARS and influenza A are both viruses, people usually refer to bacteria carrying NDM-1 as 'super virus diseases'."

"NDM1 can easily jump from one type of bacteria to another. Once NDM1 combines with a dangerous virus, it becomes an incurable human-to-human virus, and this is a multi-drug resistant bacterium. Once it spreads globally, antibiotics are useless. A period of time is about to begin, and the dangers will be extraordinary."

Zhang Yueyuan looked at Ye Rongrong, and seeing that Ye Rongrong didn't intend to speak, he opened his mouth to explain to the young doctor.

Hearing that the "super bacteria" Zhang Yueyuan said was so terrible, the medical staff in the infirmary turned pale with fright.

After all, people like myself are in contact with these patients every day, so what if they get infected with this "super bacteria"!

There is no cure, but isn't it a dead end?

"Our hospital is still using antibiotics?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

The reason for the emergence of so-called "super bacteria" is actually the reason why doctors abuse antibiotics.

Although antibiotics are very effective in treating some viral infections to a certain extent, once abused, it is easy for viruses and bacteria to develop drug resistance and evolve.

Once the evolution of this virus and bacteria exceeds the speed of drug development, the final result will be a terrible disaster for human beings.

"It's still being used in hospitals, but its use is restricted, and abuse is absolutely not allowed."

Zhang Yueyuan hurriedly explained.

After all, as long as they are medical personnel, they are aware of the harm of antibiotics to the human body. In the past two years, the country has mandated that the abuse of antibiotics is not allowed.

"That's good."

Ye Rongrong nodded.

Now the country is also aware of the harm of the abuse of antibiotics to the human body, and has issued a document expressly requiring all hospitals not to allow the abuse of antibiotics.

In the past, as long as you went to the hospital, you could see many infusion rooms with many people receiving infusions, but now they are basically gone.

This is a very good phenomenon.

When Ye Rongrong was young, when people got sick, whether it was a fever or a cold, a serious illness or a minor illness, as long as they went to see a doctor, no matter if it worked or not, they would hang a few bottles first.

There are even data showing that the average per person in China receives 8.6 infusion bottles per year, and the infusion rate in rural areas is higher than that in cities, and generally much higher than that in European and American countries.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the patient’s lack of understanding of antibiotics and their eagerness to seek better results are factors, but the most important aspect is profit, because the profit of drugs is far less than that of infusion. For doctors, infusion is the most profitable.

Therefore, many doctors, especially those in small clinics in rural areas, are keen on giving patients infusions.

This has also caused many patients to feel that using a hanging bottle is better than taking medicine.

In fact, in Ye Rongrong's view, this is just an illusion of the patient.

From a medical point of view, there is a concept of "bioavailability".

In fact, compared with injections, many tablets have the same absorption rate and the same curative effect. However, oral medicine needs to be absorbed by the human body, which takes a certain amount of time. Injection eliminates this link, and the drug directly enters the human blood, saving absorption time.

Although injections are quick to take effect, the two are equivalent in terms of curative effect.

For critically ill patients, infusion is necessary, but it is not necessary for patients in ordinary outpatient clinics.

Antibiotics are only useful for bacterial colds, while about 90% of colds are caused by viruses, less than 10% of colds are caused by bacteria, and some are caused by both viruses and bacteria.

Antibiotics are only suitable for inflammation and fever caused by bacteria and some other microorganisms, and it is harmful to treat patients with viral colds, measles, mumps, colds, and flu.

But the harm of overuse of antibiotics is very huge.

First of all, extensive use of antibiotics will bring strong toxic side effects, which will directly damage the body, especially for children's hearing.

Secondly, extensive use of antibiotics will cause bacteria to develop drug resistance. After all, when drugs act on bacteria, bacteria will defend, defend, and fight back. The final result is resistance to antibiotics, that is, drug resistance.

Third, overuse of antibiotics will kill a large number of normal bacteria in the body, allowing pathogenic bacteria to take advantage of the situation and cause human death.

"Dean, look at these inspection reports!"

Zhang Yueyuan handed Ye Rongrong the examination reports of several patients.

Ye Rongrong took the examination and looked at it carefully, frowned and said: "This is indeed a mutated NDM-1 virus, and it can also be regarded as a super virus. I didn't expect this kind of NDM-1 virus patients to appear here."

The abuse of antibiotics in the rural areas of China is serious, so the emergence of NDM-1 virus in rural areas is unexpected and reasonable.

"Dean, what do you think about this matter?"

Zhang Yueyuan looked at Ye Rongrong worriedly and asked.

Although higher-level antibiotics can be used to suppress this "super virus", there is no guarantee that this "super virus" will mutate again. Once it mutates, if it becomes resistant to the highest level of antibiotics, it is true. There is no cure.

"Antibiotics can no longer be used, only traditional Chinese medicine can be used."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"Using traditional Chinese medicine?"

Many medical staff in the infirmary couldn't help being stunned.

These people are all from medical schools, basically they all studied Western medicine, and they feel that Western medicine is more advanced than Chinese medicine.

Is it possible to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat this virus, which cannot be dealt with by Western medicine antibiotics?

"Don't underestimate the things left by our ancestors. I learned Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and it is very difficult to learn. If you learn everything, you will find that many diseases that cannot be treated in Western medicine can be found in Chinese medicine. plan."

Ye Rongrong saw that these medical staff were prejudiced against Chinese medicine, so he spoke.

"Dean, what kind of Chinese medicine should we prescribe to treat this super virus?"

Zhang Yueyuan asked curiously.

"Let's go and see the patients first. Chinese medicine pays attention to prescribing the right medicine. Every patient has different diseases, different degrees of severity, and different parallel diseases. The Chinese medicine used here is also different. Chinese medicine pays attention to proper treatment."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Dean, I will take you to see those patients."

Zhang Yueyuan took Ye Rongrong to see those patients, and Ye Rongrong also prescribed different traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions according to each patient's condition.

It took more than an hour for Ye Rongrong to review all the patients, which made Ye Rongrong feel a little tired.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong is used to laziness, and he feels tired from this work.

In fact, this is just a psychological effect.

When Ye Rongrong came out of the hospital, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun had already set in the west, so Ye Rongrong didn't think too much about it, so he walked leisurely towards home.

It's time to go home for dinner.


In the evening, on a certain forum on the Internet, someone posted a photo of Ye Rongrong's Pegasus "Little Red" on the forum, and lamented on the forum that there are really wings and flying horses in the world.

Soon this post attracted the attention of many people.

"A horse with wings? How can there be a horse with wings in this world, the poster, your picture P is a bit level."

"A dog at the beginning, the content is all based on editing, you are an idiot, the poster!"

"Winged horses, it's really a mythical world now!"

"I think this landlord must be suffering from hallucinations!"

"For sure, people nowadays are under a lot of pressure and always have fantasies."

"If there is a horse with wings in this world, I will recognize him as a godfather."


Many netizens who did not believe the authenticity of the picture posted doubts at the bottom of the post.


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