The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1809 Stewed Hare

"Winged horses do exist in this world. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

"My friend also said in the circle of friends that there is a red horse with wings in their village, and he also posted videos and photos in the circle of friends. I believe my friend will not lie to me, so I also believe that this is true. "

"I haven't seen it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The reason why there are winged horses in ancient myths is not necessarily because of the rich imagination of ancient people, but that there are really winged horses in this world."

"The poster's photo is real. I've seen this red horse with wings. It was raised by the village next door to us. I heard it was brought back from the grassland."

"This is a video I recorded. There are really winged horses in this world. Not only do they have wings, but they can also fly in the sky."

Soon someone uploaded a related video to the forum.

After all, there are many people who have seen Ye Rongrong's "Little Red", and many people have taken videos and photos in Moments, but it is not as influential as this forum.

"Is there really a winged horse in this world?"

"How is this possible?"

"I have never used computer technology to analyze these photos and videos are real and have not been synthesized."

"Damn it, there really are winged horses in this world."

"It's amazing that there are really winged horses."

"Are you sure there are really winged horses in this world?"

As more and more people said that they had seen winged horses, more and more videos and photos were uploaded to the forum. Netizens who firmly believed that there were no winged horses in the world were also a little shaken.

"The winged horse in this picture and video really exists, and I have seen it with my own eyes. It is in Taoyuan Village, Yangping County. It is raised in the home of our first Nobel Prize winner in medicine in China."

"The first winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in China? Is it the home of Professor Ye Rongrong?"

"I have been to Taoyuan Village in Yangping County. The scenery of that small mountain village is really beautiful, especially in spring when the peach blossoms are in full bloom. It is really very beautiful."

"I've also been there. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but there are also many kinds of precious birds living there, especially the home of Professor Ye Rongrong, where there are many magical animals. They are very spiritual and very smart. "

"Taoyuan Village, Pingyang County? Search the map, and I'll go there in a few days to see if this winged horse really exists!"

"I'll go see it too. I haven't seen this winged horse in real life. I hope it's real."

"Hahaha, I will go too, everyone can form a group to go."


Soon, people in this forum stopped arguing about whether the winged horse was real or not, but discussed that everyone would come to Taoyuan Village to find the truth.

However, Ye Rongrong doesn't know these things. He is currently typing with his laptop. After all, the second online novel "Super Gourmet" is coming to an end, and Ye Rongrong plans to code out all the remaining chapters in the next few days , uploaded to the website to update regularly.

After continuously coding more than 10,000 words, Ye Rongrong felt a little dizzy. Although Ye Rongrong's coding speed was very fast and the content was in his mind, but he coded continuously for an hour, and he still coded more than 10,000 words. Don't say dizziness Yes, these eyes can't bear it.

After turning off the computer, Ye Rongrong sat on the chair and rubbed his eyes, then walked to the yard, lay down on the reclining chair under the longan tree, drank tea, and had a rest.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was already evening. The "Xiaohui" couple finally came back after playing in the back mountain for more than a day, and "Xiaohui" still had a wild rabbit in its mouth.

It's the end of autumn now, and at this time, all kinds of things on the mountain are already ripe. Whether it's wild fruits or birds and animals, each one is very fat and tastes good to eat.

"Not bad, not bad, and know how to bring something home."

Ye Rongrong lay on the armchair and looked at the hare in "Little Hui" with satisfaction.

Now this season is the most suitable for tonic,

This big hare is enough for my family to make a good meal.


"Xiaocao", who was playing with Dudu, saw the hare in "Xiaohui"'s mouth, and was frightened and hurried into Dudu's arms.

Although "Xiaocao" also knew that these big men in the family used to be harmless to her natural enemies, and even protected herself, but out of biological instinct, "Xiaocao" saw "King Kong", "Big Bear", Natural enemies like "little gray" in the natural environment are instinctively afraid.

Especially now that "Little Hui" is still holding an animal of its own kind in its mouth, which makes "Xiaocao" even more frightened.

"Xiao Hui, send this hare to the kitchen, and eat rabbit meat tonight."

Ye Rongrong said to "Little Hui".

Avoid freaking out the "grass".

After all, this rabbit is timid, if it gets sick from fright, my precious daughter will feel distressed.

You must know that since "Little Grass" came to the house, Dudu has been inseparable from it, and even hugs it when going to bed at night, but it is a baby.

"Father, 'Xiaohui' is bullying 'Xiaocao'!"

Seeing that "Xiaocao" was scared, Dudu immediately looked at "Little Hui" unhappily and complained to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, later Dad will criticize 'Xiaohui' severely, so that he will not dare to scare 'Xiaocao' in the future."

Ye Rongrong winked at "Little Hui" and said to Dudu.

This "little gray" knows how to bring some game back home when he goes out.

Of course, when his precious daughter spoke, Ye Rongrong had to put on a show for her to see.

"Little Hui" naturally understood the meaning of Ye Rongrong's eyes, and hurried to the kitchen with the hare in his mouth.


In the evening, Ye Rongrong stewed the hare himself. After all, it is best to do it by yourself.

Because rabbit meat is cold, the best season to eat rabbit meat is summer and autumn. It is still very nourishing to eat rabbit meat in this season. Of course, how to make the rabbit meat more nutritious depends on the individual adding those auxiliary materials.

Clean the rabbit and cut it into pieces, put a little oil in the pot to heat up, pour the rabbit into the pot and stir fry, because many people are not used to the smell of rabbit meat, so the preliminary treatment is particularly important until the water in the meat is diluted and the surface appears When it is browned, take it out of the pan and rinse it in clean water for a while.

Put the washed rabbit meat into the stew pot. When stewing, it depends on your preference. You can add water or broth. Next, add salt, chicken essence, ginger, wolfberry, Codonopsis, and old wine and simmer until cooked. The time is up to you, because rabbits are old and young, so it should be determined according to the actual situation.

The reason why Ye Rongrong's culinary skills are better than those of the top chefs is that in the control of the heat, "the slightest miss, the difference is a thousand miles", which shows how important the influence of the heat on the delicious food is.


In the evening, Ye Rongrong's family ate this stewed rabbit meat. In terms of taste, the taste of this rabbit meat is not very good, but the rabbit meat made by Ye Rongrong's hands tastes very good.

Ye Rongrong's family had a delicious meal, and then, as usual, Ye Rongrong watched TV dramas with his wife and children for a while, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

The next morning, Ye Rongrong was still asleep when he was awakened from his sleep by the ringing of his mobile phone.

I groped for the location of the phone with my eyes closed, and after I pressed the answer button based on my feeling, a familiar voice came from the phone.

"Glory, where are you now?"

Xu Keming asked on the phone.

"It's Dean Xu, why did you call me so early?"

Ye Rongrong closed his eyes and asked.

Ye Rongrong has not fully woken up yet.

"What's the matter, it's already half past ten in the morning, aren't you still sleeping?"

Xu Keming looked at the time on the clock on his wall, it was already half past ten, and everyone was about to have lunch, why is it so early.

"Well, I was woken up by your phone ringing just now. Dean Xu went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. If you have nothing to do, you won't call me. If you call, you must have something to come to me. You said, I just listen."

Ye Rongrong said.

I spent a long time "communicating" with my wife last night, and I didn't fall asleep until after one o'clock in the morning. Ye Rongrong is still sleepy.

"Glory, do you remember the patient you saw last time?"

Xu Keming asked.

"Patient? Which patient?"

Ye Rongrong really couldn't remember which patient Xu Keming was talking about.

"That's the princess."

Xu Keming said.


Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, remembering which princess from the Eastern Kingdom he had seen at the People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing before the National Day, but the defense between men and women was too serious.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, the whole person is tightly wrapped, only a pair of eyes are exposed, which makes it impossible for Ye Guangrong to heal.

Of course, the biggest reason is that Ye Rongrong is too lazy to serve.

"You're talking about the princess from a country in the Middle East?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

Going to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, Dean Xu probably came to him to treat the princess' illness, but Ye Guangrong didn't want to save the princess.

What the hell, wrap yourself so tightly that you can't see it except for your eyes, let alone give her a pulse.

Men and women can't get close, Ye Rongrong can't even touch any princess.

This is the first time Ye Rongrong has seen a patient like this.

So Ye Rongrong didn't want to treat this princess who came from the Middle East to treat her illness. If every patient asked so much, something would be done in the future.

Ye Rongrong will not get used to this bad habit.

"That's right, Glory, you have to help me this time, you can't let this princess die in our PLA General Hospital, or I, the dean, will be in trouble."

Xu Keming said anxiously on the phone.

"How is she now?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Ye Rongrong saw her illness last time, but there were some things growing on her body, but it was not as serious as Xu Keming said now, and basically it would not be life-threatening.


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