The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1014 The name of the wine

"I didn't expect this wine without the aroma of wine to taste so good, but it's a pity that the alcohol content is a bit low."

Wang Bingzhen smacked his lips and said.

"Low alcohol content?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Bingzhen with malicious intentions and thought.

"What do you mean, don't you..."

Before Wang Bingzhen could finish his words, suddenly a pungent air rising from his abdomen blocked what he was about to say.

Immediately afterwards, his somewhat black and yellow old face suddenly turned red as if it had been ignited, and the blush became more and more serious, and soon Wang Bing was really blushing to the point of bleeding.

Immediately afterwards, fine beads of sweat appeared on Wang Bingzhen's forehead and nose, his eyes were foggy, and he looked like he had drunk too much.

This accident happened so suddenly, not only did Wang Bingzhen's face turn red, he was speechless for a long time, and he was stunned there, motionless.

After more than ten seconds passed, the blushing Wang Bingzhen let out a long breath, and the redness on his face gradually faded away.


"It's so cool!"

Wang Bingzhen uttered two sentences in succession, and each sentence became louder and louder.

"Hehe, am I water or wine?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Bingzhen with a smile and said.

"Wine, absolutely good wine, the best wine I've ever had!"

Wang Bingzhen said excitedly.

For Wang Bingzhen in the battle of wine classics, he had never drunk any good wine, but this was the first time he had encountered such a wine that made him intoxicated.

It's just that this wine is a bit sinister. At the beginning, it doesn't have any wine aroma. People who don't know it will definitely think it's just plain water.

Moreover, when you first drink it, it is extremely soft and easy to enter your throat. You can't feel the spiciness of spirits, but it does have a taste of sake.

But once the wine enters the stomach, it will suddenly burn like a ball of fire, and the strong alcohol will spread all over the body in an instant.

This feeling of two-level difference is really fascinating.

"Hehe, now you know that my wine is not bad!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

When making this wine, Ye Rongrong specially added some kiwi fruit ingredients, which made the wine have a special explosion feeling.

At the beginning, it was unremarkable, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but once it reached the abdomen, it immediately "seemed like a poor dagger", which caught people off guard.

"Yes, it's really good. At the beginning, it tasted like drinking sake, and it was nothing special. Once the wine entered the belly, it was warm at the beginning, no different from drinking sake."

"Just when I thought it was like this, the wine suddenly exploded in my stomach, and the heat rushed around my body. It was spicy and hot, and it was very exciting and enjoyable."

Wang Bingzhen said excitedly.

As a wine lover, Wang Bing really felt like meeting such a good wine with such a personality.

This is a fine wine that I have never experienced before.

The reason why I think so is that although the wine has the spicy feeling of a volcanic eruption in my stomach, even my forehead is a little numb, but I don't feel it at all.

Although Wang Bingzhen was sweating profusely from the wine, he felt as if his meridians had been passed through from inside to outside, and he felt very comfortable.

"You're lucky. I'm in a good mood today, so I took out my treasured liquor."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong had a workout with his wife early in the morning, and Ye Rongrong felt comfortable all over. He was naturally in a good mood, and then he remembered to take out a jar of fine wine that he had buried in the ground.

"Pour me another glass."

Wang Bingzhen no longer used the big bowl this time, but the small wine glass provided by Ye Rongrong just now.

"No more bowls this time?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Bingzhen with a smile and said.

"Where is there so much nonsense, pour me a glass quickly."

Wang Bingzhen blushed and said.


Ye Rongrong smiled, said nothing more, poured a small glass of wine for Wang Bingzhen, and the two began to drink.

This is also Ye Rongrong's first time drinking his own brewed wine.

Feel the word "cool!"

Especially the feeling of comfort after the explosion, which Ye Rongrong likes very much.

"Sannie, why don't you drink?"

Seeing that Shanny didn't touch the wine glass in front of her, Ye Guangrong asked suspiciously.

"I... I'm not used to drinking this liquor."

Shanny blushed slightly.

Shanni has been in Huaxia for half a year, but she is still not used to drinking Huaxia liquor, especially the spicy feeling, which makes Shanni feel lingering.

"If you don't drink, then I'll help you drink."

Seeing that Shanni didn't drink the liquor, Wang Bingzhen took Shanni's glass of wine.

After all, it would be a pity if such a good wine was wasted.

"Such a good wine, have you named it?"

Wang Bingzhen asked Ye Rongrong after drinking a glass of wine.

"Not yet, why don't you get one for me."

Ye Rongrong said.

Originally, Ye Rongrong didn't intend to name this wine, but since Wang Bingzhen mentioned it, Ye Rongrong simply let him name it.

After all, Wang Bing was really the first person to drink this kind of self-brewed wine, so he must have the deepest feeling.

"This wine tastes like an explosion, and Nima's is particularly sinister. Let's call it a depth bomb."

Wang Bing really thought about it and said.

"Depth charge!"

Ye Rongrong nodded after thinking about it and said: "The name is quite suitable for this wine, so it should be called depth bomb."


"There will be heavy rain today!"

Wang Bingzhen looked at the dark clouds on the mountain in the distance, and said to Ye Rongrong.

Although the light rain stopped outside, there was a mass of dark clouds drifting over from the north, and the entire back mountain was covered by dark clouds.

"It looks like it's going to rain all day today."

Ye Rongrong looked at the sky and nodded.

As Ye Rongrong's words fell, a flash of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, followed by a deep and loud sound that broke the original calm of the lake, and heavy rain fell from the sky crazily.

The wind chased the rain, the rain chased the wind, the wind and the rain surged together to chase the dark clouds in the sky, the whole courtyard was immersed in the rain, and the whole world was already a vast expanse of whiteness.

Ye Rongrong and the others sat in a small boat and floated freely with the wind, admiring the beauty of the heavy rain.

The heavy rain seems to be pouring, the flowers and trees by the lake are swaying in the strong wind, and the dry soil greedily absorbs the gift of nature until it is saturated and flows away...

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky and the earth were covered with white flowers, and the distant scene could no longer be seen clearly in the line of sight.

"Glory, it looks like we're going to be stuck here today!"

Wang Bingzhen looked at the torrential rain pouring down the boat and said with a smile.

Such a heavy rainstorm, Wang Bingzhen reckoned that it would be the last heavy rain this year, and after winter, there would be no such heavy rainstorm with thunder and lightning.

"It's raining heavily, and it stops quickly, not to mention that we have wine and food on board now, so why worry!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's right, come on, let's drink."

Wang Bingzhen nodded and said.


As Ye Rongrong said, the rain was heavy and it stopped quickly. In about half an hour, the downpour stopped.

"Dad, Dad!"

There was a beeping sound in the distance.


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