"Hehe, my baby girl is here!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Dudu who was riding the big white goose "White Dragon" with a smile, and said to Wang Bingzhen who was standing beside him with a smile.

Now this big white goose "Bailong" is a special mount for Dudu on the water.

"Such a big white goose can only be seen at your home, and you can never see it outside."

Wang Bingzhen said with emotion.

Ever since he came to Taoyuan Village, Wang Bingzhen saw that all kinds of strange animals in Ye Rongrong's house had become numb to the point of numbness.

Taking out many animals here is an absolute sensation, but here, everyone has become accustomed to it.

Now Ye Rongrong's house has not seen any new and strange animals for a while, and everyone is not used to it.

As for why there are so many smart and strange animals in Ye Rongrong's family, Taoyuan Village, including Wang Bingzhen himself, more or less suspected that this matter had something to do with Ye Rongrong, but everyone thought about it in their hearts and didn't say it.

After all, there are some things that everyone thinks it is better to keep them rotten in their stomachs. Of course, some people are secretly discussing them, but if they are said out, people outside will not believe them.

What's more, Ye Rongrong is now the pride of the entire Taoyuan Village, and the whole village has more or less benefited from Ye Rongrong's existence.

It's too late for everyone to protect Ye Rongrong now, how could they do anything that would harm Ye Rongrong.

"Maybe the nutrition is too good!"

Ye Rongrong said hahaha.

These animals and plants in my home are more or less fed with diluted "plant advanced nutrient solution", and the heads are a little bigger than normal.

It can even be said that the insects in Ye Rongrong's yard are bigger than the ones outside, and the weeds grow particularly cheerfully. If it weren't for someone cleaning up these weeds every day, his yard would be covered by weeds.

Fortunately, as long as the "plant high-level nutrient solution" is not taken directly, although the length of these animals and plants is larger than normal, they are still within the acceptable range.

But the big white goose like "Bailong" is different, it is really too huge, much bigger than normal big white goose, anyone who looks at it thinks it is not normal.

So after the "White Dragon" incident, Ye Rongrong basically stopped feeding the "plant high-level nutrient solution" directly to the animals and plants at home, so as to avoid any weird things.


Wang Bingzhen said with a smile.

This can be heard, but it must not be taken seriously.

Soon, Dudu rode the big white goose "White Dragon" to the side of the boat.

"Dad, Dad..."

Dudu immediately shouted to Ye Rongrong.

"My precious girl."

Ye Rongrong picked up Dudu from the big white goose "White Dragon".

"Father, Mommy said she wants to go home for dinner."

Dudu put his arms around his father's neck and said.

"Okay, let's go home and have dinner."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said while hugging Dudu.

"Glory, Dudu often rides this big white goose to swim in this lake, is it too dangerous, in case..."

Wang Bingzhen hesitated for a while, but still reminded him.

After all, it would be too dangerous if it accidentally fell into this lake.

"It'll be fine, Bailong will protect Dudu."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Dare to let Dudu sit on the body of "White Dragon" like this and run wild on the lake, that is because Ye Rongrong has given Dudu several layers of protection.

The first is the big white goose "Bailong", which will protect Dudu, and the second is "Blackhead". Ye Rongrong has explained that as long as Dudu and Mengmengqi are playing by the water, "Blackhead" must be underwater at any time. protected.

Of course, there are two girls, Dudu and Mengmeng, who both wear "talismans".

With these three layers of protection, Ye Rongrong dared to let Dudu and Mengmeng play by the lake, and let them ride the "White Dragon" to play in the lake.

Ye Rongrong is going to teach Dudu how to swim when she gets older, and now Mengmeng has already learned how to swim.

"Still be careful.


Wang Bingzhen saw that Ye Rongrong didn't hear his opinion, so he shook his head and said.

"Well, I will pay attention, Lao Wang, eat at my place at noon."

Ye Rongrong suggested.

"No, drinking so many 'depth charges' has too much stamina, I have to go back and lie down."

Wang Bingzhen shook his head and said.

"okay then!"

Ye Rongrong also knew how to be polite, seeing that Wang Bing really wanted to go back, he didn't say much.

After sailing the boat to the shore and sending Wang Bingzhen away, Ye Rongrong walked to the small courtyard with Dudu in his arms.


Early the next morning, the weather was exceptionally clear, but the temperature in the air was very low.

Yesterday's rain made the weather start to cool down. The door of Ye Rongrong's bedroom was greeted by the cool air, which made Ye Rongrong feel a little uncomfortable...

"Honey, the weather has changed today, it's a bit cold outside, you should wear more clothes!"

Liu Qingqing who was in the yard saw Ye Rongrong get up, so she spoke.

"Don't worry, your husband is very strong, this coldness will not make your husband catch a cold."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

There is an old saying, "spring cover autumn cold" is to keep the body temperature not high in autumn, so as to help restrain the yang energy, because when the heat goes out, the cold must be exchanged in. However, it is still necessary to add clothes to protect the yang energy when going out at night. gas.

According to the current medical theory, at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, when the weather turns cold, people should not rush to add clothes, but let the body have an adaptation process, so that they will not be afraid of the cold winter.

Of course, the weather now is a bit different from before. In the past, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter were very distinct, but in the current climate, the four seasons are no longer very distinct. People can only feel the two seasons of "summer" and "winter" throughout the year. It's season.

It's either too hot or too cold, and there's nothing excessive in between.

The climate in recent years has become more and more unfamiliar to people.

The yard was wet, yesterday's rain had drained away, only some water still remained in the low-lying places near the corner of the wall, and a few little ones at home were walking in the yard, leaving footprints everywhere on the ground.

"I'll bring you breakfast."

Liu Qingqing said.

"Honey, there's no need, I'm already such an adult, and I've been made into a master by having you serve me every day."

Ye Rongrong said with some embarrassment.

After all, ever since Liu Qingqing came into his house and became his wife, she has been serving him without complaint or regret.

This made Ye Rongrong feel a little guilty... no, it was because he felt sorry.

"You are the eldest master of our family!"

Liu Qingqing said it as a matter of course.

My man is the pillar of my family and the reliance of myself and my children, so Liu Qingqing naturally wants to take care of him.

You must know that a man, a man with a family is very tiring, not only to earn money to support the family, but also to support the whole family.

"But if you treat me like this, you will spoil me."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Husband, don't you also spoil me? As a wife, I like to cook you breakfast and serve you every day. Please don't take away my duty as a wife, okay?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly and said.


Ye Rongrong looked deeply at Liu Qingqing, nodded and said.

Every time he looked at his beloved wife, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but think of his responsibilities and responsibilities.

Born as a man, he will experience a series of role changes such as son, husband, and father in this life. It is a duty for a man to do well in each role.

As a son, you cannot let your parents down. This is your responsibility. If you fail to do so, you are not a good son.

As a husband, you have to make your woman happy and happy. This is your responsibility. If you fail to do this, you are not a good husband.

As a father, you must make your children happy, healthy, and happy. This is your responsibility. If you fail to do this, you are not a good father.

Ye Rongrong is now working hard to be a good son, husband, and father.

"Honey, I'm going to the kitchen."

Seeing that her husband did not deprive herself of her obligation to serve him for breakfast, Liu Qingqing happily went to the kitchen.

As a full-time housewife, in Liu Qingqing's view, taking care of her husband and raising children is her duty and the meaning of Liu Qingqing's life now.

If Liu Qingqing is really not allowed to do these things, she will feel empty, and feel that life has no purpose or fun.


Ye Rongrong looked up at the mountain in the distance, and the whole place was a little more dignified, which seemed to indicate that the season of killing was coming.

A gust of cold wind blew by, but there was a different kind of bleak feeling.

It's really autumnal! .

After breakfast, Liu Qingqing took the broom and began to clean the yard. After all, it was the end of autumn, and the night's wind and rain made the yard full of fallen leaves.

Ye Rongrong was lying under the longan tree like an old man, watching the news on his mobile phone.

Soon, a piece of news caught Ye Rongrong's attention.

"In Taoyuan Village, Yangping County, Southern Zhejiang Province, a red horse with wings was spotted. According to the descriptions and photos and videos provided by many witnesses..."

Ye Rongrong could tell with just one glance that the person responsible for the news report was his family's "Xiaohong".

Although Ye Rongrong brought "Little Red" from the depths of the grassland and was ready to cause a sensation, but he didn't expect it to be on the news so soon.

There are photos and videos in this news, and it is obvious that these photos are not synthesized by computers.

In the comments below the news, many people said that they would come to Taoyuan Village to verify whether the Pegasus really existed.

This made Ye Rongrong frown involuntarily. After all, if many people really come, it will disturb the peaceful life of his family. This is the result that Ye Rongrong does not want.

What a headache.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong frowning, Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

"Look at this."

Ye Rongrong said, and handed the phone to Liu Qingqing.


I'm sorry, there are some things today, the update is late, and there is another chapter after midnight, everyone, don't wait, read it tomorrow morning.

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