The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1029 Earthquake?

"I... I don't know either!"

Obviously, the taxi driver didn't know what was going on.

Just as Ye Rongrong was talking to the taxi driver, a shock that was not particularly strong but not very weak came over!

"Could it be an earthquake?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

Earthquakes are terrible natural disasters, and there are definitely not a few people who died of earthquakes in history.

"I'm pretty sure it's not an earthquake, it doesn't feel like that, and it doesn't sound like an earthquake."

The taxi driver immediately shook his head and said.

"Are you so sure?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"My hometown is in Sichuan Province, where earthquakes don't happen a few times a year, and it's not normal. Whether it's a big earthquake or a small one, the tremors don't feel like this."

The taxi driver said affirmatively.

Many places in Sichuan Province in China are located at the intersection of continental plates. Every year due to the movement of continental plates, some places in Sichuan Province are in a state of high earthquake occurrence all year round.

The people there have been trained in earthquake-related knowledge since they were young, and they are very familiar with the characteristics of earthquakes.

Southerners like Ye Rongrong have never experienced an earthquake.

"It wasn't an earthquake, could it be..."

Ye Rongrong frowned involuntarily.

"50% of the buildings have collapsed, but this is the capital, how could this happen?"

The taxi driver was puzzled.

"There's still a 50% chance?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the taxi driver and asked.

"I reckon it might be a military exercise. It was the sound of shells just now..."

The taxi driver put the car in P gear and chatted with Ye Rongrong.

After all, the entire road is blocked now, and the taxi is blocked and unable to move. Apart from chatting with Ye Rongrong, the taxi driver can only be in a hurry.

Traffic jams are a waste of time for customers, but a waste of money for taxi drivers.

After all, if the car does not move, the meter on the car will not jump, and if it does not jump, it means that there will be no income during the waiting period.

Now the taxi business is getting worse and worse. Since the emergence of "Didi Taxi", the taxi market has become smaller and smaller, and the money earned has become less and less.

Forget it, there is no need to think too much, the low-level ordinary people can be satisfied if they can eat enough and wear warmth.

"Not the sound of shells."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong had stayed in the military area and heard the sound of shells exploding, but it wasn't like this.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong is more inclined to the possibility of a building collapse ahead.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong took out fifty yuan from his pocket and handed it directly to the taxi driver.

"No more change."

Ye Rongrong said a word, opened the car door and walked out.

"Hey... hello..."

The taxi driver saw that the paper money in his hand was a fifty-yuan bill, and hurriedly lowered the window and shouted to the outside.

It's a pity that Ye Rongrong's figure has been lost.

In fact, we can’t blame Ye Rongrong for this. The main reason is that Ye Rongrong didn’t need fifty yuan to take a taxi far away in the county town. After thinking about it, I just left.

"I'm stupid, I run really fast, and I don't need change, damn it, it's not enough for the fare! Dressed like a dog, I thought he was a rich man, but he turned out to be a poor man, and he wanted to The poor three in the overlord car..."

The taxi driver was so depressed, so hated!


After getting out of the taxi, Ye Rongrong quickly followed the crowd all the way to the front. There is a characteristic of Huaxia people, that is, they like to watch the excitement. These people are all running in one direction, and Ye Rongrong must be right to follow.

"The earthquake just now?"

"Earthquake, our capital hasn't had an earthquake for many years."

"It's not an earthquake. An earthquake is not like this. It must be that a building has collapsed in front of it."

"The building collapsed, how is that possible,

All the houses in the capital have security checks. Those old dilapidated houses are almost demolished, and the rest are antiques. They are protected by the state, so how could it be possible for houses to collapse. "

"It's hard to say. Sometimes the security check is just a formality. This year, a dilapidated building collapsed in Wenzhou City. How many people died?"

"But it must not be a building collapse. Our capital city is full of high-rise buildings, and there are many people living there. If this collapses, how many people will die!"

"That's true!"

"Stop talking, let's go ahead and see what happened."

Along the way, Ye Rongrong heard people's discussions, and walked forward at a faster speed.


In the Century Garden Building, many company employees are working overtime.

In a highly developed international metropolis like Beijing, people are under a lot of pressure to live and work here. If the daily work cannot be completed on the same day, they need to work overtime to complete it, otherwise they will lose their jobs.

The consumption level in the capital is very high. Young people have no savings, and if they don't work hard, they may not even be able to pay the rent if they lose their jobs.

And for men and women who have a family and a house, there are old and young in the family, and they are all waiting for the money they earn from work to support them, and they dare not wait for slack.

No, it's almost nine o'clock in the evening, and the office building of the Century Garden Building is still brightly lit, and many people are still working overtime.

"Xiao Wang, didn't you go out to watch a movie with your boyfriend tonight?"

Ma Dagang said to the young woman sitting opposite him.

"Brother Ma, I also want to watch a movie with my boyfriend. Isn't this a temporary task for me in the company? If I can't submit this plan tomorrow, I will pack up and leave tomorrow."

Wang Xiaotong said with a wry smile.

Originally, Wang Xiaotong had made an appointment with her boyfriend to have dinner, go shopping and watch a movie together after get off work in the evening. This is the night life of young men and women in the city.

In order to be able to date her boyfriend at night, Wang Xiaotong worked hard during the day to finish the work at hand.

Finally, when he was about to get off work, he finished all the work at hand, and before he had time to be happy, his "old witch" Mr. Zhao added another task to him, and he had to finish it at night.

Wang Xiaotong really wanted to say "NO", but it turned into "OK."

There is no way, refusal means that you may be "fired."

For Wang Xiaotong who just graduated from university, it is not easy to work in such a large multinational company.

Wang Xiaotong could only stay and work overtime.

"I can't help it. Working in an office building in the city is like this. The pressure is extremely high. If you come or not, you have to work overtime. Many people envy our work and think that we are urban white-collar workers and social elites."

"But who can understand the sadness of us urban white-collar workers? If possible, I really want to go back to the countryside and become a farmer."

Ma Dagang said with emotion.

"Brother Ma, why don't you go back and be a farmer?"

Wang Xiaotong asked with a smile.

"What's the use of thinking? When we were in college, the school asked us to transfer our hukou to the school, but after graduating from university and then moving our hukou back to the countryside, we became non-agricultural hukou, that is, people who have no land and no land. , Without land, it means that I have no roots in the countryside, so I can only go back to the city and work hard, I am really tired."

"Every time I take my wife and son back to the countryside, others envy me for working in the capital as a white-collar worker and owning a car and a house in the capital."

"But who knows, I bought this car and this house with a loan. I have been a house slave all my life, and I am afraid that I will lose my job and not be able to pay back the next month's mortgage."

"Don't look at me as a majestic seven-foot man, but in the company, I bowed my head and bowed to every company leader. I was afraid that the leader would dislike me and fire me. Now I can't straighten up. No dignity at all..."

Ma Dagang doesn't know why, but today he wants to express his emotions.

"Now I really miss being a student. I was carefree. When I had no money, I just asked my family for money."

Wang Xiaotong said.

"Xiao Wang, why do you stay in the capital to work?"

Ma Dagang asked.

"Because the supporting facilities in this capital city are good. There are the best schools in the country, the best hospitals in the country, and the best security environment in the country. For the sake of our elderly and future children, my boyfriend and I have considered Next, stay here in the capital."

"Now we are renting a house outside the Fifth Ring Road. When the two of us get together the down payment, we will buy a house of our own outside the Fifth Ring Road in the capital. At that time, I will be a native of the capital just like you, Brother Ma. .”

Wang Xiaotong looked at Ma Dagang enviously and said.

In the capital where every inch of land is expensive, to have a house of his own is definitely a successful person. For Wang Xiaotong, a successful person like Ma Dagang.

"Hehe, after you have your own house in the capital, you will find that things are not so beautiful."

Ma Dagang shook his head and said.

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

A middle-aged woman came over, frowning and asked Ma Dagang and Wang Xiaotong.

"Mr. Zhao, we didn't talk about anything."

Upon hearing the middle-aged woman's voice, Wang Xiaotong was startled and said hastily.

"Mr. Zhao, we just talked about work matters."

Ma Dagang also said hastily.

"Hurry up and complete the plan, I'm still waiting."

Mr. Zhao looked at Wang Xiaotong dissatisfied and said.

"Mr. Zhao, I...I'm going to do..."

Just when Wang Xiaotong was nervously reporting to Mr. Zhao, there was a particularly strong shock, and many items on the desk were shaken off the table.


"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"No, it's an earthquake!"

"The earthquake is coming, run!"

All the people in the office were stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that they were in a panic.

With such a strong sense of vibration, if you don't run out of the building quickly, when the building collapses, everyone will die here.

At this time, everyone ran to the stairs one after another.

As for the elevator, everyone has some common sense. When the earthquake hits, taking the elevator is much more dangerous than taking the stairs.


Ma Dagang also realized that he didn't care about anything anymore, and shouted at Mr. Zhao and Wang Xiaotong who were still dumbfounded.

Wang Xiaotong and Mr. Zhao saw it, and quickly followed Ma Dagang's footsteps.


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