The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1030 Critical moment

"Everyone, don't panic, everything will be fine. This office building is made of reinforced steel, which can withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8. Everyone can rest assured and don't run around."

Seeing the commotion in the office, many people ran outside, several company leaders who worked overtime in the company hurriedly shouted loudly, ready to calm people's hearts.

Suddenly, the office building shook, and rumbling sounds came from all directions. The sound was so loud that it was very scary to hear.

Then, a wall of the big office burst open at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Click, click, the lines of the cracks are getting longer and longer.

"Crack... bang bang..."

Some gravel fell down with a crackling sound, hitting the desk with a piercing sound, and everyone's attention was attracted!

"No, this building is going to collapse!"

"Run, if you don't run, you're really going to die!"


"Run, everyone, run!"

The people who reacted ran desperately towards the stairs.

At this time, everyone understood that the building was about to collapse!

And it's about to collapse!

The few company leaders who were supposed to appease people's flustered emotions suddenly changed color, and they couldn't care about anything else, and ran desperately.

Why is this building able to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8? Now these leaders find that it is a lie from Nima.

Now this building is about to collapse. If you want to survive, you must run out of this building as soon as possible.

But people like myself are on the 18th floor. Thinking about it, many people are a little desperate.

Although desperate, the desire to die still drove everyone to run down the stairs.

"hurry up!"

"Don't push me!"


"Get out of the way."


"Run, this building is about to collapse."

"It's over, I'm really going to die here this time."

All of a sudden, people on all floors of the entire office building crowded towards the stairs, causing chaos on every floor!

Because of the crowding, the speed could not be increased. Seeing more and more cracks in the wall beside the stairs, people became even more frightened.

"Get out of the way, I am the leader of the company, let me run first."

A middle-aged man with a big belly shouted loudly.

"Go to hell, this life is gone, who cares what kind of leader you are."

"Go aside, don't block my way."

"go away."

Soon the potbellied company leader was pushed to a corner of the stairs by many people, unable to move.

At this time, everyone is thinking about saving their lives. If they are late, they may die. Not to mention the company leaders, even the king of heaven, many people will not give way.

Human nature is sometimes very realistic and cruel.

There are very few saints who are willing to give up their own lives and let others live.

"Wuuu...Brother Dagang...will we die? I'm not married yet, I haven't bought a house in the capital, I haven't become a mother yet...Wuuu...I don't want to die...I don't want to die... "

Wang Xiaotong, who was blocked at the stairs and couldn't go down, cried in despair.

Now the building is obviously falling to one side, and soon the building will collapse, and soon people like myself will die.

"Don't cry, let's not give up hope until the last moment."

Ma Dagang shouted.

Thinking of his wife and children waiting at home, Ma Dagang would never let himself die in this building, and his faith told Ma Dagang that he must live...alive...


Under the building, many people rushed out of the building one after another, desperately running to the distance.

Especially people on the first and second floors basically ran a long distance, panting heavily there.

In the distance, many ordinary people who heard the sound gathered in the distance, and they all looked at the crumbling office building in astonishment, and were shocked!

"Finally ran out!"

"Woo, I'm alive...I'm alive..."

"Buddha bless... Buddha bless..."

"Hahaha...I'm not dead...I'm not dead..."

Many people who escaped from the office building were relieved!

There is nothing more joyful than being alive.

Only then did everyone realize how precious life is.

Suddenly, the eyes of the onlookers suddenly became frightened!


"Oh no!"

"The building has collapsed!"

"It's over, there are still many people inside who haven't escaped yet!"

"I don't know how many people will die now."

"Run, the building is about to collapse!"

"Buddha bless, don't die."

Seeing that the big office building was about to collapse, people couldn't help shouting in horror.

At this time, Ye Rongrong also rushed to the place not far in front of the office building, seeing the rickety office building that was about to fall down, Ye Rongrong couldn't help being shocked.

Not to mention how many people in the office building have yet to escape, the number of people who have escaped from the gate of the office building now is no less than the number 50 or 60 people. If the office building collapses, these people will be crushed to death.

"Time stands still for ten seconds!"

Ye Rongrong didn't think too much, and immediately said silently in his heart.

Immediately, the entire space and time stood still, and the building that was about to collapse also quietly maintained the state of collapsing.

Those who escaped also kept their postures still.


Ye Rongrong hurriedly cast the "invisibility technique" on himself, and flew towards the gate of the office building.

Grabbing two people with both hands, and then swept a few people with his thoughts, he started to fly outside, quickly put these people far away, and Ye Rongrong flew to the gate of the office building again.

"This can't work, the speed is too slow!"

Put the six people away again, Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

In just such a short time, five seconds have passed, and only the last five seconds are left.

After all, this "ten-second time freeze" is not only valid for ten seconds, but can only be used once a day.

There was no time for Ye Rongrong to think again. Ye Rongrong grabbed a person's foot and threw it away vigorously. The person slid directly on the ground to the distance.

Ye Rongrong did the same to other people in the same way, and the speed was immediately much faster. Ye Rongrong went all out and basically threw the fifty or sixty people into the distance in five seconds.

Although in this case, these people will suffer some skin trauma, but compared with losing their lives, this is already very light.

With no better choice, Ye Rongrong could only think about saving the lives of these people first.

"...3, 2, 1, 0..."

As the number in my mind became 0, "ten seconds of time stillness" ended, and the office building that was originally stationary collapsed in an instant.

And at this moment, a young girl ran out from the gate of the office building. Just as she ran out of the gate, there was a loud bang above her head, and the office building collapsed in the blink of an eye!

Rolling sand and dust splash!

The shattered walls fell down!


Seeing a huge wall collapsing obliquely towards her, Zhu Yu was in despair and was at a loss!

I ran down with all my strength, and it seemed that I had already left the gate of the office building, and the hope of life was in front of me, but this hope immediately turned into despair.

Zhu Yu closed her eyes miserably

"Baby, I'm sorry, mother can't watch you grow up, watch you get married, you have to be healthy..."

At the last moment of his life, what Zhu Yu misses most is his one-year-old daughter.

The thick wall smashed towards Zhu Yu with the sound of the wind.

Looking at the weight of the wall, it can be said that it is more than one ton!

What is the concept of a ton?

It's like a big car hitting you hard!

In this case there is only one fate to be crushed!

Zhu Yu has completely given up hope of life.



"It's over, it's over!"

People who saw this scene in the distance exclaimed loudly, but everyone knew that the young woman at the gate could not escape!

Watching a young life about to die in front of their eyes, the people who saw this scene from a distance felt a sense of sadness in their hearts!

Some people simply close their eyes, not wanting to see such a sad scene.

Everyone wanted to save her, but there was nothing they could do. They could only watch her die in front of their eyes. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable, like being stabbed by a needle.

At this moment, a scene that no one could believe appeared!



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