The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1031 Collapsing Suddenly

I saw a young man appearing out of nowhere, and he actually used both hands to support the wall that fell down!

Seeing this scene, many people were terrified.

Good at touching the wall?

That's courting death, how could human strength be able to touch that ten-ton wall?

But the fact is that this person propped up the wall, which caused everyone to suddenly fall into a strange silence.

Many people gasped!

The people watching the excitement around were all dumbfounded. No one thought that Ye Rongrong could catch the five or six meter high wall with his bare hands!

That's the height of three or four people, and that's a wall that weighs more than ten tons, but the man in front of him is actually holding it up forcefully!

What is this concept?

What kind of strength is this?

Many people couldn't believe what they saw. After all, this is reality, not a myth!

How could there be such a Hercules in reality?

To have such a strong man, in the world of weightlifting, it is absolutely a sweeping existence.

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

The expected wall did not come down.

"Why am I not dead yet?"

"Why does death not hurt at all, or even feel different?"

Zhu Yu, who was waiting to die with her eyes closed, thought in her heart, opened her eyes in doubt, and saw a white wall standing in front of her, about half a meter away from her body. It stood there motionless, as if it had been frozen.

This... what's the situation?

Why didn't the wall hit him?

Zhu Yu didn't react for a while, and was startled, but soon she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life!

A tall and mighty man actually held up the thick wall that was about to hit him with his hands up!

Is he a fairy?

Zhu Yu thought in a daze.

"Why are you still standing in a daze, run quickly, this building is about to collapse completely, why don't you run, waiting to be crushed to death?"

Ye Rongrong shouted at Zhu Yu.

This woman doesn't even look at what's going on now, she's still dumbfounded, if she doesn't run away, the whole building will collapse, it's really going to kill her.


Zhu Yu came to his senses, hurriedly got up from the ground, and ran outside.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

"No, the whole office building is about to collapse."

"It's over, there are still many people who have escaped?"

"It's's over..."

"It's going to kill a lot of people."

"Why did this beautiful building collapse?"

With the loud roar, the twenty-story office building began to collapse.


Zhu Yu, who hadn't run far, despaired again.

The sudden collapse of the office building left Zhu Yu, who hadn't run far, nowhere to hide.

"not good!"

Although Ye Rongrong has been using the "earth attribute" to delay the collapse of this office building, it is a pity that this huge office building, the heavy force of the collapse, makes Ye Rongrong's "earth attribute" have little effect on it. There is no way to delay the collapse of this building.

Ye Rongrong ran to Zhu Yu's side with "lingbo microsteps", picked her up, and ran outside quickly.


With a bang.

The entire ground shook violently as if it had experienced a strong earthquake.

Dust was flying all over the sky, covering people's sight.

The office building eventually collapsed.

"I... I'm not dead!"

Zhu Yu stared blankly at the man who was hugging her.

It was this man who saved himself twice.

Ye Rongrong put down the young woman in his arms.

"Thank you!"

Zhu Yu looked at Ye Rongrong gratefully and said.

If the man in front of him hadn't saved him, he would have died here, Zhu Yu was grateful to the man in front of him from the bottom of his heart.


Ye Rongrong said, looking straight at the dilapidated building.

Although Ye Rongrong is very powerful now, he has no ability to prevent the building from collapsing, nor can he rescue the people trapped in the building.

Now Ye Rongrong can only wait...

When this collapse process is over, rush in to save people as soon as possible.

What can be done now is how many people can be saved.

I can only pray to God to bless a few people from dying.

Of course, Ye Rongrong would not wait foolishly, so he hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and called Xu Keming.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Dean Ye, something serious has happened. Hurry up and arrange all the ambulances from our hospital to come to Century Garden."

Ye Rongrong said without waiting for Xu Keming to open his mouth.

"What are you talking about..., I can't hear you clearly, your voice is too loud."

Xu Keming said loudly.

The main reason was that Ye Rongrong's side was too noisy. There were roars, noises, crying, and screams on the phone, and it was impossible to hear Ye Rongrong's voice clearly.

"I said you quickly arrange all the ambulances in our hospital to come to Century Garden. Something big happened here."

Ye Rongrong shouted loudly.

"What happened?"

Xu Keming asked nervously.

Although he didn't get along with Ye Rongrong for a long time, Xu Keming still knew about Ye Rongrong. If he said something big, it must have happened.

"A large office building collapsed in the Century Garden, and there were..."


Before Ye Rongrong finished speaking, Xu Keming shouted with a changed expression.

The office buildings in the capital city are the office buildings of some companies, and they are crowded places. Although it is after 7 o'clock in the evening, there are still many people going to work in many office buildings in the capital city. It collapsed suddenly. How many people must be buried under it? .

Thinking about it, Xu Keming's heart skipped a beat.

This is going to kill a lot of people!

"I don't have time to say more, I'm going to save people, hurry up and make arrangements!"

After Ye Rongrong said a word, he hung up the phone and ran directly to the ruins.

After all, the office building has completely collapsed into ruins. Although the sky is still full of dust and the situation of the ruins ahead cannot be seen clearly, Ye Rongrong understands that at this time, time is running out and he must rush to save people.

"Hey... hello..."

Xu Keming also wanted to ask Ye Rongrong's exact location, but the other end of the phone had already hung up.

Seeing Ye Rongrong hang up the phone, Xu Keming put on his coat and went outside.

"Old Xu, where are you going this late at night?"

Xu Keming's wife asked suspiciously.

"Something has happened, I have to go to the hospital to preside over the work, and I won't be back at night."

Xu Keming didn't even say a word, so he walked outside quickly, making phone calls while walking.

"Old Zhao, immediately inform all the medical staff in the hospital that they will go to work in the hospital, and all those on vacation will come back immediately, and they are all on emergency standby, and arrange for our hospital and our affiliated hospital's ambulance to go to Century Garden immediately Hurry up and rescue the wounded."

"And let the medical staff in our hospital whose home is close to Century Garden rush to the scene of the accident to rescue the wounded immediately. This matter is extremely urgent and must not be delayed. .

"Dean, what happened?"

Vice President Zhao, who was on duty at the hospital, asked suspiciously.

"An office building at Century Garden collapsed, and many people were crushed underneath."

Xu Keming said.


Vice President Zhao was taken aback, came back to his senses, and hurriedly said, "I'll arrange it right away."

At this time, time is a life.

Can't help but delay.


Century Garden.

Ye Rongrong quickly came to the ruins.

Although the office building collapsed into ruins, the height of the ruins was as high as a five-story building, and an unknown number of people were crushed under the ruins.

Many people were crushed to death by the crash, but many people must still be alive. The sooner they are rescued, the greater their chances of surviving.

"There are living people there."

At this time, Ye Rongrong uses the "detection technique" to find the living. At this time, the living should be rescued first. As for the dead, Ye Rongrong can't care about them now.

Soon, Ye Rongrong pulled out a middle-aged man from the ruins. This middle-aged man was covered in blood, but he was still breathing.

Ye Rongrong immediately took out the silver needle from his pocket, and quickly inserted a few needles into the middle-aged man's heart.

At this time, Ye Rongrong didn't have time to treat the middle-aged man, so he could only use silver needles to stimulate the middle-aged man's heart to save his life.

After doing this, Ye Rongrong went to the next place, quickly turned over the gravel with both hands, and rescued the wounded who were crushed inside.

The dust on the ruins faded, and the onlookers outside could see the situation on the ruins clearly.

"That is?"

"Someone on the ruins?"

"He's saving lives."

Soon people noticed Ye Rongrong who rescued people on the ruins.

However, people quickly reacted.


"Items also rush to save people!"

"Quick... call the police!"

"Call an ambulance, call an ambulance quickly."

"The fire brigade...why hasn't the fire brigade come yet?"

Immediately, the crowd started to become chaotic, some people rushed to the ruins to rescue people, some people picked up their mobile phones to make calls, calling the police, calling the ambulance, and calling the fire brigade. It was like a vegetable market, in a mess.

"My goodness?"

"He... how did he do it?"

"Is this still in the category of humans?"

"I... I don't have vertigo, do I?"

Those people who ran into the ruins were terrified when they saw Ye Rongrong constantly removing stones from the ruins.

Many of these collapsed ruins are made of steel structures and cement, weighing hundreds of tons, but the man in front of him easily and quickly removed the stones on these ruins.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

Soon, many people recognized that the man in front of them was the young man who was holding on to the ten-ton wall with both hands just now to save someone.

"Why are you standing still, hurry up and help!"

Ye Rongrong rescued a young woman who was crushed by the wall, quickly inserted a few needles in her body, and turned around to shout to the dumbfounded people.

What time is this, still in a daze!


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