"What's the matter with this family? They're all in the eyes of money, and they don't allow the injured to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!"

"Yeah, I don't know that time is life, and if I don't send it to the hospital for emergency treatment, I will really die."

"What do you know? These two people have no heartbeat or breathing. They are already dead. What's the use of sending them to the hospital? It's a waste of money at most. Don't you know how dark this hospital is?"

"That's true. As long as this person is sent to the hospital, no matter whether the person died early or not, the hospital will charge money, and the fee is very high."

"They're all dead, there's really no need to go to the hospital to make trouble."

"In this way, it seems that there is really nothing wrong with this family."


Seeing the family prevent the emergency doctor from taking the two young men and women involved in the car accident to the hospital for emergency treatment, the onlookers started talking.

Many people still understand the behavior of this family member. This person has already been confirmed dead, and there is really no need to send him to the hospital for further fuss.

"In that case, let's go."

The doctor who led the team saw that the family members were unwilling to pay for the medical expenses, and sending them to the hospital would cause trouble for their own hospital, so they chose to leave.

After all, these two people are already dead, and they can't be saved even if they are sent to the hospital.

"Hey, why did you leave?"

Seeing that the ambulance was about to leave without even loading the injured into the ambulance, a young traffic policeman immediately stopped him and said.

"This person is already dead, and the family of the dead person is unwilling to pay the fee. Why don't we leave?"

The doctor who led the team said immediately.

The ambulance was not dispatched in vain, it was charged a high fee.

Now the situation is very obvious, and these family members also know that the two young people are dead, and they are unwilling to bear the medical expenses. This really pulls them back. The headache is the hospital. At that time, people like themselves will still be criticized by the leaders. Even bonuses were deducted.

In this case, it is better not to take the two dead people back to the hospital.

Anyway, these two people are already dead, and taking them back would be a waste of the hospital's medical resources.

"Are you sure they're dead?"

asked the young traffic policeman.

"The heartbeat has stopped, and the breathing has also stopped. This is not dead, or something."

The doctor who led the team said.

"Didn't it mean that the basis for judging death now is brain death?"

The young traffic policeman asked suspiciously.

"That's just a stricter judgment. It's just in case. Basically, the probability is one in a million, especially in the case of a car accident. Basically, if the heart stops, you can declare death. Going to the hospital is actually Just a little more psychological comfort.”

The doctor who led the team explained.

"Woo woo woo..."

Upon hearing the doctor's words, the young female driver screamed in fright, and burst into tears.

This is the death of two people. The consequences are very serious, and they will be imprisoned if they fail.

Thinking about going to prison at such a young age,

The young female driver was about to collapse.

"Crying... Why are you crying? It's not your family's dead, it's my family's dead. If you want to cry, it's us. Tell me, how do you deal with this matter."

A middle-aged man in this group of family members said angrily to the young female driver.


The young woman panicked, not knowing what to do with the matter.

"Just now comrades of the traffic police have come to the conclusion that our younger brother and sister-in-law died, you have to be responsible and pay compensation."

The middle-aged man said.

"I will compensate, I will compensate!"

said the young woman.

Even though a person died in the car accident, as long as he was not primarily responsible and the family members of the deceased were willing to settle the matter privately, the matter could be resolved by paying some money.

Otherwise, if the family members of the deceased are entangled, even if it is not the main responsibility of the accident, after all, it killed someone, the judicial department will be biased towards the deceased based on the principle that the deceased is the first, and with some attitude of letting others go. , The punishment for the driver of the accident will be increased, and he will go to jail if he fails.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly a scream caught everyone's attention, and everyone immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a tall man in his early thirties squatting down to inspect the two deceased, and even touched the chest of the deceased, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the family of the deceased.

The scream just now came from a young woman in this family.

"Don't touch my brother."

The middle-aged woman saw Ye Rongrong groping her younger brother, and immediately rushed angrily to push Ye Rongrong away.

"Let me go aside."

Seeing that the middle-aged woman was about to pounce on Ye Rongrong, Ye Rongrong pushed the middle-aged woman aside with a light push.

Originally, Ye Rongrong was going to take a look and leave. After all, there are many traffic accidents these years, and there is nothing to pay attention to, but Ye Rongrong looked at the two dead people who fell on the ground, and suddenly became puzzled.

Because of doubts, Ye Rongrong came over to check the two deceased.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing the middle-aged woman being pushed down by Ye Rongrong, the family members of the deceased immediately became angry, and several strong men immediately punched Ye Rongrong.



Before these strong men got close to Ye Rongrong's body, they were slapped away by Ye Rongrong several times, and they fell to the ground and howled.

The speed was so fast that everyone hadn't reacted yet. Looking at the men who fell to the ground and wailing, the crowd of onlookers immediately started talking.

"This man is too powerful. Just a few slaps sent these strong men flying. This must have been practiced."

"For sure, if it weren't for such great strength, he wouldn't be able to blow people away with a slap. This kind of scene can only be seen on TV."

"This group of family members is pitiful enough. They just died, and now they are being beaten again."

"Yeah, I don't know what kind of enmity this man has with this group of family members, and he is so ruthless."


"Comrade, you..."

Seeing Ye Rongrong beating someone in front of him, a policeman, a leading middle-aged traffic policeman suddenly became unhappy, walked to Ye Rongrong's side with a frown, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"They are not dead, they are still alive."

Before the traffic police could finish speaking, Ye Rongrong interrupted him.


The middle-aged traffic policeman was taken aback by Ye Rongrong's words.

"You talk nonsense. My younger brother and sister-in-law are not breathing or have a heartbeat. Even the doctor said they were dead just now. What are you talking about?"

When the middle-aged man heard Ye Rongrong's words, he jumped up angrily and shouted at Ye Rongrong.

This person not only beat his own people, but also talked nonsense here.

If the middle-aged man hadn't considered that he was not Ye Rongrong's opponent, he would have fought Ye Rongrong a long time ago.

"What? Judging by your posture, you seem to wish for your brother and younger siblings to die."

Ye Rongrong stood up and looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"You... you're talking nonsense!"

The middle-aged man was visibly flustered when he heard Ye Rongrong's words, but he quickly calmed down and said angrily at Ye Rongrong.

"Since you don't want your younger brother and younger siblings to die, I said they are not dead. You should be happy instead of being so angry?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the middle-aged man and said.

"It feels like this group of family members is really like this."

"That's right, the ambulance came just now, but they refused to let the ambulance save people. It seems that they really want these two young people to die."

"It seems that because of money, these family members are inhumane. They don't want to save people, they only think about compensation and money."

"This group of family members is too hateful. No wonder this young man will take action to teach them a lesson. It seems that their sad appearance just now is fake, and it is just for compensation."

Immediately, the onlookers began to discuss.

From beginning to sympathize with these family members, to now despise these family members.

I have to say that this person is a fickle creature, one sentence or one thing can change people's attitude 180 degrees.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My brother and sister-in-law died. They were all confirmed by the doctor just now. Everyone heard it. What do you mean by messing around here now?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Rongrong angrily and said.

"I didn't want to be troublesome at first, but when I encountered such a thing, I couldn't help but come out and take care of it. The moral regression in this society is so severe because there are so many people like you."

Ye Rongrong said angrily.

"Sir, what do you mean by that?"

The middle-aged traffic policeman looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.


The second update will be very late, please forgive me.

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