The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1048 Doubt

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Ye Rongrong didn't take the big hammer away, just placed it at a height of 30 centimeters above the young man's head, and asked the young man coldly.

" take this hammer away first."

The young man looked at the big hammer on his head in panic, and said to Ye Rongrong in fear.

Now the young man feels like the hammer on his head will fall at any time.

Thinking of the scene where the big hammer fell and hit his head, the whole head exploded and his brains splattered, the young man's face turned pale and frightening.

I'm still young, only in my early twenties, and I'm the only male in my family. I haven't even married yet, and I haven't left any seeds for my family. I can't die, or my family will be extinct.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk quickly, this big hammer is very heavy, I can't hold it for long, if I lose strength in my hand and the hammer falls, at that time, there will definitely be a 'bang', and then ..."

Ye Rongrong was holding a big hammer, thinking about what would happen after the hammer fell in his head.

"I... I said, you must hold this hammer!"

The young man said hastily.

Anyone with such a big hammer hanging on his head is not afraid!

"Hurry up, my patience is limited."

Ye Rongrong said impatiently.

"Actually, we are a group of friends. The traffic accident just now was deliberately caused by us."

The young man immediately spoke the truth.

In fact, the matter has developed to the present, and the matter of touching porcelain has also been brought to light. It is no different whether the young man says it or not.

They are a professional Pengci team, relying on their large number of people, the success rate of Pengci is particularly high. Even if the matter is exposed and there are many people on their side, those drivers can only obediently give money to eliminate the disaster.

Of course, if you walk along the river, you will be caught by the police.

But at most, he was detained for a few days and released after some education.

For everyone, such a painless punishment is really nothing. After all, every successful pencier can be extorted at least 5,000 yuan, and sometimes even hundreds of thousands.

In particular, people are afraid of killing someone, because if the family members are not willing to forgive them, the court will sentence the driver to prison for several years regardless of whether the driver is responsible or not.

In order not to go to jail, many drivers will spend money to solve it privately.

The young man pretended to be dead several times, successfully defrauded the driver and the traffic police, and defrauded a lot of money.

Of course, this kind of thing is basically only one vote in one place. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it will immediately change to another place to continue doing the work.

"You don't need to say this, everyone is not stupid, you are all alive, you people are not touched, what is it, what I want to know is how did you stop the heart for a short time?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

As for stopping breathing for a short time, Ye Rongrong didn't even need to ask, after all, even ordinary people can stop breathing for about a minute, and with a little training, they can even hold their breath for longer.

However, it is not an easy task to stop the heart for a short period of time. Although Ye Rongrong has several methods in his mind, these methods are all ancient prescriptions. Even some very powerful old Chinese doctors in the society may not know this method. , Those who touch porcelain should not know these ancient recipes.

"My sister and I have had premature beats since we were young, and the heart will stop beating for a short time."

The young man hesitated and said to Ye Rongrong.

It turned out that the young man and the young woman next to him were brothers and sisters. They both suffered from premature beats since they were young, and often suffered from cardiac arrest.

It's just that this is uncontrollable. When the heart stops beating, no one knows.

But for this "touching porcelain", we found many old Chinese doctors, and bought a kind of pill from an old Chinese doctor at a high price. After taking this pill, the premature beat will immediately occur, and the heart will stop beating.

Of course, it is impossible for the heart to stop beating for a long time, and it will last for half an hour at most.

For people in Pengci, these 20 minutes are enough. Within 20 minutes, the traffic police and ambulance have already arrived. When they check the wounded and find that the person has no breathing and heartbeat, they will think that the person is dead. No more checks for the second time.

As long as the heart and breathing have recovered after being checked by the traffic police and the ambulance doctor, no one will pay attention.

After all, a large group of family members rushed over at this time, and they would help cover up the "dead" and block people's sight so that people could not see the strangeness of the "dead".

In addition, the "driver who caused the accident" was nervous because of fear, and wished to spend money to privately discuss this matter.

"Premature beat?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, this answer was somewhat beyond Ye Rongrong's expectation.

"Premature beats" refer to heart beats caused by premature impulses from ectopic pacemakers, and are the most common arrhythmia.

Premature beats are divided into atrial, ventricular and nodal according to their origin.

Among them, ventricular premature beats are the most common, followed by atrial, and nodal is less common.

Premature beats can be seen in normal people, or in patients with structural heart disease, common in coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, etc.

"How do you ensure that the premature beat will occur when there is a traffic accident?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"We bought some pills from an old Chinese doctor. As long as we take the pills, premature beats will occur and the heart will stop beating in a short time."

Now that his life hangs in Ye Rongrong's hands, this young man is honest, telling the truth.

"I see!"

Ye Rongrong understood why the young man's heart stopped beating. It turned out to be a congenital disease plus pill control.

"You... can you take this hammer away, I'm really scared!"

The young man looked at Ye Rongrong pleadingly and said.

"You're still acquainted!"

Ye Rongrong took back the sledgehammer. After all, Ye Rongrong was only trying to frighten these "touching porcelain" people, and it was impossible to hit people's heads with this sledgehammer.

Ye Rongrong is not that perverted yet.

Seeing Ye Rongrong take away the sledgehammer, the young man immediately got up from the ground and quickly ran towards his accomplice.

Don't look at the blood on the young man's body. It looks very scary, but it's actually dog ​​blood. When he hit the car on a motorcycle and fell to the ground, he burst the small balloon with dog blood hidden on his body , The exploded dog blood naturally stained the body red.


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