The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1053 Crazy

"Bumped into someone?"

Wu Huaiyun's words frightened Li Xiaohua and Ma Yan. After realizing it, everyone hurriedly opened the car door and got out of the car to have a look.

"Woooooo... my son! You must not die!"

Li Xiaohua and the others got out of the car, before they had time to look at the person hit by the car, a group of people rushed out from nowhere, among them a woman in her fifties hugged the young man who was hit by the car and cried.

"You killed our family Xiao Kai, I will fight with you."

The group of family members saw Wu Huaiyun get off the car, and among them a young woman about 30 years old rushed towards Wu Huaiyun, her posture was to fight Wu Huaiyun to her death.

"If you have something to say, say it well, don't be impulsive."

Li Xiaohua hurriedly stopped the young woman and said.


the young woman wept.

"Maybe he's not dead yet, let's call an ambulance quickly."

Ma Yan said hastily.

"not dead?"

The young woman looked at Ma Yan and scolded: "Being hit so badly by your car, even if you don't die, you will be disabled. There are old people in this family, and there are young ones, how are you going to live these days, woo woo woo... woo woo Oh, you god damn, how do you drive..."

"Are you guys into porcelain?"

The more Li Xiaohua looked at the attitude of this group of people, the more they looked wrong, why was it the same as her previous posture.

"What... you killed someone and framed us, do you still have humanity, do you still have a conscience?"

"It's disgusting, you actually said we touch porcelain!"

"Call the police, we have to call the police, we don't want compensation, we have to put this person in prison."


Li Xiaohua's words immediately angered the group of family members, and the group of family members immediately shouted to quit, and they wanted to sue Wu Huaiyun for prison.

But the more this happened, the more Li Xiaohua concluded that this group of people belonged to Pengci, because the tricks played by these people were all the tricks she had played before.

In terms of Pengci, I can be said to be their predecessors and their teacher. I can tell whether Pengci is right or not by observing it a few times.

Don't look at the old woman crying bitterly while hugging the wounded, crying very sadly, but she didn't have a single tear, so it doesn't look like a dead son.

Even if a cat died at home, it was much better than this.

"Okay, you guys stop acting. I used to be in this business too. With your acting skills, you can't fool me. You should find someone else to touch porcelain."

"By the way, that girl, next time you hold your son and cry, please put some chili water on your eyes, so that you can shed some tears and look more real. Now that your son is dead like this, not even a tear No, anyone with a discerning eye can see that you guys are good friends."

Li Xiaohua looked at this group of people touching porcelain, and said proudly.

As far as this acting skill is concerned, and playing Pingci, this level is too bad, right?

Not professional at all!

"Damn old woman, what are you talking about? Who... who touched porcelain!"

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Don't think that you can talk indiscriminately when you are older."

"Killed someone, are you still reasonable?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame us for being rude."

This group of family members immediately scolded Li Xiaohua in dissatisfaction.

"Huaiyun, Ma Yan, let's go, this group of people is just for porcelain, don't worry about them."

Li Xiaohua said to her grandson and grandson-in-law.

For those who touch porcelain, you can't pay attention to it. The more you are afraid, the more they will push forward.

Honest people and people who are timid are the people most like to touch. These people generally have no background or much money, but it is best to extort money.

"What, I hit someone, I just want to run away, there's no way."

As soon as they heard that Li Xiaohua and the others were leaving, the group of people who touched porcelain immediately quit, and immediately surrounded Li Xiaohua and the others to prevent them from leaving.

"Get out of the way, or I won't be polite."

Wu Huaiyun shouted unceremoniously.

"On the contrary, it's reasonable to hit someone with a car!"

"That is, these rich people don't pay attention to us poor people when they drive cars now, as if we were killed in vain."

"If you want to leave, there is no way. If you don't give an explanation today, don't even think about leaving."

There are so many people who touch porcelain, so naturally they will not be frightened by Wu Huaiyun's two words.

"If you do this again, we will call the police."

Ma Yan said hastily.

"Call the police, you injured our people, we are afraid that the police will fail, wait for the police to come, let's see who is unlucky in the end."

"That's right, don't you know that this is a one-way street? You're driving in the wrong direction, and now you're bumping into someone, and it's still unreasonable. Even if the traffic police come, the main responsibility for this is you."

"Come on, hurry up and call the police, we are still waiting for the traffic police to come and deal with the accident."

These Pengci said confidently.

Touching porcelain is also very particular. Most of the people who choose to start are driving ordinary cars. People who drive ordinary cars basically have a small amount of money, and it is easy to get money.

Of course, the drivers of big trucks also have some money, but people who touch porcelain will not touch big trucks foolishly. Big trucks are heavy and difficult to brake. Driving a big truck, let alone looking for a big truck to touch porcelain, it is simply courting death.

The second is to choose those ordinary cars that violate traffic regulations, because they drive illegally, and as long as there is a traffic accident, they will be absolutely responsible.

Moreover, such drivers who violate traffic regulations and hit people often like to pay some money in order to avoid the punishment of the traffic police.

"Let me tell you, I used to be a Puncher too, you can't fool me, get out of the way quickly, if I don't let me call the police and arrest you."

Li Xiaohua said.

Li Xiaohua and her husband have formed a group of Pengci for more than ten years, but they never thought that after 20 years of rapid retirement, they would meet some Pengci friends, and these Peng Ci friends would even come across their own family.

"Who touches porcelain, don't talk nonsense."

"You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Don't think that you are an old woman, so you can open your eyes and tell nonsense. Let me tell you, if you mess with us, I will beat you like a mother."

"Old guy, you used to do that wicked work of touching porcelain, don't compare us with you, we didn't touch porcelain."

"That's right, no wonder I wanted to leave after bumping into someone. It turned out that I used to be dry."

This group of people who touch porcelain are not like the old man Li Xiaohua at all, pointing at her and cursing.

"Huaiyun, let's go and say goodbye to this group of people who touch porcelain."

Li Xiaohua said to her grandson.

Because I have worked on porcelain before, I understand that at this time, I can't be soft, otherwise I will definitely be blackmailed by these people.


Wu Huaiyun never thought of paying attention to this group of people who touch porcelain.

Although Wu Huaiyun wasn't very focused when he was driving just now, his driving instinct told him that he didn't hit anyone, it was that person who bumped into him himself, and then he flew upside down and fell to the ground.

This is the same as what my grandma said, this group of people is for porcelain and wants to extort money.

This group of people didn't look at who was wronged. My family is a family of Pengci. My grandfather, grandma, and dead father, they are all professional Pengci, and they can be their ancestors.

So Wu Huaiyun dragged his daughter-in-law to the car.

"It's not that easy to leave."

"If you don't give an explanation today, don't think about leaving."

"You hit someone and still want to run, you're so courageous!"


"Don't touch me, don't touch me..."

Ma Yan shouted hastily.

This group of people took advantage of the chaos, and some people stretched out their hands to take advantage of Ma Yan's body. Several sensitive parts of Ma Yan's body were squeezed a few times.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?"

Upon hearing Ma Yan's scream, Wu Huaiyun asked nervously.

"Someone...someone took advantage of me."

Ma Yan blushed and said.


Wu Huaiyun suddenly became angry, because someone actually took advantage of his wife.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, as a man, this kind of thing is absolutely unbearable.

Immediately, Wu Huaiyun felt as though his head was green.

When the man got excited, he sometimes completely lost his mind.

The same goes for Wu Huaiyun, he acted like he was crazy, vigorously pushed away the people who blocked him, ran directly into the car, started the car, and rammed directly into the group of people who touched the porcelain.


"don't want……"

"Quick... quickly dodge..."

Facing the car coming suddenly at high speed, these people who touched porcelain were also shocked.

Those people who touched porcelain didn't expect that this person was playing for real, and dared to hit someone with a car, so they all ran away in fright.

Everyone touches porcelain to make money, not to risk their lives.

Seeing that Li Huaiyun had put his life to the test, these porcelain lovers were all scared.

Even the porcelain bumper who had fallen on the ground and pretended to be dead hurriedly got up from the ground, and if he didn't run away, he would really be hit to death by this car.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Li Huaiyun, who had already been overwhelmed by anger, completely lost his mind. There was only one thought in his mind: "Kill these bastards to death!"


The person who was pretending to be dead had just got up from the ground, and before he had time to dodge, he was hit by a speeding car and flew away. With a scream, he flew five or six meters away and fell to the ground.

But the car didn't stop, and rushed over quickly, crushing over the body of the young ceramic toucher.


"don't want……"

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaohua screamed in horror.

It's over, this man is hopeless.

My grandson is deliberately killing people!

The consequence...

Li Xiaohua fainted immediately.

At this time, no one paid any attention to her. The old woman fainted to the ground, and everyone was frightened by Li Huaiyun's madness.

Because Li Huaiyun continued to hit people with his car, everyone who touched porcelain was knocked into the air, some were crushed, and even a few spectators were hit by Li Huaiyun's car.

At this time, Li Huaiyun was completely insane, and only thought of hitting someone was in his mind.


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