


"Crazy, this person is crazy!"

Whether it's the group of people touching porcelain or the crowd watching, everything is in chaos.

The whole scene was chaotic, people were constantly being hit by cars and crushed, there was screaming, fear, and crying, and the crowd was in chaos.

"Wow... woah..."

When the police car arrived, they were also terrified by the scene. The whole scene was bloody, and many people were knocked into the air by a crazy car, and they were even crushed out of shape.

"Stop, stop!"

The policemen quickly came to their senses, and hurriedly shouted at Li Huaiyun loudly.

At this time, Li Huaiyun's eyes were already red, his madness had washed away his reason, and he couldn't hear the words of these policemen at all.


"Shoot him!"

The police leading the team immediately shouted loudly.

If this person is allowed to drive wildly and hit people again, I don't know how many people will die. At this time, the best way is to shoot him dead.

Such a dangerous person must not be allowed to harm others again.

"don't want!"

When she heard that the police were going to shoot and kill her husband, Ma Yan begged loudly.

It's a pity that at this time, the police will not listen to her at all, because her husband is now trying to hit these policemen with his car.




With more than a dozen gunshots, Wu Huaiyun's head suddenly exploded, bloody and bloody, and his whole head lay on the steering wheel, and the car slowly stopped.


Li Xiaohua, who was awakened by the gunshots, saw her grandson's bloody appearance, and suddenly yelled in despair.

When my husband died, I left myself a son, when my son died, I left a grandson, and now my grandson just died in front of my eyes, leaving nothing behind.

No, leave yourself as a bad old woman, and let the white-haired one give the black-haired one.

What kind of evil has happened to my family, that they cut off their children and grandchildren like this.

Li Xiaohua was in despair!

It's all porcelain!

It's all Porcelain's fault!

If there is no Pengci, there will not be so many sins in my family, and my husband and son will not die young.

And his grandson, let alone being crazy, was shot!

Touching porcelain with a thousand knives!

Now Li Xiaohua hates Pengci so much!


As soon as Wu Xiao's gaze made contact with Ye Rongrong, he felt that his vision went dark.

In the big house in the provincial capital, Wu Xiao was thinking about his own affairs while helping his wife cook.

Over the years, I have followed Wu Hu and a group of people to touch porcelain all over the country,

Wu Xiao earned a lot of money, bought a big house in the provincial capital, and even bought a BMW for his son, which can be said to be very successful.

Look at those people in my village who were about the same age as me in the past, still worrying about the money for their son to get married. I know how many people are envious.

Many people in the village have a relationship with me, and I want to take them to touch porcelain with me to make a lot of money.

However, I have already retreated into the arena and stopped doing the work of touching porcelain. After all, this is a wicked job. Now that the money is almost earned, and this person is middle-aged, Wu Xiao doesn't want to do the work of touching porcelain anymore. .

After all, every time he crashes the car by himself, he pretends to be dead.

Several times I met novices who had just obtained their driver's licenses, and were almost killed by their gas pedals acting as brakes. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, and if I took a slow step, I would be finished.

After my own death, the beautiful daughter-in-law in the family belonged to someone else, and my son might even recognize someone else as his father, and the money I earned through hard work made it easier for others.

This person is middle-aged, and his reaction speed is not as good as before. In addition, brother Wu Hu is also seriously ill, and he probably won't live for a few years, so Wu Xiao simply quit.

Anyway, the money stolen over the years is enough for my family to spend a lifetime.

Now Wu Xiao is very happy, because his son is going to bring his girlfriend home today to show him, which makes Wu Xiao and his wife very happy.

Early in the morning, the couple went out to buy vegetables, cooked a sumptuous lunch, and waited for their son to bring his future daughter-in-law home to meet his in-laws.

I heard from my son that his girlfriend is his junior in college, the campus belle of the school. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very sensible. After graduating from college, the two of them still work in the same unit and have a good relationship. .

This time, his son brought her home to show his wife, because he was planning to get married.

My son finally got the hang of it, Wu Xiao was so happy when he thought of getting married!

Wu Xiao, who didn't go to work, wished that his son would get married immediately, so that he could give birth to a big fat grandson, so that he could take care of his grandson and pass the time.


The sound of opening the door sounded.

"Xiaotao must have brought his girlfriend back."

Wu Xiao happily said to his wife.

"Let's go out and have a look."

Mi Hong immediately said happily.

Mi Hong was naturally very happy that her son had found a beautiful wife for himself.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend Li Yuanyuan!"

Wu Mingtao happily introduced his girlfriend Li Yuanyuan to his parents.

This Li Yuanyuan is the prettiest belle in the university she studied in. It took her a lot of effort to catch up with her. This time she is finally willing to meet her parents, and she also promised to talk about marriage after meeting her parents. thing.

"You are Li Yuanyuan. You are so beautiful. No wonder our Xiaotao's eyes lit up when he mentioned you."

Mi Hong looked at Li Yuanyuan happily and said.

The mother-in-law really likes her daughter-in-law more and more, especially since the daughter-in-law is so beautiful.

"Hello, Auntie, I often hear Mingtao mentioning you. He always said that you are a very nice person, and that your cooking skills are very good, and the dishes you cook are delicious."

Li Yuanyuan said to Mi Hong with a smile.

After all, this is my future mother-in-law, and this relationship has to be established first.

"Then you will be able to taste the dishes made by Auntie later."

Mi Hong said happily.

"Yuanyuan, this is my father."

After introducing his mother, Wu Mingtao pointed to Wu Xiao and introduced to his girlfriend.


Li Yuanyuan took a careful look at Wu Xiao, and when she reached her mouth, she stopped suddenly, and stared at Wu Xiao blankly.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing his girlfriend staring at his father stupidly, Wu Mingtao touched Li Yuanyuan lightly in doubt and asked.

Li Yuanyuan withdrew her gaze from Wu Xiao, turned to look at Wu Mingtao and said, "Are you sure he is your father?"

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Mingtao touched Li Yuanyuan's forehead and asked.

Does my girlfriend have a fever? Why do you ask such a silly question!

Could it be that I can still recognize my father in my own home?

"Don't touch me, answer my words!"

Li Yuanyuan said in a cold tone.


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