"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Now Mi Hong is very upset, and she is not in the mood to say anything polite to her sister.

"Second sister, turn on the TV quickly. It's the city news channel. Mingtao has a big accident!"

A worried female voice came from the phone.

"Ming Tao... What's wrong with Ming Tao?"

Mi Hong asked anxiously.

"Hurry up and turn on the TV, is he committing suicide now?"

"What? Suicide?"

Mi Hong was startled, and hurriedly turned on the TV and tuned to the city news channel.

"What happened to Ming Tao?"

Wu Xiao asked nervously.

There is only such a single seedling in the family, nothing can happen to him!

"Sister...sister said just now that Mingtao is committing suicide now, let us..."


Before Mi Hong finished speaking, Wu Xiao jumped up and shouted loudly.


This is the only seedling in my family!

Soon, the TV was tuned to the city news channel.

I saw Wu Mingtao on the top of a ten-story building, and he was sitting on the edge of the roof, looking suicidal.

There are many people around to persuade him.

It can be seen from the TV that the firefighters have rushed over.

"It's Mingtao, it's Mingtao, he...why can't he think about it so much, this...what can we do?"

When Mi Hong saw Wu Mingtao about to jump off the building on TV, she panicked.

There is only such a precious son in his family, why can't he think about it so much.

"No...it's okay, there...there are a lot of police and firefighters here."

Wu Xiao said comfortingly.

Now at this time, Wu Xiao could only hope that these policemen and firefighters could persuade his son.

This silly boy, what can't be discussed with the family, and he chooses such an extreme act of suicide.

"Buddha bless, Bodhisattva bless, nothing will happen to Mingtao."


"Young man, don't be impulsive. There are no hurdles in this world that you can't pass. Come down first, let's talk, and we will definitely pass this hurdle."

"You are still young. There are so many wonderful places in this world that you have never been to, and there are also many interesting people that you have never met. What a pity that you are dead now!"

"Have confidence in yourself and believe in yourself. After passing this hurdle, you will find that tomorrow will be even more exciting!"


An old policeman persuaded Wu Mingtao.

"My girlfriend left me, don't want me anymore, I love him so much, but she left me, woo woo woo..."

Wu Mingtao said sadly.

"Why did she leave you, for money? Or is there a third party?"

asked the old policeman.


Wu Mingtao shook his head and said.

"No? That's fine. It means that she must still love you. Girls like to be coaxed. If you coax her, she will definitely change her mind and reconcile with you. This is my experience. Be obedient, I Teach you how to make your girlfriend change her mind."

The old policeman immediately persuaded.

"It's useless, it's useless, she won't change her mind, she won't come back."

Wu Mingtao shook his head and said.

"Why don't you change your mind? Is it because you did something wrong to her that she didn't want to forgive you? Let me tell you, this woman is soft-hearted. If you admit your mistakes more often and write a guarantee, she will also Forgive you."

The old policeman frowned and continued.

"No, not at all. My father is a potter. My father ruined my girlfriend's family. She will never be with me again in this life. She will never be with me again."

"I hate it so much, I hate it so much, why do I have such a pampering father, why... He ruined Yuanyuan's family, he ruined my marriage..."

The more Wu Mingtao spoke, the more excited he became, and his whole mood was a little out of control.

"Don't get excited, just talk about it..."

Seeing that Wu Mingtao was losing control of his emotions, the old policeman hastily persuaded him.

It's a pity that Wu Mingtao, who was emotional, still couldn't control his emotions, ignored the old policeman, and jumped directly from the roof of the building.


"don't want……"

Seeing this scene, Mi Hong fainted immediately, and Wu Mingtao was not much better, and the black hair on his head suddenly turned white.

The only seedling in my family is gone.


A week later, Wu Mingtao sent a white-haired man to a black-haired man, sent his son away, and his daughter-in-law went crazy, and Wu Mingtao suddenly aged ten years.

Because of touching porcelain, I caused other people's families to be ruined, but as for myself, I ended up with no children and grandchildren, and even made my daughter-in-law go crazy.

Wu Mingtao finally understood that he would have to pay it back sooner or later.

It's just that the price was too high for Wu Mingtao to bear.

Looking at the empty home and his crazy wife, Wu Mingtao couldn't help shedding sad tears.


Wu Hu didn't know how long it took, anyway, he fell on the sword repeatedly every day, fell down, was cut into pieces of meat in an instant, and was reborn.


With a crisp sound, Wu Hu was pushed to the top of the knife forest again, and fell down uncontrollably.


Wu Hu was cut into pieces of minced meat all over the ground by countless knuckles...

Reborn again.

This is endless torture.

"Please, don't torture me anymore."

Wu Hu cried out in tears.

"Where have we come? It's only been a hundred years, and it's still far away."

The ghost guard looked at Wu Hu with a smile and said.

These ghost messengers have been in hell for too long, and they feel a little abnormal in their hearts. They like to torture people for fun, especially the ghost messengers who work in these 18 levels of hell.

"Only a hundred years?"

Wu Hu was in despair, this day was really unbearable, Wu Hu wanted to die, but now death was useless, he could be resurrected soon.


With a light push from Guicha, Wu Hu fell onto the forest of swords again.


Wu Hu's feet hurt, rolled over, and turned into a lump of flesh...


"Okay, five thousand years have passed, and you have changed places."

When Wu Hu came back to life again, the ghost messenger dragged him to a distance with iron chains.

"Finally leaving this dreadful place."

Wu Hu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon, Wu Hu realized that he was happy too early.

He was taken to an extremely gloomy burrow, where there were miserable screams and the sound of sawing things.

For some reason, Wu Hu had a very ominous omen.

"This... where is this?"

Wu Hu immediately asked the ghost messenger anxiously.

"Soon, you'll know."

The ghost messenger smiled sinisterly at Wu Hu.

As the ghost messenger's voice fell, two ghost messengers came out and set up Wu Hu.

"You...what are you going to do, quickly...let go."

Wu Hu struggled and shouted.

It's a pity that no matter how hard Wu Hu struggled, he couldn't break free from the two ghosts.


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