The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1056 I am guilty

"Quack quack, you'll know later!"

Guichai looked at Wu Hu with a sinister smile and said.

Soon Wu Hu was fixed on a large turntable and could not move. Two ghost messengers came over with a terrifying big saw.

"Don't come here, don't come here."

Wu Hu yelled in fear.

This is "the hell of sawing with a knife", the ghost sent a saw, no need to guess, it must have been sawed by himself.

Just escaped from being pierced by the sharp knife, and now he was about to be sawed by the saw again, Wu Hu was frightened to the point of madness.

Soon, the two ghost messengers kept sawing Wu Hu's body with a saw.



The extreme pain made Wu Hu scream, and now Wu Hu wanted to pass out very much, but unfortunately, no matter what, he still couldn't pass out.

Wu Hu can only divert the physical pain by recalling his life experience.

A memory flashed in his mind. When he was a teenager, he stole money from his parents and went out to drink. After his parents got into a car accident, he started to go out into the society and do some stealthy things.

Later, after being caught by the police several times, Wu Hu felt that it would be impossible to do this sneaky thing, not to mention earning money, and if he was caught by the police, he would go to jail.

By chance, Wu Hu learned about Pengci. The most important thing is that this Pengci not only makes money quickly, but also won't be caught by the police and go to jail.

Because there is no crime of touching porcelain in the law, even if there is not enough evidence to prove that he is touching porcelain, the policeman will still protect his rights.

So Wu Hu became entangled with a group of people and began to wander around the country, because they took advantage of the loopholes in the law. Although the police found out that they belonged to Pengci several times, they were just arrested and educated, and then released up.

So Wu Hu went farther and farther on the road of Pengci, because Pengci also allowed Wu Hu to live a happy life. Unfortunately, this happy life was very short. In just a dozen years, he died of illness, but after his death, he died of illness. Because of his behavior of touching porcelain, he will be tortured in this hell for ten thousand years.

If this life can start again, Wu Hu will never choose to do anything.


Being sawn to death again and again, reborn again and again, this kind of pain, the memory replays more violently, and Wu Hu finds himself in despair that he has no hope at all.

I can't help but start to reflect on myself.

Every death is a harvest, a repentance, and the hostility and resentment on his body began to slowly dissipate.

I don't know how long time has passed, how long has he regretted, Wu Hu's eyes suddenly brightened, to be precise, it was a ray of sunshine, and when he saw the long-lost sunshine, it seemed that he hadn't seen the sun for a long time...

Some even can't remember what the sun is like.

"you're awake?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wu Hu and asked with a smile.


Now Wu Hu looked at Ye Rongrong with fear in his eyes. This is not a human, but a devil.

Think about the torment I suffered on the eighteenth floor of hell,

Wu Hu's body trembled involuntarily.

"Comrade police, I'm guilty, I'm guilty, I shouldn't touch porcelain, please take me away, please."

Wu Hu hurriedly said to the police.

"I'm guilty too. I shouldn't have killed Pengci. Comrade policeman, you must punish me, otherwise my conscience will never be at ease in my life."

Wu Xiao also opened his eyes at this time, and hurriedly said to the policemen.

"Pengci will die, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to touch porcelain again."

Li Xiaohua came back to her senses and said hurriedly.

Thinking of the experience of cutting off children and grandchildren that she experienced in her dream just now, Li Xiaohua understood that touching porcelain is a matter of hurting merit and will harm her children and grandchildren.

The reason why I finally got my family ruined is because I touched too much porcelain, which hurt my merits.

"What's going on? Why do these people who touch porcelain admit their mistakes to the police so honestly?"

"Who knows, maybe they got water in their heads today."

"Perhaps, it would be great if there were no people who touched porcelain in this world. Because of these people who touch porcelain, the spiritual civilization of this society has been set back for more than ten years. The old man fell to the ground and no one dared to help him, and the pedestrians on the road were injured and fell down. land, and no one dares to marry Fu."

"The root of all the reasons is that these people who touch porcelain have destroyed the basic trust of this society, and people don't trust each other."

"Those who touch porcelain should die a terrible death."

"You said these people who touch porcelain, why do you suddenly say that you are guilty?"

"What's so strange about this, I must be scared, that's why I'm so cowardly."

"Yes, I thought so too."


The onlookers saw this scene and couldn't help discussing it.

After all, Wu Hu and the others experienced a difference of ten thousand years or a lifetime in their dreams. In the eyes of the onlookers, it was just a minute or two.

"Captain, what's going on with them?"

A young traffic policeman asked his captain suspiciously.

"Who knows, but this is a good thing, maybe they have an epiphany and know that they are wrong."

The middle-aged traffic policeman said.

"It's no wonder that this group of people who touch porcelain will realize their mistakes."

The young traffic police didn't believe that this group of people who touched porcelain would really realize their own mistakes.

If these potters would realize their mistakes, there would be no bad people in this world.

"Take them all away!"

The middle-aged policeman said to his subordinates.

Since these people who are in touch with porcelain have all admitted that they are in touch with porcelain, and even ask the police to arrest them, how can I live up to their hearts.

It is rare for a porcelain toucher to have such a high awareness.

Seeing that all the potters realized that they were wrong, Ye Rongrong also left quietly while everyone's attention was on these potters.

It's because his "dream technique" is so powerful, he can go through whatever kind of ordeal he wants these people to endure in their dreams.


The next morning, Ye Rongrong took his family to the Beijing airport, and this time he went to Japan to take a plane.

"Teacher, Mistress..."

Ouyang Qianqian said excitedly to Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing.

"Qianqian, I haven't seen you in half a year, you've become much prettier."

Liu Qingqing hugged Ouyang Qianqian happily and said.

"Master, you are beautiful. In front of you, I will always be just an ugly duckling."

Ouyang Qianqian said.

"Mom, is sister Ouyang flattering you?"

Dudu looked at Liu Qingqing suspiciously and said.

"You silly girl, your sister Ouyang didn't flatter your mother, she just told the truth."

Ye Rongrong touched his precious daughter and said.

"Husband, what are you talking about?"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

Although I was very happy listening to these words, Ouyang Qianqian must have felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this.

Ouyang Qianqian is also a big beauty, how can she be recognized as an "ugly duckling".

Women care about beauty.

"Qianqian, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!"

Ye Rongrong also felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly apologized to Ouyang Qianqian.

"Teacher, I'm not unhappy. It's a fact. I can still be an ugly duckling in front of my teacher's wife. Many young women don't even have the qualifications to be called an ugly duckling in front of my teacher's wife."

Ouyang Qianqian said with a smile.

This is the truth. In school, Ouyang Qianqian is also very confident about her beauty. If it weren't for it, there would be no school tutor who would take great risks to try to rule herself.

But since seeing her teacher's wife, Ouyang Qianqian has been convinced from the bottom of her heart.

In this world, only a stunning beauty like my teacher's wife is worthy of my teacher.


Ouyang Qianqian didn't want to think about it anymore.

My feelings for the teacher can only be a beautiful experience in my life.

"Okay, don't praise your teacher's wife anymore, she has a thin skin, and she will blush after a few more compliments."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Who...who is thin-skinned, Qianqian, let's ignore your teacher, let's talk together."

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong, and then pulled Ouyang Qianqian to the front.

There are so many outsiders here, and her husband actually revealed her truth, Liu Qingqing thought about whether to let Ye Glory go to bed at night.


Everyone checked in, boarded the plane, and the plane took off quickly.

"Ah! What are you doing? Stay rascal!"

Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the cabin.

"Haha, Miss Hua, you have a really nice figure, let me touch it, and I'll give you money!"

I saw a stupid Japanese reaching out to touch the face of the young woman sitting next to him.


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