The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1057 Brother-in-law supports you

"Stay away from me, who cares about your stinky money."

said the young woman angrily.

"Hehe, you mean that you can let me touch it without money, so I'm not going to be polite."

That stupid man said wretchedly.


"You're going to kill me, you stinky bastard."

Lin Xi didn't think about how shameless this devil was, and immediately cursed angrily.

Now Lin Xi regrets getting on this plane to travel to Japan.

This is still in the border of China, how shameless this little stupid devil is, if he goes to their country, how can he be safe in life!

The world is so big, it's not good to go anywhere by yourself, why choose to travel on this small day.

Immediately, Lin Xi upgraded from hating this stupid kid to hating this stupid country.

"Ha... You said I'd stay a gangster, then I wouldn't stay a gangster, wouldn't I be a little sorry for you!"

Xiaori's stupid devil didn't care about Lin Xi's screams at all.

Because of this little stupid devil who has experienced such an experience, he knows that because of his status as a foreigner, the Chinese people around him are afraid of causing trouble for him, and they dare not meddle in their own business.

As for the passengers from other countries, they will not even help the Chinese people.

Just as the stupid little day had expected, although many people on the plane looked at the stupid little day and Lin Xi, no one came out to dissuade him.

"Damn it, it's unreasonable for this little idiot to molest girls from our country on the plane, I..."

When a young boy saw this scene, he immediately became angry, and was ready to show off to this little stupid devil.

"What are you doing!"

But as soon as the young man stood up from his seat, he was held back by his girlfriend.

"I'm going to teach this little idiot a lesson. Nima is so courageous that he dared to moles the girls of our country on the plane. The plane hasn't even flown out of the country yet."

The young man looked at his girlfriend and said.

"Don't worry about it!"

whispered the young man's girlfriend.


Seeing that his girlfriend wouldn't let him help the girl who was being bullied by the stupid little devil, the young man was a little unhappy.

We are all compatriots, and those who are away from home do not help each other. If something happens abroad in the future, our compatriots will not help us. Do we still expect foreigners to help us?

"Do you know which country this plane belongs to, and where is this plane going?"

The young man's girlfriend gave her boyfriend a blank look and asked.

"Nonsense, we are traveling to Japan, and the flight we are flying now is also Japan's flight."

said the young lad.

"That's right, you know everything, you still go to the hero to save the beauty, don't you want to live?"

said the young man's girlfriend.

"What's the meaning?"

The young man asked with some incomprehension.

"We are on the Japanese plane now, and we are about to enter the Japanese border. At this time, we beat up a Japanese man. Do you think we can live well in Japan? What if he is from the Japanese group? If we don’t, it’s a question of whether we can survive and go back to China.”

whispered the young man's girlfriend.


For the young man who is full of vigor, seeing this scene, if he does not help, it will be difficult for him to pass.

"But what, we are not the only Chinese people on this plane, there are so many Chinese people, they don't have any intention of making a move, they just watch, why, aren't they afraid of getting themselves into trouble!"

The young man's girlfriend pointed to the other people on the plane and said to her boyfriend.


The young man still couldn't get past the level in his heart.

"If you dare to go to the hero to save the beauty, we will break up. We will be passers-by when we get off the plane. I don't want to be hijacked, tortured, and..."

The more the young guy's girlfriend thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the less she dared to let her boyfriend meddle in this business.

After all, this is going to a foreign country, so I dare not cause trouble.

In China, there are always a group of people like this. They are so powerful and ruthless in the country. They are very good at bullying the people of the country because of their wealth and connections, but when they go abroad, they become cowardly.

"Worthless, I will never come to this stupid trip again in the future."

The young lad sat down angrily.

Although the young man wanted to help the young girl, he was scared when he thought that the place where the plane landed was Tokyo.

After all, the dark forces in China are rampant today, if the Japanese is a member of the dark forces, it will be very dangerous for me and my girlfriend to get off the plane.

Looking at the young woman being bullied by stupid people today, the young man felt powerless and sad.



Ye Rongrong and the others naturally saw this scene, everyone was young, so naturally they couldn't see this, especially the young man of Liu Xiaohui's age.

"Whatever you want to do, just go for it, brother-in-law will support you, don't be afraid, just beat me to death."

Ye Rongrong nodded to Liu Xiaohui and said.

As an angry youth, Ye Rongrong naturally couldn't bear to see this matter.

"Brother-in-law, you are really my good brother-in-law!"

Liu Xiaohui spoke excitedly, and rushed towards that stupid Japanese devil excitedly.

"Honey, can Xiaohui do it?"

Liu Qingqing asked with some worry.

After all, the stupid devil looked quite big that day, and Liu Qingqing was a little worried that her brother would suffer.

"Don't worry, that stupid devil's body was hollowed out by wine and sex. He looks strong, but he doesn't have much strength. Xiaohui is more than enough to deal with him."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, there are so many Chinese people on this plane, why didn't anyone stand up when stupid devils bullied our Chinese girls today, it's so chilling."

Liu Xixi looked around at the people on the plane, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't blame them. This is the sorrow of ordinary people. It is not easy for ordinary people to live. Our plane is about to enter the Japanese border. People from foreign countries do not dare to offend Japanese fools."

Ye Rongrong said with emotion.


Liu Xixi wanted to say something else.

"Although this is a bit wrong, I still want to say that it is absolutely right to consider the consequences before helping others. If you have no way to deal with the possible consequences, don't worry about it. If you go abroad alone in the future , Remember not to meddle in other people's business, just don't meddle in other people's business."

Ye Rongrong explained to Liu Xixi solemnly.

This world is wonderful, but it is also very dangerous. Ye Rongrong doesn't want his sister-in-law to be in more danger in the future.

After all, foreign countries are really not as safe as domestic ones.

Just as Ye Rongrong and Liu Xixi were talking, Liu Xiaohui had already rushed to the side of that idiot and grabbed that idiot by the back of his neck.

"Damn it, your mother is so courageous that you actually bullied our Chinese girl, you should apologize to this girl immediately!"

Liu Xiaohui, who often works out, has a lot of strength, his hands are like iron tongs, he grabbed the neck of that stupid Japanese and shouted.


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