
This day stupid devil is obviously a ruthless character, I saw this day stupid devil suddenly turned his body, kicking his feet towards Liu Xiaohui's crotch, fast and ruthless.

"you wanna die!"

Liu Xiaohui sneered, bent his knees slightly, blocked the stupid Japanese devil's feet, and threw his stupid Japanese devil out with a sudden flick of his hand.

Liu Xiaohui has practiced martial arts with the guards at home since he was a child, and with his young age, his physical strength and skill are much stronger than this stupid Japanese devil who was hollowed out by wine and sex.

This is also the reason why Ye Rongrong let Liu Xiaohui go there alone to teach the fool today.

Men should shoot when they should.


That stupid devil fell down on the aisle of the plane.


That stupid devil stood up angrily from the ground, looked at Liu Xiaohui and said viciously: "Boy, you dare to sneak attack on Yitian Yamaguchi, I want you to know how powerful I am!"

Shankou Yitian stared at Liu Xiaohui angrily and said.

Today, he was beaten by a kid, and Yitian Yamaguchi felt very shameless on his face.

"Hmph, you have to apologize to this girl today, or I'll make you paralyzed!"

Liu Xiaohui looked at Yitian Yamaguchi coldly and said.

With the backing of his elder brother-in-law, Liu Xiaohui is not afraid of the idiot, as long as he doesn't kill the idiot, Liu Xiaohui believes that his elder brother-in-law can take care of him.

With her own brother-in-law around, the sky cannot fall.

Now Liu Xiaohui feels more and more that his eldest brother-in-law is very good, unlike those young people in his family who are hypocritical.

At the very least, don't object to fighting yourself.

It seems that it is a wise decision for me to play with Tomorrow Ben to the death!

"Haha, I don't know what it means, you probably don't know what I, Yitian Yamaguchi, do in Japan, I'm so tired of working..."

"I know what you are doing in Japan, isn't it just digging up dung? Otherwise, why are you so shameless?"

Liu Xiaohui smiled contemptuously.


Immediately, Shankou Yitian's face turned livid, and after cursing, he rushed to Liu Xiaohui and kicked him, straight to Liu Xiaohui's vitals.

Without dodging or dodging, Liu Xiaohui went straight to meet him, and punched Yitian Shankou on the bridge of the nose.

The reaction speed of Shankou Yitian, whose body was hollowed out by wine, was not as fast as Liu Xiaohui, a young man, before he could dodge, Liu Xiaohui's fist had already hit Shankou Yitian's bridge of nose.


With Shankou Yitian's scream, Shankou Yitian's nose bleeds, he stepped on the ground, and fell to the ground on his back.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Liu Xiaohui stepped on his crotch without waiting for the stupid kid to get up from the ground.

This is to abolish the children and grandchildren of this little Japan.



Yitian Yamaguchi screamed immediately, and his whole body bowed like a shrimp.

Then he clutched his crotch and rolled in the aisle of the plane.

"Will this be too harsh?"

Liu Qingqing was startled, and said to Ye Rongrong with some anxiety.

After all, Xiaohui ruined the stupid people today.

For a man, life would be worse than death without it!

"For this kind of bastard, we should destroy the source of his evil doings. Xiaohui is right. If it were me, I would step on it too."

Liu Xixi said.

"Don't worry, with my husband here, nothing will happen."

Ye Rongrong knew what Liu Qingqing was worried about, so he said with a smile.

If he made a move by himself, it would definitely be more ruthless than Liu Xiaohui's attack.

"Stop it, how can you hit someone?"

At this time, several male flight attendants ran out, pointed at Liu Xiaohui and shouted.

"Hehe, I didn't see you male flight attendants appearing when the stupid bastard flirted with other girls. Now I'm teaching this bastard a lesson, but you guys came out."

Liu Xiaohui said with a sneer.

Obviously, these days the stupid male flight attendant is partial to this Yamaguchi Yitian. When Lin Xi called for help, the stupid male flight attendant deliberately pretended not to see it these days, but when Liu Xiaohui took the initiative to teach this Yamaguchi Yitian, the stupid male flight attendant came out these days. up.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't understand what you're saying, we just saw you hurting the passengers on our plane, so please stop."

The stupid Japanese flight attendant said to Liu Xiaohui coldly.

Even Liu Xiaohui could see the disdain in the eyes of the stupid male flight attendants these days.

Obviously, the stupid male flight attendants these days don't treat themselves as Chinese people at all.

"Yes, I did it. What do you want to do?"

Liu Xiaohui was also angry, and said provocatively at the stupid male flight attendant these days.

"Then we can only lock you up first."

The lead Japanese stupid male flight attendant said.

As the stupid Japanese male flight attendant finished speaking, two male flight attendants beside him walked towards Liu Xiaohui, one of them was holding an iron chain in his hand.

"I'll see who dares to touch my brother-in-law."

Ye Rongrong stood up, came to Liu Xiaohui, looked coldly at these stupid male flight attendants and shouted.

"Get out of the way, don't interfere with our law enforcement, or we will arrest you too."

The leading Japanese stupid male flight attendant looked at Ye Rongrong coldly and said.

"You are very long-winded!"

Ye Rongrong also stopped chattering with the three Japanese stupid male flight attendants. Ye Rongrong kicked three legs in a row, and the three Japanese stupid devils were immediately kicked out and rolled in a circle on the aisle of the plane.

"Bastard, how dare you sneak attack us!"

Three stupid Japanese flight attendants got up from the ground, ran over and cursed at Ye Rongrong angrily.

"Why are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, I will beat you until you are convinced."

Ye Rongrong said with a sneer, and kicked three times at the stupid male flight attendants in a row.




The three male flight attendants immediately flew out. They didn't even see clearly how Ye Rongrong kicked his leg, but this time Ye Rongrong's foot was obviously much stronger, and the three male flight attendants would get up on the ground for a while. Not coming.

"thank you all!"

Lin Xi said gratefully to Liu Xiaohui and Ye Rongrong.

"You're welcome. This is where I should sit. I'm away from home. I'm also from China. If I don't help, who will help!"

Liu Xiaohui immediately said in high spirits.

Men like to perform in front of women, and Liu Xiaohui is the same, seeing Lin Xi's adoring gaze at him, Liu Xiaohui's vanity is particularly satisfied.

Anyway, Liu Xiaohui felt that the way Lin Xi looked at him was a kind of worship.


Lin Xi thanked Liu Xiaohui again.

If it weren't for the young man in front of him helping him, he would have been defiled by this disgusting Japanese stupid devil.

"Why did you go to Japan stupid?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Lin Xi and asked.


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