Soon, the call was connected. Of course, the person in charge of Dongjing Hospital did not have Ye Rongrong's private phone number, but he had Li Jialan's phone number.

This is the contact information of the person in charge of the representative team sent to Dongjing Hospital by the PLA General Hospital.

"Professor Ye was taken away by the airport police station."

After the person in charge of Dongjing Hospital hung up the phone, he frowned and said to the officials of Dongjing City next to him.

"Ba Ga, what are you doing, how did you take Professor Ye away?"

Yoshida frowned and said angrily.

I have so many people here to welcome Professor Ye, why did the airport police station bring Professor Ye to the police station.

Who is Professor Ye? He is a winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, an official of the Huaxia Major General level, and the uncle of the Liu family.

No matter what your identity is, you can't easily arrest people.

What's more, this time, Professor Ye came to Winter Beijing to participate in the medical exchange meeting as a representative of the Chinese medical community. He was caught by the police station at the airport just after he got off the plane.

This is not a slap in the face of Professor Ye, but a slap in the face of the Dongjing government.

"Director Yoshida, let's go to the airport police station now, we can't let Professor Ye be wronged."

The person in charge of Dongjing Hospital said anxiously to Yoshida Masaichi.

This medical exchange meeting was hosted by Dongjing Hospital. The news that Professor Ye was taken away by the airport police just after getting off the plane will make Dongjing Hospital's international reputation fall to the ground.

"it is good!"

Yoshida nodded and took a group of people to the airport police station, making phone calls while walking.


Dongjing Airport Police Station.

"We just checked the surveillance on the plane and confirmed that you did beat these gentlemen, so according to the stupid law of Japan, we..."

The police officer who brought Ye Rongrong and the others to the police station just now said to Ye Rongrong and the others.

After all, Ye Rongrong's identities are a bit special, and this police officer dare not treat Ye Rongyao and the others badly, but as stupid policemen, they must be inclined towards people from their own country.

What's more, judging from the monitoring, it was indeed Ye Rongrong and the others who beat people up, and he was doing business. Even if these Chinese people have a strong background, they can't say that there is something wrong with them.

I have to say that the stupid policemen are very shrewd and very calculating.

It's just that before the stupid police officer finished speaking, a group of people broke into the police station.

"Professor Ye, are you okay?"

"Professor Ye, you have been wronged."

"Professor Ye, I'm really sorry, it was a misunderstanding."

This group of people broke into the police station, ignored the others, and walked directly towards Ye Rongrong.

Photos of Ye Rongrong on the Internet in China are blocked by relevant departments. In China, although Ye Rongrong is quite famous, there are very few people who know what Ye Rongrong looks like.

Walking on the street, Ye Rongrong was basically regarded as a passerby.

But it is different in foreign countries. On the Internet abroad, you can find photos of Ye Rongrong, especially Ye Rongrong, as the developer of a special medicine for bird flu, there are many foreigners who pay attention to Ye Rongrong, especially those related to medicine. .

And now the few stupid people around Ye Rongrong, they have all seen the photos of Ye Rongrong, and Ye Rongrong is tall and big, he stands out from the crowd everywhere, naturally he was recognized by everyone all at once.

"This is the police station, please go out if you have nothing to do with it."

A young police officer saw a large group of people entering the police station, and suddenly filled the police office hall, and immediately shouted unhappily.

"I'm Masaichi Yoshida from the Ministry of Health, let your police chief come out."

Being yelled at by a little policeman, Yoshida Masaichi immediately felt very shameless, and immediately yelled unhappily.

These airport police officers are so outrageous, they have no quality at all, they even dare to yell at themselves.

"Director Yoshida, he's new here, he's not sensible, I...I'm going to ask our sheriff to come here."

An old police officer who had seen Yoshida Masaichi hurriedly said to Yoshida Masaichi.


Yoshida Shoichi snorted, ignored the policemen, turned to Ye Rongrong and said, "Professor Ye, hello, I am Yoshida Masaichi, Director of the Health Department of Dongjing City, on behalf of Dongjing City, I welcome Professor Ye to Tokyo Participate in a medical exchange meeting."

"Ah hello."

Ye Rongrong shook hands with Masaichi Yoshida and continued, "Director Yoshida, I probably won't be able to participate in this meeting."

"What's the matter? Professor Ye, you are all here, why can't you participate in this exchange meeting? The Japanese medical community is looking forward to communicating with you, Professor Ye."

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"I saw a gangster molesting a girl on the plane. My brother-in-law couldn't stand it, so he rescued the girl and taught the gangster a lesson. As a result, the three male flight attendants on the plane wanted my brother-in-law If I was arrested, I would naturally not agree, so I beat them up, no, if the police want to detain me, I will naturally not be able to participate in this exchange meeting."

Ye Rongrong said.

In fact, Ye Rongrong was putting pressure on Yoshida Masaichi. After all, with Ye Rongrong's current status and status, the airport police station had no right to detain him.

"Professor Ye, this must be a misunderstanding. I will discuss this matter with the police station. At the same time, I will notify the airline company and let them deal with these dereliction of duty flight attendants internally."

Yoshida Shoichi said immediately.

The most important thing now is to let Professor Ye participate in this medical exchange meeting.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Anyway, I didn't suffer from this matter, so Ye Rongrong naturally accepted it as soon as it was good.

After all, I am now representing the Chinese medical community, so I can't make people feel that I am petty.

Soon the chief of the airport police station came over, and as soon as Yoshida Zhengyi came forward, the matter was over, and Ye Rongrong took Yoshida Zhengyi and the others' car and left Dongjing Airport.

For this exchange meeting, the Dongjing Hospital invested a lot of money. All the foreign medical personnel who came to exchange this time will stay in the six-star hotel in Dongjing—"Century Hotel".

"Professor Ye, you must be tired from flying all day. You should rest first. We will arrange a banquet tonight. Professor Ye, you must attend."

Yoshida Masaichi said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

For a person like Yoshida Masaichi, his respect for Ye Rongrong is not because of Ye Rongrong's status and identity, but because of Ye Rongrong's medical skills.

After all, Ye Rongrong is an openly top medical scientist in the world.

When this person is always sick, getting to know a top medical scientist is equivalent to buying an extra insurance for his health, which may save his life at critical times.


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