The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1062 Weakness?

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and agreed to Masaichi Yoshida's invitation.

After all, Ye Rongrong said that the small point represents the PLA General Hospital, and that the large point represents the Huaxia medical community to participate in this exchange meeting. If you don't even attend the reception dinner of a family, you will be considered arrogant, don't know etiquette, and will affect you. It's not the image of Ye Rongrong alone.

When this person reaches a certain level, there are many things to consider.

"Okay then, Professor Ye, I'll see you tonight."

As soon as Yoshida said that, he led people out of the presidential suite.

Japanese stupid people are like this, for the strong, for those capable people, no matter which country they are from, Japanese stupid people are very respectful.


At six o'clock in the evening, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the "Century Hotel".

"Husband, I won't go, I don't like this kind of dinner."

Liu Qingqing said after finishing Ye Rongrong's suit.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded in agreement.

His wife is so beautiful, and Ye Rongrong still feels uncomfortable to participate in such a banquet and let these stupid devils see it.

His wife is not willing to participate in such a banquet, Ye Rongrong is too happy, how could he object.

"Brother-in-law, I won't go either. I get a headache when I see stupid people these days."

Liu Xixi also said.

"Then you still have to follow."

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes at his sister-in-law and said.

"I hate people in Japan, but I don't hate the scenery in Japan. There are still many interesting places in Japan."

Liu Xixi said with a very reasonable look.

"Anyway, you are right."

Ye Rongrong said helplessly to his sister-in-law.

"Sister, let's go shopping in the market later. I've heard that the night streets in Dongjing are more lively than the night streets in our capital."

Liu Xixi suggested to Liu Qingqing.

"Yes, sister, we'll go shopping later. I haven't been out of the country yet. It's hard to come across this one time. You can take us shopping!"

Liu Xiaohui also spoke.

Children of Liu Xiaohui's age group are not at all interested in participating in those parties that boast about each other, but are somewhat interested in shopping.

"You can go out to play, but be careful, Ziyan, bring all the guards to protect them."

Ye Rongrong explained to Nangong Ziyan.

Don't look at Dongjing is very prosperous, it is an international metropolis, but it also hides many evils, his wife and sister-in-law are so beautiful, Ye Rongrong is really worried.

"The guards are following us, what about you, husband?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong worriedly and asked.

"I'm in the hotel, it's very safe. Besides, your husband is so powerful, do you still need guards?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Then you can't let you go to this banquet alone, let Ouyang Qianqian accompany you."

Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said.

Both I and Xixi don't like to attend such a banquet, but I can't let my husband go alone, it's too shabby, and I have to have a female companion anyway.

For Ouyang Qianqian, Liu Qingqing is still very relieved.

"Isn't it just a banquet, and I need someone to accompany me, besides, other doctors in the hospital will also go."

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

Since when it started, I have become an existence that needs to be accompanied by others.

"Teacher, I want to attend this banquet anyway, and I will be your girlfriend by the way. Teacher, you don't think you dislike me, do you?"

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong sadly and said.

"I am so courageous that I dare to talk to the teacher like this."

Ye Rongguang stared at Ouyang Qianqian and said.

"Qianqian, don't be afraid of him, your mistress will support you!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was fierce to Ouyang Qianqian, Liu Qingqing immediately supported Ouyang Qianqian and said.

"It's still my pretty mistress."

Ouyang Qianqian said happily.

Although my teacher's wife is several years younger than myself, she is also a teacher's wife, and Ouyang Qianqian can only be a junior in front of her.

"Okay, hubby, don't make people outside wait too long, you and Ouyang Qianqian go down together, we will go out to play later."

Liu Qingqing pushed Ye Rongrong and said.

"Well, be careful playing outside, and if you encounter anything, remember to call me as soon as possible."

Ye Rongrong solemnly explained to Liu Qingqing.

Of course, this was not only for Liu Qingqing, but also for guards like Nangong Ziyan.

There is no way, anyone who marries a daughter-in-law who is more beautiful than a fairy is always worried that the beautiful daughter-in-law will be out of his sight when he goes out.

"Don't worry, we're all grown-ups, we can't lose them, aren't there still Nangong Ziyan and the others?"

Liu Qingqing said.


Ye Rongrong thought for a while, so he didn't say much.

For the protection of his wife and children, Ye Rongrong gave two layers of protection. In addition to the female guards like Nangong Ziyan, there are also "talismans" that Liu Qingqing and Dudu carry at all times, and of course the ultimate trump card—" King Kong God Ant".

Otherwise, Ye Rongrong is really worried about Liu Qingqing and the others visiting the night market in the city of Dongjing. You must know that the dark forces in Dongjing are also very rampant.


"Professor Ye, let's go to the second floor now, many people are waiting for you."

Yoshida Masaichi was waiting for Ye Rongrong in the living room of the presidential suite. Seeing Ye Rongrong coming out, he hurriedly stood up from the sofa and said to Ye Rongrong respectfully.

"Director Yoshida has kept you waiting."

Ye Rongrong said apologetically.

"I didn't wait long either."

Yoshida shook his head and said.

Several officials around Yoshida Masaichi were very surprised that Yoshida Masaichi treated Ye Rongrong, a foreign medical expert, with such respect.

After all, this Yoshida Masaichi is a member of the Yoshida family, a political family in Japan. The Yoshida family is very powerful, and many of them are high-ranking officials in the Japan government. Usually, Yoshida is not so respectful to the mayor of Dongjing City. Pass.

But the surprise is the surprise, these officials didn't show it, and those who can mix in the officialdom basically have practiced to hide their emotions and anger.

"Then let's go down!"

Ye Rongrong nodded to Yoshida Zheng.

Although I don't know why Yoshida Masaichi is so respectful to him, but in Ye Rongrong's view, being courteous for nothing is either adultery or robbery, Yoshida Masaichi may have something to ask of himself.

As for what it was, Ye Rongrong didn't bother.

After all, Yoshida Masaichi hasn't asked himself yet, maybe he thought too much.

Of course, Ye Rongrong is somewhat confident about his intuition.

"Teacher, wait!"

Ouyang Qianqian hurried to catch up and immediately held Ye Rongrong's arm. Those who looked so intimate would think that Ouyang Qianqian was Ye Rongrong's wife if they didn't know the situation.

"Professor Ye, who is this?"

Yoshida looked suspiciously at Ouyang Qianqian who was holding Ye Rongrong's arm closely, and asked Ye Rongrong.

At the airport police station just now, Yoshida met Liu Qingqing and knew that that overly beautiful, fairy-like beauty was Professor Ye's wife.

But now the beauty who is holding Professor Ye's arm to attend the banquet is also very beautiful, but in the eyes of Yoshida Masaichi, there is still a big gap between this beauty and Liu Qingqing.

This is a beautiful woman living in the world, and Professor Ye's wife is a beautiful woman living in a painting, which is basically impossible to exist in this world.

It was a hungry fairy that people would never forget once they saw it, so Masaichi Yoshida was very sure that the beauty in front of him was definitely not Professor Ye's wife.

"This is my student Ouyang Qianqian. If she is the chief doctor of the PLA General Hospital, she will be a member of the exchange team."

Ye Rongrong pointed to Ouyang Qianqian and said to Yoshida Masaichi.

"So it's Miss Ouyang Qianqian, hello, hello!"

Yoshida said hurriedly to Ouyang Qianqian.

It seems that this Ouyang Qianqian beauty has a very close relationship with Professor Ye!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold each other so affectionately.

It seems that Hua Xia's words are too correct, wild flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, no matter how stunning the flowers grow, this man has a heart of stealing.

Thinking of this, Yoshida Masaichi's heart began to move.

Professor Ye wants fame, he is already world-renowned, and he wants money. According to the information fed back from his family, Professor Ye is the founder of the largest private charity foundation in China, "Qingyao Charity Foundation".

Professor Ye is not short of money or fame. As for power, he is already a major general of Huaxia at a young age, and the Yoshida family can't give him such a high position.

Originally, Yoshida Masaichi was worried that he would not find Professor Ye's weakness, but now Yoshida Masaichi has an idea in his mind.


Ouyang Qianqian nodded to Yoshida Zheng, but ignored it.

Now Ouyang Qianqian's attention is basically on Ye Rongrong.

This time Ouyang Qianqian was wearing such a sexy evening dress for the first time to attend a dinner with a man on her arm.

Especially this man is his teacher, and also the model of a perfect husband in his heart.

Holding his arm and feeling the heat from his body, Ouyang Qianqian was almost drunk.

"Then let's go to the second floor!"

Yoshida was walking in front of Ye Rongrong and the others, leading the way for Ye Rongrong and the others.

"You take me to the dinner party like this, aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?"

Ye Rongrong said to Ouyang Qianqian with some embarrassment.

The main reason is that Ouyang Qianqian is holding Ye Rongrong's arm so closely, Ye Rongrong's arm can easily feel Ouyang Qianqian's fullness.

This Nan Ouyang Qianqian has developed so well that Ye Rongrong is a little uneasy.

After all, Ye Rongrong is still a young man, so he can only talk to distract himself, so as not to react, which would be embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter if others misunderstand, as long as the teacher's wife doesn't misunderstand, teacher, are you really afraid of the teacher's wife's misunderstanding?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked Ye Rongrong in a low voice with a smile.


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