The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1881 Background?

"The wind is tight!"

A Yamamoto-gumi member watching from the side whispered to another Yamamoto-gumi member.

"Let's take a look first!"

Another member of the Yamamoto group also whispered.

When such a situation suddenly appeared, the members of the Yamamoto group who were still planning to call someone tensed up and gave up the idea of ​​calling. The members of the Yamamoto group who had already called someone hurriedly called and told everyone not to come.

The current situation is a bit weird. Suddenly, a dozen policemen wearing body armor and submachine guns came here. Everyone could see a murderous expression on their faces. The members of the Yamamoto group would not dare to fight with them. The police with the submachine gun committed a crime, isn't that courting death?

Suddenly the whole scene was silent!

A middle-aged man got out of the police car. This man was dressed as a police officer. He was not wearing a body armor. Judging by the way he got out of the car, this middle-aged man was obviously a leader.

When he got out of the car, he was still talking on his mobile phone, "Don't worry... I understand, I promise to take care of it before you come..."

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged man strode up.

When the middle-aged police officer saw this person, he took a deep breath, hurried up to meet him and said respectfully, "Inspector Inoue, why are you here?"

Some police cars didn't know this person, but when the middle-aged police officer called him Inoue Police Officer, they were shocked, and they knew who the other party was!

It turned out to be the police officer Inoue Aihara!

How come? Do you still use Inoue Aihara to personally lead the team for this kind of thing? ? ?

In Japan, the police are divided into nine levels, from top to bottom are: police chief, police supervisor, police chief, police officer, police officer, police department, police department supplement (deputy police department), inspection minister, inspection.

This police department is above the police department and directly below the police department. Its positions are usually assistant to the section chief and deputy section chief of the police department, section chiefs, directors, and management officers of the Metropolitan Police Department and prefectural police headquarters. The head of the large-scale police headquarters and some counselors, or the chief and deputy heads of small and medium-sized police stations, are equivalent to the chief of the criminal investigation department in Huaxia.

You must know that the county magistrate and county secretary in Huaxia are also department-level cadres.

For the policemen present here, this Inoue Aihara Police Officer is a big shot.

"Police Inoue, the situation has been brought under control, and no one has died yet, but there are quite a few seriously injured, and most of them have been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment now."

The middle-aged police officer hurriedly reported to Inoue Heyuanhui.

"who are you?"

Obviously, Inoue Aihara didn't know the middle-aged police officer.

"Report to Police Inoue, I am Nami Aso, the inspector general of this area, I..."

Nami Aso said hastily.

The Minister of Inspection sounds like a big officer, but in fact, in the Japanese police hierarchy, he is a very small police officer. He is above the inspection and under the police department. His positions are usually in the Metropolitan Police Department and county police. The head of the criminal investigation team of the headquarters is equivalent to the head of the serious criminal case team in our country, at best, it is equivalent to an official at the deputy department level.

This Aso Nami knows this Inoue Aihara, this Inoue Aihara may not know that there is such a person as Aso Nami under him.

After all, there is a big difference between the two job levels.

This is the same as the county head of Huaxia. He knows what the mayors under him look like and what their names are, but he may not know what the deputy mayors under him look like and what their names are.

"Oh, tell me where Professor Ye is?"

Inoue Aihara obviously didn't care who this Nami Aso was, and interrupted him directly.

"Professor Ye?"

Nami Aso was startled, as if she understood something, she subconsciously looked at Ye Rongrong over there.

Could it be that this person is the "Professor Ye" mentioned by Inoue Aihara?

Just now he called the Inoue Aihara Police Station?

But that's not right either?

If that's the case, Inoue Aihara should know him, wouldn't he still ask himself such a question?

"What should I ask you?"

Seeing that Aso Nami was stunned and didn't answer his own question, Inoue Aihara suddenly became a little unhappy.

In the stupid country of Japan, this hierarchy is very strict, and it is taboo for subordinates to treat their superiors in any way.

"Maybe it's him?"

Nami Aso pointed to Ye Rongrong with some uncertainty.

After all, Nami Aso couldn't understand it now.

Did Ye Rongrong call Inoue Aihara Police just now?

Why don't they seem to know each other?

However, it is obvious that Police Inoue Aihara came here for a person named "Professor Ye". Nami Aso basically knew that those people who fell on the ground and were sent to the hospital were all members of the Yamamoto group, a group of hooligans It's impossible to be a professor.

The rest are these two young Chinese people?

When Aso Nami was still struggling with this matter, Inoue Aihara saw Ye Rongrong and his wife not far away, immediately changed his expression, walked up quickly, and asked Ye Rongrong in a calm tone: "Excuse me Professor Ye?"

In fact, Inoue Aihara didn't know the identity of the man in front of him, he only knew his surname Ye, and he respectfully called him "Professor Ye", he didn't even know his name.

This time, Inoue Aihara came here in a hurry because his superior called him to come over immediately to deal with this matter. From the tone of his tone, it could be heard that his leader attached great importance to this "Professor Ye", so Inoue Aihara naturally also paid attention to it.

"who are you?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Inoue Aihara with some doubts and asked.

I called Yoshida Masaichi, the police officer here, Ye Rongrong obviously didn't know him, it wasn't the Yuanye servant he met yesterday.

"I'm Inoue Aihara, chief of the Tokyo West Ward Police Department. You must be Professor Ye. I'm sorry, Professor Ye. We are late, and you have been wronged."

Inoue Heyuan hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong.

"Since you are here, you have to give us an explanation for this matter. I came to Dongjing to participate in the exchange meeting at the request of your government, but I met a group of gangsters trying to kill me on this street. What's even worse are these policemen. It's right on the side, not only didn't stop them, even I subdued these gangsters, these policemen still wanted to trouble me. statement?"

Ye Rongrong said very bluntly.

Seeing that Ye Rongrong spoke so rudely to him, Inoue Aihara felt uncomfortable. After all, he was not a small official at all.

If it hadn't been for the thought that this "Professor Ye" knew the leaders above, and he couldn't afford to offend him, Inoue Aihara would have turned around and left now.

Forget it, it's normal for anyone to let others know the leaders above have a bit of a temper.

"Professor Ye, don't worry, we will leave this matter to us, and I promise to give you an explanation."

Speaking of this, Inoue Aihara thought of an important matter, looked at Ye Rongrong hurriedly and asked, "Professor Ye, are you not injured?"

"My person is not hurt, but my heart is hurt?"

Ye Rongrong said bluntly.


Inoue Aihara was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Of course, more dissatisfaction!

It's so cold, I was called out by the leader to help you solve the problem, but your attitude is also...

Alas, come on, who will let someone above him, bear with it.

Inoue Aihara thought depressingly.

Nami Aso and the others also saw this scene, and their expressions were suddenly uncertain.

This "Professor Ye" has a deep background. Otherwise, could the notoriously bad-tempered Inoue Aihara, the chief of the West District Police Department, be able to swallow his anger so much?

Everyone has an idea of ​​the current situation. This professor surnamed Ye obviously knows a certain high-ranking official, and he called the Inoue Aihara Police Department with just one phone call.

This "Professor Ye" doesn't know Inoue Aihara yet, and has a bad attitude towards him, but Inoue Aihara still doesn't dare to lose his temper.

What does this mean? It means that the official that "Professor Ye" is looking for must be higher than the police inspector Inoue Aihara, and it's not just one or two levels higher.

In this situation, Nami Aso and the others didn't dare to say anything, for fear of saying something wrong and causing trouble to the upper body.

Just when Inoue Aihara didn't know how to answer Ye Rongrong's words, several police cars drove over, escorting two Audi cars.


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