The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1882 Scared!

Soon, the car stopped, and Inoue Aihara rushed up to meet him, and said respectfully to one of the old men, "Director Asano!"

Nami Aso and the other policemen also went to welcome them, but when they heard Director Asano's words, several people couldn't help being shocked.

Director Asano is the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and he is the highest-ranking figure in the entire Tokyo police force. For small police officers like Nami Aso, Director Asano is a legendary figure.

This... this "Professor Ye" just called Director Asano just now, right?

Isn't the background too big?

No wonder he didn't take these members of the Yamamoto group seriously. With Director Asano backing him up, there was no need to be afraid that the Yamamoto group would make trouble for him.

Nami Aso and the others hurriedly bowed, but they didn't say hello, because they felt that they didn't even have the qualifications to say hello. Director Asano is the boss of the Tokyo police.

Soon, the door of another Audi car opened, and the person who got out of the car was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a medium build, a square face, slightly bald hair at the sideburns, thick and neat eyebrows, and a pair of sparkling eyes Have a good look.

Ye Rongrong knew this person. He was Director Masaichi Yoshida of the Tokyo Health Department. Ye Rongrong had called him just now.

I didn't expect Director Yoshida Masaichi to come so fast.

"Director Yoshida!"

Seeing Yoshida Masaichi get off the Audi car, Inoue Aihara was startled, and his breathing became a little short of breath.

Although Director Yoshida and Director Asano are both in the same rank, and Director Asano is even bigger in terms of power, but in Japan, when you look at a person's power, you can't just look at their position, but also at their position. family background.

Throughout Japan, the Yoshida family is an incredible political family, and its strong political resources are not comparable to Director Asano.

It can even be said that if Director Asano offends Director Yoshida, the position of the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will be lost.

Director Asano?

Director Yoshida?

These words exploded like a thunderbolt in the crowd of onlookers!

Nami Aso and the other policemen felt their eyes go dark after hearing this!

I have a go!

Who is this "Professor Ye"?

It even made two minister-level officials rush over.

This "Professor Ye" must be a big shot?

No wonder this person didn't take the Yamamoto group seriously at all. He beat the members of the Yamamoto group to serious injuries, and he was so confident that he wanted to hold the police accountable.

Inoue Aihara, the director of the West District Police Department who just arrived, also took a deep breath. Now he understands why this person dared to talk to him so impolitely just now. Keep it in your eyes.

Thinking of this, Inoue Aihara didn't dare to get angry anymore, instead he was afraid that Ye Rongrong would have some opinion on him.

The situation is changing too fast!

No one thought that this Huaxia man's background was so strong that he could alarm the two great figures.

This is something no one expected at the beginning!

To know when to begin,

Although many onlookers were amazed by Ye Rongrong's force, they didn't think highly of him.

After all, what he injured was a member of the Japanese stupid Yamamoto group. This is to offend the Yamamoto group to the death!

You must know that the Yamamoto group is one of the most stupid dark forces in Japan, with many members and weapons such as guns in their hands.

Now it seems that people have a background to dare not take the Yamamoto group in their eyes.

After all, dark forces are dark forces, and they cannot be compared with the power of the political axe. If the political ax is really fierce, the dark forces will definitely be wiped out.

It's just that the Yamamoto group has an intricate relationship in the political department, so it can survive.

Such a plot can frighten the members of the Yamamoto group on the periphery!

"how so……"

"This person has such a great background!"

"This is broken!"

"This is how to do?"

The members of the Yamamoto group in the crowd panicked!

Some members of the Yamamoto group even retreated slowly when they saw that the situation was not good.


Yoshida Masaichi didn't look at Inoue Aihara at all, but walked quickly towards Ye Rongrong's position.

"Professor Ye, I'm sorry, I'm late, are you okay?"

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and said.

"I'm fine!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said to Masaichi Yoshida.

This Yoshida Masaichi seemed to be very concerned about his own affairs, which made Ye Rongrong feel a little vigilant. Could it be that he has some purpose?

Otherwise, how could you please yourself so diligently.

You must know that the matter now can basically be solved by the police officer Inoue Aihara, and there is no need for him to come here in person.

But now that he's here in person, he obviously attaches great importance to his affairs.

This is very abnormal.

"Professor Ye, what's going on?"

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"It's like this..."

Ye Rongrong briefly told Yoshida Masaichi about this matter.

"It's unreasonable, it's lawless, these policemen are also bastards, Professor Ye, don't worry, we will deal with these people."

As soon as Yoshida heard Ye Rongrong's words, he immediately said angrily.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Professor Ye, wait a moment."

Yoshida Masaichi said, just like Director Asano shaking his hand.

Director Asano hurried over.

"Director Asano, this is what happened..."

Yoshida recounted the incident to Director Asano, and finally looked at Director Asano and asked, "How do you think about this matter?"

"Director Yoshida, Professor Ye, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

Director Asano said hurriedly.

Although I don't know the specific identity of this "Professor Ye", looking at Masaichi Yoshida's respectful attitude, Director Asano is not stupid, and understands that the status of this "Professor Ye" in China is very noble.

The person who can make Yoshida Masaichi of the Yoshida family take care of him so carefully is definitely higher than Yoshida Masaichi.

Anyway, he was the kind of person he couldn't afford to offend, so he had to give this "Professor Ye" a satisfactory answer to this matter.

After talking to Ye Rongrong and Yoshida Masaichi, Director Asano turned his head and grimaced, and said to Inoue Aihara, "Inoue Aihara, didn't you say that it should be settled before I come? What's going on now? Professor Ye Why haven’t the grievances been resolved, and what’s going on with the policemen under your command?”

"I... I'm dealing with it!"

Inoue Aihara said hurriedly.

"Let me directly control the people first. It is simply lawless to commit murder in broad daylight. What are the current police officers doing? It is a serious dereliction of duty and must be dealt with seriously."

Director Asano said directly, giving orders.

"Those perpetrators were seriously injured and have basically been sent to the hospital for treatment now."

Inoue Aihara said hurriedly.

It has been a while since I came here, and Inoue Aihara already has a general understanding of what happened here.

The person who was beaten was standing here unscathed, but the person who was beaten was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

What are these things, Inoue Aihara is a little unbelievable until now.

If it weren't for Nami Aso and the others who said this matter swearingly, Inoue Aihara would really think they were joking.


Director Asano also noticed the blood and sticks on the ground at this time.

"what happened?"

Director Asano looked at Inoue Aihara and asked.

"It's like this..."

Inoue Aihara immediately reported to Director Asano and Director Yoshida what he had just learned.

One person knocked down more than 50 strong members of the Yamamoto group.

More than 50 members of the Yamamoto group were seriously injured and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment? Professor Ye was unscathed?

Both Masaichi Yoshida and Director Asano felt like listening to martial arts stories.

How can there be such a powerful person?

Is this "Professor Ye" a martial arts master?

Even if he is a martial arts master, has he ever heard of a martial arts master who is so powerful?

But for this kind of thing, Inoue Aihara definitely wouldn't dare to lie, after all, there are so many people watching now.

Immediately, Yoshida Masaichi and Director Asano's eyes on Ye Rongrong changed.

This Professor Ye is really amazing!

"Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and give me an explanation. We still have to go shopping!"

Seeing Yoshida Masaichi and Director Asano staring at him, Ye Rongrong immediately said unhappily.

"Professor Ye, this is our dereliction of duty and our responsibility. I will personally follow up on this matter and deal with it seriously. I will never let a single criminal go. We will also deal severely with these dereliction of duty police officers."

Director Asano said to Ye Rongrong.

"I hope so, if there is nothing else, can we go?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

Now that the tune is set, Ye Rongrong asked.

"Yes, Professor Ye, you can leave anytime."

Director Asano nodded.

"Professor Ye, where are you going, I will drive you there."

Yoshida said to Ye Rongrong.

"Thank you, no need, we still have to go shopping."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.


The fight just happened here, Ye Rongrong and the others naturally can't go shopping in this area anymore, lest others look at them strangely.

I spent 100 yen in a taxi to go shopping and shopping in another street in Tokyo.

After all, it is rare to come here once, and no matter what, I have to bring some gifts to relatives and friends when I return home. I can't spend an afternoon shopping, and Ye Rongrong's body is covered with bags full of things.

"Husband, let's go back. Xixi and the others are probably back. If they find us sneaking out to go shopping, they will make fun of them."

Liu Qingqing looked at her watch, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, she looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

After all, both of them had said that they would stay in the hotel instead of going shopping today, but now that their husband and wife went out to go shopping secretly, Liu Qingqing was worried that Liu Xixi and the others would find out.


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