The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1886 Don't worry

"There is a patient at home, and I want to ask Professor Ye to see if he can be treated."

Yoshida said to Ye Rongrong.

"Honey, I want to go back first."

Liu Qingqing whispered in Ye Rongrong's ear.

Liu Qingqing didn't want to stay in this place for a moment, it was really disgusting!

Liu Qingqing estimated that she would not have any appetite for food for a month.

There is a shadow in this matter!

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.

Ye Rongrong himself didn't want to stay here any longer, so he could naturally understand Liu Qingqing and the others' current mood.

"Director Yoshida, where is the patient now?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"In the inner courtyard, after dinner, I will take you there."

Yoshida Shoichi said.

"Don't, doctors are parents. Patients are important. You can't procrastinate when you are sick. It is important to see a doctor first."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

This restaurant can't stay anymore. Seeing Yoshida eating shit with relish, it's really disgusting. If he stays any longer, Ye Rongrong is worried that he will spit out all his lunch.

"Professor Ye is really a good person!"

Sakai Miyako looked at Ye Rongrong gratefully and said.

"I'm a doctor, as I should. I don't know how long it will take to see a doctor. Qingqing, you go back first. I'll go back alone later."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Brother-in-law, let's go back first."

Liu Xixi said hurriedly.

Normally, Liu Xixi would like to pester her brother-in-law every minute, but this time Liu Xixi was in a hurry to go back.

It seems that it is really disgusting.

"Honey, come back early."

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

The main reason is that Liu Qingqing doesn't want to stay here for a moment now, it's too disgusting, for her who is obsessed with cleanliness, it was like a nightmare just now.

"Don't worry, I'm a big man and I can't lose it."

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Miss, you arrange a car to take Ms. Liu and the others off."

Yoshida Shoichi arranged for his wife Sakai Miyako to send Liu Qingqing and the others back to the hotel.


After watching Liu Qingqing and the others get into the car, Ye Rongrong followed Yoshida Zhengyi to the inner courtyard of Yoshida's house.

For a big family like Yoshida, those who live in the inner courtyard are some important family members.

Although the times are developing and everyone is promoting fairness, justice, and equality for everyone, the hierarchical system of a big family like Yoshida is still very strict.

Accompanied by Yoshida Masaichi, Ye Rongrong came to a room in the inner courtyard. When Ye Rongrong and the others entered, there were already many people in the room, more than a dozen men and women.

Several of them Ye Rongrong met just now,

They are important personnel of the Yoshida family, one of whom is the current patriarch of the Yoshida family, Yoshida Zhengxiong.

Lying on the bed was a middle-aged man in his thirties. His face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were closed, his hands and feet were trembling constantly, and foam came out of his mouth from time to time.

A few middle-aged and elderly men in white coats were frowning.

"Mr. Murahashi, what happened to Yoshida Masanami?"

Yoshida Zhengxiong looked dissatisfiedly at one of the old doctors in his sixties wearing a white coat and asked.

The person lying on the bed is Yoshida Masamune, the son of Yoshida Masao, and the future patriarch of the Yoshida family, but this strange disease made Yoshida Masamune so painful.

It has been several days. I have been to many hospitals and seen many doctors. Not only has the disease not been cured, but even the cause of the disease has not been found, let alone treated.

In Yoshida Zhengxiong's view, these doctors are all idiots. Yoshida Zhengxiong really wants to smash those hospitals, they are all idiots.

"Mr. Yoshida, my medical skills are shallow, and I can't find out the cause of this disease, let alone treat Mr. Ling's disease. I'd better hire another expert!"

Murahashi shook his head and said.

No matter from the pulse rate or various test data, this Yoshida Masamune's body is very normal, and there is no disease at all, but in fact, the current appearance of Yoshida Masamune is definitely a prescription for illness.

This is the first time Kensho Murahashi has encountered such a strange situation in his decades of practice as a doctor.

It's not very difficult now, but Kensho Murahashi has no way to treat it.

Another point is that, based on Murahashi Kensei's experience, this Yoshida Masamune is very dangerous now, and his life may be lost at any time. Murahashi Kensei wants to leave this Yoshida's house as soon as possible.

After all, if this Yoshida Masamune died today, who knows if the Yoshida family will take their anger on doctors like himself.

Hearing what Murahashi Kensei said, Masao Yoshida was very angry, and cursed: "Fuck! Waste! You can't even diagnose a disease! Get out of here... Get out!"

Murahashi Kensheng was so scared that he bowed in shame and said, "I'm very sorry, let's get out!"

Murahashi Kensheng hurriedly retreated with his assistant in a desperate manner.

"What should I do? It seems that Zhengnan's illness can't be delayed any longer."

An elderly woman sitting by the bed said anxiously.

The identity of this elderly woman is not simple, she is the princess of the Japanese royal family.

A few decades ago, the power of the Japanese royal family was much greater than it is now. At that time, being able to marry a princess of the Japanese royal family showed the strength of the Yoshida family.

And now lying on the bed, Yoshida Masamune, who looked like he was about to die, was the son and only son of the royal princess.

"I can't wait any longer, hurry up and invite the imperial physician Saburo Hita over here?"

The old woman stomped her feet anxiously and said to Zheng Xiong Yoshida.

"Professor Ye..."

Yoshida was approaching Ye Rongrong.

"Stop, don't come near."

Ye Rongrong stepped back hurriedly, interrupting Masaichi Yoshida's words.

This Yoshida Masaichi just ate shit, Ye Rongrong deliberately kept a distance from him, so as not to be smelled by the feces in his mouth, so naturally he would not let Yoshida Masaichi approach him now.

"Professor Ye, do you think my brother's illness can be cured?"

Yoshida Masaichi could only helplessly stop and asked Ye Rongrong.

"Not in a hurry."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Obviously, the heads of the Yoshida family don't really believe in their medical skills, or else they would have entered the house, and Yoshida Zhengxiong didn't even greet him directly, and the old woman even said that she was going to ask the imperial doctor .

In this case, Ye Rongrong will naturally not put a hot face on his ass.

What kind of doctor's parents' heart is all nonsense.

For these stupid people, Ye Rongrong doesn't have the heart of his parents.


Seeing what Ye Rongrong said, Yoshida Masaichi stopped talking.

Although it is said that Yoshida Shoichi's status in the Yoshida family is not low, that is relative. In this room, many members of the Yoshida family have a higher status than Yoshida Shoichi.

This is also the reason why Yoshida Masaichi wanted to invite Ye Rongrong to treat his younger brother Yoshida Masamune.

After all, this Yoshida Masamune is the future patriarch of the Yoshida family. Now that Yoshida Masao is old, many things in the family are basically handed over to Yoshida Masamune.

If the person he invites can cure Yoshida Masamune's disease, Yoshida Masaichi believes that his status in the family will be improved, and the person he saves is the future patriarch of the Yoshida family, and Yoshida Masaichi's status in the family in the future It will definitely rise as well.

"Professor Ye, you are here, why don't you show Zhengnan first?"

The conversation between Ye Rongrong and Yoshida Masaichi caught the attention of Yoshida Zhengxiong, frowning, Yoshida Zhengxiong said to Ye Rongrong.

That tone was just talking casually, without any sincerity.

For Ye Rongyao's medical skills, Yoshida Zhengxiong has no confidence. In Yoshida Zhengxiong's opinion, Ye Rongyao is so young, his medical skills must be limited.

As for why Ye Rongrong was able to develop the "special medicine for bird flu" and won last year's "Nobel Prize in Medicine" for it, in Yoshida Zhengxiong's view, this "special medicine for bird flu" was definitely not developed by Ye Rongrong, but But let him pick up a bargain.

This kind of theft of other people's research results often happens all over the world, and there are such ugly things in Japan.

"No hurry, let the imperial doctor come and see first."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong is not in a hurry now, after all, the person who is suffering in bed is not his relative or friend, so he has no reason to take the initiative.

Ye Rongrong waited, and waited for the Yoshida family member to ask himself to treat the patient.

In that case, the initiative is in his own hands, and the cost is at his own discretion.

The Yoshida family is so rich, Ye Rongrong felt that if he didn't slaughter them once, he would call himself a Chinese in vain.

"It's better to let the old imperial doctor Hita Saburo treat Zhengnan."

The old woman glanced at Ye Rongrong, then glared at Yoshida Zhengxiong involuntarily, and said dissatisfiedly.

What does Zhengxiong Yoshida want to do? Let a young man with no hair grow to treat his son. He is not afraid that his son will be put to death.

Or does he want his son to die so that his other sons can be candidates for the patriarch of the Yoshida family?

The old woman who grew up in a deep palace compound since she was a child has experienced many intrigues in the family, so she naturally thinks more.

Half an hour later, the old imperial doctor Hirata Saburo came. He was over seventy years old, panting from running, wiped the sweat from his forehead and bowed: "I have met Her Royal Highness, I have seen Lord Yoshida!"

"Biantian, hurry up and show Zhengnan, what's going on?"

The old woman said anxiously, she found that Yoshida Masamori's face was getting paler and paler, and his expression was very painful, the mother and child were connected, seeing the pain of the son, the old woman's heart felt like a knife was piercing her heart.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Hirata Saburo immediately went to the bedside and gave Yoshida Masanami the pulse. After feeling the pulse, Hirata Saburo was stunned, "Mr. Yoshida's pulse is very normal!"

"But Zhengnan's appearance, how could his pulse be normal?"

Yoshida Zhengxiong said displeased.

My son is terminally ill, and each of these doctors said that his son is normal.

Paralyzed, it's all bullshit!

His face was pale and bloodless, and his expression was extremely painful. Would a person who is not sick be like this?

If it weren't for the age of Hirata Saburo and his own status, Yoshida Zhengxiong really wanted to slap him.

Let your damn eyes open and talk nonsense!


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