"Master Yoshida, I'm really sorry, my ability is limited, and I really can't diagnose Mr. Yoshida's illness, and I can't do anything."

Seeing Masao Yoshida's displeasure, Saburo Hita hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Although Hirata Saburo is an imperial physician, he has never seen such a strange disease, let alone treated Yoshida Masamune.

"Doctor Hirata, is there really no way?"

The old woman looked anxiously at Hirata Saburo and asked.

"Your Highness, this is the first time this old man has seen such a weird disease in his life. Forgive me, I really can't cure this disease."

Saburo Hiata shook his head and said.

"Then... what should I do then?"

the old woman asked anxiously.


At this moment, the intestines in Yoshida Masamori's stomach hurt as if they were about to be torn apart, and he rolled on the bed in pain.

"Ah! I'm dying! Ah!"

Yoshida Masamune roared indiscriminately.


"Zhengnan...what's the matter with you?"

Everyone in the Yoshida family surrounded him anxiously and asked.

"Doctor Biantian, take a look at Zhengnan, what's wrong with him?"

The old woman panicked immediately, and hurriedly said to Saburo Hiata.

"I... I don't know what to do?"

Saburo Hiata shook his head and said.

They don't even know what kind of disease Yoshida Masamune is suffering from, and how to treat him!

If it is cured, it will be a great responsibility.

People who can become an imperial doctor, in addition to their excellent medical skills, can be an imperial doctor like Saburo Hitata until they are over seventy years old, but they are all good people.

He would never touch a disease that he was not sure about.

"This is how to do ah?"

Seeing her son in pain, the old woman burst into tears.

"Professor Ye, look..."

Seeing his younger brother's distressed look, Yoshida Zhengyi hurriedly looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"No hurry, no hurry!"

Ye Rongrong glanced at Yoshida Masamune, shook his head and said to Yoshida Masaichi.

Anyway, this Yoshida Masamune will not die for a while, Ye Rongrong is not in a hurry.

Of course, the most important thing is that the head of the Yoshida family hasn't asked himself yet.

Ye Rongrong is not someone who takes the initiative to treat stupid people in Japan.

After finishing speaking, Ye Rongrong was still sitting on the chair in the room.

After all, Ye Rongrong is not from the Yoshida family, there is no need to stand with these people, there are naturally chairs to sit on, and Ye Rongrong naturally sits unceremoniously.

Ye Rongrong even asked a servant to pour him a cup of tea.

Everyone in the room looked anxious,

Ye Rongrong looked leisurely and leisurely.


Yoshida Masaichi still looked at Ye Rongrong with some worry and said.

"It's okay, trust me, there's no rush."

Ye Rongrong interrupted Yoshida Masaichi's words.

Seeing Ye Rongrong like this, Yoshida Masaichi had no choice.

After all, Ye Rongrong was invited by himself to treat Yoshida Masamune, but his parents have not asked Ye Rongrong to treat Yoshida Masamune, and this Ye Rongrong is not in a hurry to treat him, which made Yoshida Masaichi Very headache.



"Kill me soon..."

Yoshida Masamura quickly rolled from the bed to the ground, rolling and whining in pain, his appearance was very creepy.

"Zhengnan...zhengnan...don't scare mother!"

The old woman anxiously shouted to Yoshida Masamune who was rolling on the ground.

"Quick, give him a painkiller injection!"

Yoshida Zhengxiong hurriedly said to the full-time doctor in the family.

Although the effect of the pain relief injection was getting worse and worse, seeing his son in pain, Yoshida Zhengxiong could only think about giving his son this pain relief injection.

The painkiller injection the day before yesterday was still effective for more than an hour, but yesterday it took half an hour, and this morning it only had the effect of less than ten minutes.

Now how long the painkiller injection for Yoshida Masamune will last, Yoshida Zhengxiong has no idea.

If this continues, the painkiller injection will definitely become useless.

"If you want his life, just give him a painkiller injection. I promise to give him a painkiller injection. He will never see the sun tomorrow."

Ye Rongrong took a sip of hot tea and said lightly.


Ye Rongrong's words shocked everyone in the room.

Of course, it also made everyone in the room look at Ye Rongrong in unison, and noticed Ye Rongrong's existence.

Especially now that everyone is anxious about Yoshida Masamune's illness, but this man is sitting in the grand master's chair and drinking hot tea leisurely, many people are immediately dissatisfied.

"Who is this person?"

"do not know!"

"There are no such people in Tokyo's high society circles!"

"Where did the boy who doesn't understand the rules come from!"

"This person seems to be a guest invited by Zhengyi!"

"The guests invited by Zhengyi are so arrogant, they don't take our Yoshida family seriously!"

"It seems that our grandpa knows about this person, and he seems to have asked him to see a doctor for my third uncle just now. He didn't dare to see a doctor for my third uncle."


There are many people in this room who don't know who Ye Rongrong is. Seeing Ye Rongrong sitting in the room like an old man, they immediately discuss in a low voice.

Especially some young people are particularly dissatisfied.

The elders of the family are all here, and people like myself dare not breathe in the room. This kid who is about the same age as me dares to sit in the old man's chair and drink hot tea so carefree.

It is simply unreasonable!

"Professor Ye, you...do you know what's wrong with my son?"

Yoshida Zhengxiong looked at Ye Rongrong with surprise and asked.

"I see a doctor, and the consultation fee is very high. Patriarch Yoshida, are you sure you want me to diagnose your son?"

Ye Rongrong didn't answer Yoshida Masaichi's question, but looked at him and asked back.

"You...you can cure my son's illness!"

Although the old woman was surprised by Ye Rongrong's youth, but now that her son is like this, the old woman can only go to the doctor in a hurry.

"No guarantee!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"As long as you can cure my son's illness, you can pay as much as you want."

The old woman looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"You can't be greedy, you can forget about the amount of money, a billion dollars!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Paralyzed, one billion dollars, why doesn't he grab it!"

"I really think our Yoshida family is being taken advantage of!"

"One billion dollars, how dare he open his mouth like a lion!"

"He is so tired of working, he dares to earn money from our Yoshida family like this."

"This is from our Yoshida's house to saunter!"

"This is Yoshida Masaichi, what's the matter with us, why are you bringing everyone home!"


Ye Rongrong's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of some members of the Yoshida family in the room, and they all discussed in low voices with each other.

Of course, everyone only dared to discuss in a low voice. In the highly hierarchical Yoshida family, the patriarch did not speak, so everyone dared not come out and scold Ye Rongrong.

"As long as you can cure my son's illness, a billion dollars is fine."

Yoshida Zhengxiong looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Although this billion dollars is not a small number, it is nothing compared to the life of the Yoshida family heir.

One billion dollars, the Yoshida family can still get it easily.

"Good! Deal"

Ye Rongrong said happily.

No one has any grudges against money, Ye Rongrong is naturally happy when there is one billion dollars in the account.

"Then please treat my son quickly!"

Seeing her son Yoshida Masamori in pain, the old woman hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong.

If this kid can cure his son's illness, everything is easy to talk about. If he can't cure his son's illness, he will make him look good. Don't let people think that his Yoshida family is easy to fool.

The old woman thought to herself.

Ye Rongrong didn't say much, but walked to the side of Yoshida Masamune who was rolling on the ground, took out a silver needle more than ten centimeters long from his pocket, and stuck it in Yoshida Masamune's stomach.


Immediately, Yoshida Masamune felt that his body did not have that kind of piercing pain, and couldn't help but took a deep breath and shouted comfortably.

"Zhengnan, are you okay?"

The old woman hastily squatted down and asked Yoshida Masamune who was lying on the ground.

"Mother...I'm much better now, and my body doesn't hurt as much as before."

Yoshida Masamura said with a heavy breath.

Although Yoshida doesn't feel any pain now, his body is still very weak.

"No way?"

"Isn't this amazing?"

"Third Uncle, is this all right?"

"Why is Third Uncle's illness cured? I haven't even seen this man cure his illness?"

"You're blind, didn't you see the shiny silver thing on Third Uncle's stomach?"

"Just that long silver needle cured third uncle's illness?"

"It's incredible!"

"This medical skill is amazing!"

"Great, third brother is fine!"

"A miracle doctor!"


Seeing Ye Rongrong go down with a silver needle, Yoshida Masamune no longer hurts, and everyone in the room was shocked.

There are so many famous doctors who don't look down on Yoshida Masamune's disease. This young man cured Yoshida Masamune's disease with a single injection. This medical skill is too powerful, he is really a miracle doctor!

"This money is too easy to earn!"

"A billion dollars! A billion dollars in just one click, oh my god!"

"This man is too good at making money!"

Soon the young people in the room looked at Ye Rongyao changed, especially the unmarried girls looked at Ye Rongyao as if they wanted to swallow Ye Rongyao.

This is simply a cash cow!

If I marry him, I will have endless money in my life!

With such a husband, are you still afraid of prodigal?

A few girls began to fantasize about it!

"Is my son cured?"

Yoshida Zhengxiong came back to his senses and asked Ye Rongrong excitedly.

Divine doctor, this is really a divine doctor!

There is no harm if there is no comparison. The doctors I used to find are all pigs!

It's still Professor Ye who is amazing, so that his son doesn't feel pain all of a sudden.

As long as he can cure his son's disease, let alone one billion dollars, it will be two billion dollars, it's worth it!

"Chief Yoshida, you are overthinking."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"What's the meaning?"

Yoshida Zhengxiong looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.


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