The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1888 There are worms in the body

"I just stopped his pain temporarily, and it's far from curing him."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"What is my son's illness? Why can't so many doctors check it out?"

The old woman looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"This is my mother Taihe Princess!"

Yoshida Masaichi hurriedly introduced Ye Rongrong.

In fact, what Yoshida Masaichi wanted to say was that this old woman was his father's eldest wife, not his own mother.

In Japan, many aristocratic men have more than one wife, and have several wives. However, in order to prevent the public from dissatisfied, there is only one wife in the legal sense, and all other wives are nameless.

"Hello, Princess Taihe, what your son suffers from is a special disease. There are many special diseases. There is no way to check and treat them with current medicine."

Ye Rongrong gave Yoshida Masamune his pulse while talking.

Soon, Ye Rongrong felt that Yoshida Masamune's pulse was very normal, and he didn't look sick at all. If there was something wrong, the pulse was a little weak and his physical condition was not good, but it was definitely not The cause of Yoshida Masamune's current state.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, pressed on Yoshida Masamune's stomach, and asked him, "How does your stomach feel?"

"It looks like something is moving!"

Yoshida Masamune said weakly.

The pain just now exhausted Yoshida Masaichi's physical strength, and now he is very weak to speak.

"What about here?"

Ye Rongrong pressed on Yoshida Masamori's chest.

"It seems like something is moving?"

Masamune Yoshida felt it and said.

"What about here?"

Ye Rongrong pressed on the back of Yoshida Masamune's head.

"Still feeling something move?"

Masayoshi Yoshida said in a panic.

Because at this time, Yoshida Masamori felt something wriggling in his body, as if something had entered his body.

"Professor Ye, Zhengnan, what's wrong with him?"

Zheng Xiong Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

Ye Rongrong did not answer Yoshida Zhengxiong's words, but turned on the "detection technique" to check Yoshida Masamune's body.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I was surprised when I saw Ye Rongrong.

I saw several worms on Yoshida Zhengyi's stomach, which were the size of worms and maggots covered in pitch black, with a round head, a mouth like a hook, and a tail like a needle point.

This kind of worm Ye Glory has never seen before, and it is wriggling in Yoshida Zhengnan's body!

Because of the long black, if you don't look carefully, it is really easy to ignore.

These insects feed on Yoshida Masamune's essence and blood. Obviously, the essence and blood in Yoshida Masamune's stomach is not enough for these insects to eat. They began to attack other parts of the body, which also caused Yoshida Masamura to feel overwhelmed with pain.

Seeing this scene, Ye Rongrong couldn't help frowning.

This matter is a bit tricky!

"Professor Ye, what kind of disease does Zhengnan have?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong frowning, Yoshida Zhengxiong couldn't help asking uneasily.

"He's not sick..."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"I'm not sick, how is it possible? Do you know medical skills..."

Before Ye Rongrong finished speaking, a young man from the Yoshida family jumped out and shouted at Ye Rongrong.

Originally, these young people from the Yoshida family were dissatisfied with Ye Rongrong's demand for a billion-dollar consultation fee. Now that Ye Rongrong's diagnosis is no different from other quack doctors, the young man said sarcastically.

"shut up!"

Unexpectedly, before the young man finished speaking, the first person who scolded him was the patient Masamori Yoshida.

Masamori Yoshida has the most say on whether Professor Ye knows medical skills. He was in so much pain that he wanted to die, but after being injected by Professor Ye, the pain stopped and he was relieved.

Among other things, just this point shows that Professor Ye's medical skills are much better than those doctors who treated him before.

At this time, my own nephew actually came out to make sarcastic remarks, which is bad intentions!

If Professor Ye gets angry and refuses to treat his illness, he will really die, and he will die of pain!

Now if possible, Yoshida Masamune would like to give him a slap.

What an idiot!

"Cough cough cough..."

The weak Yoshida Masamune couldn't help coughing hastily after talking too much.


"Zhengnan, don't get angry!"

"calm down!"

Seeing Masayoshi Yoshida coughing, it frightened the Yoshida family members in the house!

"Get out of this room immediately!"

Yoshida Masao glared at the young man and cursed.

"Grandpa, I..."

The young man looked at Masao Yoshida anxiously and said.

I am my grandfather's favorite grandson, when was my grandfather scolded me like this!


Yoshida Zhengxiong shouted angrily.


Seeing that his grandfather was really angry, the young man could only walk out of the house in despair.

But before leaving, he gave Ye Rongrong a vicious look.

It was all caused by this Chinese person, otherwise I wouldn't have been reprimanded by my grandfather and uncle, and I wouldn't have walked out of the house in such a disheartened manner.

Of course, Ye Rongrong also noticed the look in the young man's eyes, and Ye Rongrong felt unhappy immediately, but Ye Rongrong also knew that now was not the time for him to be angry.

It is too simple to cure this young man.

The poor young man didn't know that because of his vicious eyes, he was beaten out of the Yoshida family with a stick, and became a beggar for the rest of his life.

Of course, this is something.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry. Children are ignorant, so don't take it to heart. You say that Zhengnan is not sick, but his appearance is no different from a serious illness."

Princess Taihe looked at Ye Rongrong and said anxiously.

"That's because he has worms in his body."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Are there worms in your body?"

"No way?"

"Why do you have bugs in your body?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What kind of insect is so powerful that it has grown into the human body?"

Ye Rongrong's words frightened everyone in the room, especially thinking about the worms on Yoshida Masamune's body, the hairs of many people came out.

"What? There are bugs in the body! is this possible?"

Princess Taihe looked at Ye Rongrong in disbelief and said.

My son is fine, how could there be worms growing in his body, what kind of worms are growing in his body, this is terrible!

"This is a very rare bug. If you use Chinese words to describe it, it should be called Gu!"

Ye Rongrong frowned and said.

This "voodoo" is a mysterious object that has been carefully cultivated over the years with a special artificial method. It can be large or small, and it is generally an animal. Animals usually form a pair, but there are also very few types that are plants.

Take all the poisonous insects and seal them in a container, let one of them eat the rest, and then call the living insect a voodoo.

For example, "Sui Shu Geography Zhi" said: "The method is to gather hundreds of kinds of insects on May 5th, the big ones are snakes, and the small ones are lice, and they are put together in a container, so that they can eat each other, and the remaining ones are kept. , Snakes are called Snake Gu, lice are called Lice Gu, and they kill people, because they eat into people's stomachs, eat their five internal organs, and when they die, their products will be transferred to the Gu owner's house."

"Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Li Shizhen "Compendium of Materia Medica" "Four Parts of Insects" explains the original saying of Chen Zangqi in the Tang Dynasty: "...take a hundred insects into an urn, and after years of opening, one insect will eat all the insects, which is the name. For Gu."

This method of seeding can be used directly or indirectly. It is also known as the three major witchcrafts in Southeast Asia together with Xiangxi expelling corpses and Nanyang head lowering.


"What kind of insect is Gu?"

Obviously, many people in this room don't know what kind of terrible bug this "Gu" is.

" mean, Mr. Yoshida has Gu in his body?"

Saburo Hiata looked at Ye Rongrong in shock and asked.

Obviously, Saburo Hiata had heard of "Gu", otherwise he wouldn't have turned pale with fright.

"Doctor Biantian, do you know this Gu?"

Princess Taihe looked at Saburo Hiata and asked.

"I've heard that it's a very scary bug. As long as it invades the body, no one can save it except the caster. How could Mr. Yoshida be infected?"

Hirata Saburo asked, frowning.

"Physician Hirata, do you mean that no one can save my son?"

Masao Yoshida looked at Saburo Hirata and asked.

" there nothing I can do?"

Saburo Hita was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said.

This person who can give Yoshida Zhengnan a Gu must be a very difficult existence. Don't say that Hirata Saburo really can't cure it, even if it can be cured, Hirata Saburo has to weigh it.

After all, it is a terrible thing to offend a person who can play Gu.

"So scary?"

The words of Hirata Saburo frightened Princess Taihe.

After all, according to Hita Saburo's words, Yoshida Masamune was not saved.

"Ye...Professor Ye, you...have you helped save Zhengnan?"

Princess Taihe looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

"Get a big bucket!"

Ye Rongrong said lightly.

"Quick, get up and get a big bucket."

Yoshida Zhengxiong immediately arranged for someone to get the big bucket.

Soon, someone came into the house with a large bucket.

"Hold him up so that his mouth is facing the bucket."

Ye Rongrong pointed to the two young men in the room and said.

"Why are you still staring blankly? I'm listening to Professor Ye."

Seeing that the two youths did not move, Princess Taihe immediately scolded dissatisfiedly.


Hearing what Princess Taihe said, the two young men hastily supported Yoshida Masanami, pointing his mouth to the mouth of the bucket.

"Remember to open your mouth wide, keep it open, don't close it!"

Ye Rongrong solemnly explained to Yoshida Masamune.


Masayoshi Yoshida nodded, and opened his mouth wide to the bucket.

Now Yoshida Zhengnan can only rely on Ye Rongrong to get the bugs out of his body.

"Everyone kept quiet, no one was allowed to speak or move."

Ye Rongrong explained to the people in the room.

"Listen well, no one should make a sound, or don't blame me for kicking him out of the house!"

Princess Taihe immediately explained seriously to the people in the room.


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