The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1895 Magical Acupuncture

"it is good!"

Ouyang Qianqian nodded, looked at the team members of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital and asked, "Which one of you has a silver needle?"

When going abroad this time, Ouyang Qianqian did not bring silver needles, so she had to see if the other staff had brought silver needles.

But to Ouyang Qianqian's disappointment, no one else brought silver needles.

After all, only Ouyang Qianqian of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital who participated in this exchange meeting came from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and the others are western medicine doctors. How could they bring silver needles for Chinese medicine.

Even in Chinese medicine, very few people know acupuncture and moxibustion, and even if they know it, very few people carry silver needles with them.

"I have it here."

Ye Rongrong took out a pack of silver needles from his pocket and said to Ouyang Qianqian.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong gratefully and said.

After receiving the silver needle from Ye Rongyao, Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help but look at Ye Rongyao's pocket. Ouyang Qianqian was really curious. My teacher's pocket is always so magical. It looks plain and always can take out a lot. something to come.

"Old man, you lie down,"

Ouyang Qianqian came to the old man with the silver needle, told him to lie down with peace of mind, opened the silver needle bag, and took out a silver needle from it.

Under everyone's gaze, Ouyang Qianqian's right hand started from the old man's heart and slowly brushed towards his throat. Although the speed was very slow, everyone could see the old man's flushed facial expression.

Suddenly, the silver needle in Ouyang Qianqian's hand pierced the old man's throat.


"My God!"

Many people were taken aback by Ouyang Qianqian's move.

"It's just nonsense!"

Eiko Matsushita frowned and said.

The throat is a very fragile part of the human body, if a silver needle is inserted in this place, it will kill the old man.

In order to show off China's "acupuncture", Hideko Matsushita was very angry at taking Japanese stupid patients as victims.

In Eiko Matsushita's view, Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is just nonsense, and many methods have no scientific basis at all.

"Why are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, we will compete later!"

Ye Rongrong was sitting next to Matsushita Hideko, and when he heard Matsushita Hideko's words, he immediately looked at Matsushita Hideko with some displeasure and said.

Some people always judge the abilities of others by their own abilities.

If Ouyang Qianqian was not sure, would she dare to inject the old man's throat?

Dare to give the needle, it is because of her understanding of the location of the acupuncture points, she knows where the needle can be given and where it cannot be given.

Don't suspect that others don't have this ability if you don't have this ability yourself.

Doubts about Ouyang Qianqian's medical skills are doubts about his teacher's medical skills, so Ye Rongrong will naturally not look good.

"Okay, I really want to learn Professor Xia Ye's medical skills later."

Eiko Matsushita looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Ye Rongrong won the "Nobel Prize in Medicine\

,"Eiko Matsushita was very unconvinced. In Eiko Matsushita's opinion, it was pure luck that Ye Rongrong won the "Nobel Prize in Medicine" last year.

In terms of medical skills, such a young person is definitely not as good as himself.

Eiko Matsushita really had a little bit of a rivalry idea.


Ye Rongrong snorted coldly, and stopped paying attention to Matsushita Hideko, but turned his gaze to the stage to see Ouyang Qianqian's movements.

After Ouyang Qianqian inserted the first needle in the old man's throat, after a while, rows of silver needles were stuck in the old man's Adam's apple.

At the same time, Ouyang Qianqian flicked lightly with her big hand, and the tails of the rows of silver needles trembled slowly under the influence of the airflow, and the airflow entered the old man's throat along the silver needles.

Immediately, the old man felt a weak stream of heat slowly infiltrating his throat, constantly stimulating the position of his throat, which made him feel particularly comfortable.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it lasted for about five minutes before Ouyang Qianqian stopped what she was doing and withdrew the silver needles inserted on the old man one after another.



The old man who was lying down suddenly straightened up and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

"Comfortable, really comfortable, it hasn't been this comfortable for a long time."

After a mouthful of thick phlegm came out, the old man's expression relaxed completely, a look of relief, and his originally suppressed face became full of spirits.

"Doctor, your medical skills are really high, high!"

The old man gave Ouyang Qianqian a thumbs up and said.

Ever since he got asthma, the old man's chest was always pressed by a puff of breath, which was very uncomfortable, and it became more and more uncomfortable.

But after the mouthful of thick phlegm just came out, the old man felt relaxed, the feeling of wanting to cough was gone, and there was an unprecedented relaxation.

The elderly can obviously feel that their illness is really cured.

"No way?"

"Is this cured?"

"Why does it feel like acting?"

"This is Huaxia's acupuncture technique, isn't it too powerful?"

"Can you use acupuncture and moxibustion to return patients to the operating table? Huaxia's Chinese medicine is so powerful, how can it decline?"

"It's really amazing!"

Seeing that the old man was cured by Ouyang Qianqian, many medical elites in the audience couldn't believe it.

This kind of treatment was the first time that many medical elites had seen it.

A few long and thin silver needles can also cure diseases?

Still so effective, fast!

This has subverted the understanding of Chinese medicine by many foreign medical elites.

If it weren't for Ri Ben here, these patients were all found by Ri Ben Tokyo Hospital, and these people have some doubts about whether this is acting.

But soon, everyone came back to their senses, thunderous applause resounded in the venue, and most people were shocked by Ouyang Qianqian's move.

But John Tom and several top medical masters in the international medical field were very surprised.

You must know that the condition of this old man with bronchitis is not the most serious, but in Western medicine, to get rid of thick phlegm, he must use surgery. Unexpectedly, Ouyang Qianqian solved it easily.

"My treatment is complete, thank you everyone!"

Ouyang Qianqian stood on the stage and said to everyone with a smile.

In the move just now, Ouyang Qianqian obviously had elements of acting in order to achieve a good shocking effect.

To let these foreigners know the power of Chinese medicine in Huaxia, of course, in their hearts, they also want to win face for their teachers.

"This doctor, is my disease completely cured?"

The old man got up from the bed, looked at Ouyang Qianqian worriedly and asked.

Although the old man felt that he was completely healed, the final result was still up to the doctor.

"Old man, the thick phlegm in your mouth has been eliminated, and the disease is completely cured. Don't take any more medicine, just go back and eat more fruits that reduce phlegm and clear the lungs."

Ouyang Qianqian said to the old man.

"Thank you, Dr. Ouyang, thank you, Dr. Ouyang!"

The old man hurriedly nodded and said gratefully to Ouyang Qianqian.

Huaxia's doctors are still very good, and he cured his disease in just a few strokes, unlike those doctors in Riben Hospital, who are nothing but idiots.

The old man made up his mind that if he gets sick again in the future, he must go to Huaxia Hospital for treatment.


After sending the old man down, the host took the microphone and presided over the meeting and said: "I am very grateful to Dr. Ouyang Qianqian for showing us the magical Chinese acupuncture. Due to time constraints, we now invite the second patient to come on stage."

As the host's voice fell, several beautiful female nurses pushed an elderly patient in his sixties up in a wheelchair.

The old man was yellow and thin, with gray hair and dull eyes.

"This is our second patient. Which team is willing to come out and diagnose this old man's disease?"

The host took the microphone and spoke to the people below.

"I don't have any information. How can I know what kind of disease this old man has?"

"That's right, our eyes are not machines, they can detect this person's disease."

"I heard that Huaxia's traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking. They have the ability to judge a person's condition with their eyes."

"It's so powerful, it's true!"

As the second patient came to the stage, some doctors with average medical skills in the audience were discussing with each other in low voices.

After all, not all the elites from various hospitals came to participate in this exchange meeting, but also some young people. Many of these people are related households, and they entered the delegation by virtue of their connections.

Of the worldly and gilded.

Of course, most of them are hospital elites with genuine medical skills. After all, if they all send wine bags and rice buckets over, they will be ashamed to go abroad, and it will be difficult to explain it when they go back!

"Looking at the old man's appearance, it is very likely that he has dementia!"

"It doesn't necessarily have to be Alzheimer's, and the possibility of stroke is also very high!"

"Look at him, he looks yellow and emaciated, maybe stomach disease or hepatitis caused by malnutrition."

"No, for an old man of his age, either he will not get sick, or if he gets sick, the possibility of concurrent diseases is very high. It may not be impossible for this old man to have many diseases."

"I also feel that this old man suffers from multiple diseases!"

"Besides the stroke, this old man should have diabetes, prostate, stomach problems..."

Many doctors in the audience were discussing, and no one chose to go on stage to treat the old man.

After all, everyone is not fully sure. Many doctors have seen that this old man has more than one disease.

At this moment, a staff member walked up to the host and whispered to him for a while in his ear.

The host nodded, and after the staff went down, the host took the microphone and said to everyone: "Everyone, we need to change the rules of the game a little bit. It is no longer that each group sends people on stage to diagnose patients, but The various teams do not communicate with the patient, but rely on close observation to determine what disease the patient has and how many diseases he has."

"The team with the correct diagnosis is eligible to go on stage to introduce their treatment plan to everyone. Later, the staff will distribute paper and pens to everyone. Everyone write the diagnosis result on the paper, sign the name of your hospital, and submit it to the hospital. To our staff, of course there is a time limit, and the time limit is fifteen minutes."

As the host's voice fell, several female nurses pushed the second patient slowly past everyone, so that everyone could observe the patient's condition at close range.


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