The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1896 Missed?

Ye Rongrong, who was sitting in the first row, also looked at the old man with his eyes. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, hearing and asking. But now Ye Rongguang starts to look at the old man from the word "Wang". This old man has many diseases, such as diabetes and stomach problems , Even his legs were broken, and of course the "three highs" unique to the elderly are indispensable.

Just by observing with the naked eye, we can see so many diseases, and there are some diseases that cannot be seen by the naked eye. The organizer invited such a patient with many diseases, which really tested everyone's clinical medical level.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the deadline was coming soon, medical elites from many countries at the scene couldn't help frowning.

After all, with the loss of modern medical equipment, it is difficult for those who study western medicine to judge the patient's disease condition based on the patient's appearance.

Of course, there is another very important reason. The divisions of Western medicine departments are too clear now. There are brain doctors in the department of brain, and doctors in neurology. Even for eyes, teeth, and ears, there are professional ophthalmologists, dentists, ear doctor.

These professional doctors are very familiar with the diseases in their own specialty, but they know little about the medical field that is not their specialty.

Patients with multiple diseases like this are indeed a headache for these elite doctors. Fortunately, this time in a group, doctors from many departments coordinated and cooperated.

But this old man suffers from a lot of diseases, it is too difficult to observe with the naked eye, especially not to make a wrong judgment, because the loss of points for a wrong judgment is very serious.

Compared with these western medicines, Ouyang Qianqian's traditional Chinese medicine has the advantage.

"Wang" is the basic skill of Chinese medicine, and Chinese medicine is developed in an all-round way. Ouyang Qianqian can basically diagnose the patient's disease.

Knowing it well, Ouyang Qianqian immediately picked up a pen and wrote down all the diseases of the old man on the paper, communicated with other people in the same group, and then handed the paper to the staff.

"time up!"

As the host's voice fell, the on-site staff began to collect answers from each group.

After all the answers were handed in, the host took the microphone and said on the stage: "Now we ask our expert judges to comment on the patient's disease. I don't know which expert is willing to give a comment, so that everyone has a chance to learn."

After the host finished speaking, he looked at the expert judges sitting in the first row.

After all, the people sitting in the first row are all well-known top doctors in the international medical field. It is rare to have such an opportunity, and everyone wants to invite these experts to explain.

Perhaps it was because the organizer wanted to embarrass these masters in the medical field.

"On the skill of 'Wang', it is well-known in Chinese medicine. Among us, only Professor Ye is an expert in Chinese medicine. Let Professor Ye tell you about this patient."

Eiko Matsushita looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

The so-called different Taoism does not conspire with each other. As a top figure in the field of Western medicine, Matsushita Hideko looks down on Chinese medicine, thinking that Chinese medicine is actually a deceptive thing like those witch doctors and Miao doctors.

"Yes, Professor Ye's achievements in Chinese medicine are obvious to all. Let Professor Ye explain it to everyone, so that I can learn later."

"Professor Ye, you can't postpone this matter!"

"We really want to hear from Professor Xia Ye.


"Professor Ye, thank you for explaining to everyone."

Immediately, these experts who were sitting in the first row looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Obviously, these people have some doubts about Ye Rongrong's medical skills. Everyone only achieved something when they were in their 40s or 50s, and they didn't become top international medical experts until they were 50 or 60 years old.

And this Ye Rongrong, who is only 30 years old, is ranked among the top international medical experts along with himself and others. Even because he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, he is even above everyone in the international medical rankings.

Everyone is quite old, but they are still suppressed by such a young man. These top international medical experts are not convinced!

Now that they have the opportunity to make Ye Rongrong look ugly, these people will naturally not give up.

These people wished that Ye Rongrong would make a fool of himself on such an international occasion. In that case, his pseudo-top international medical expert would be exposed.

"Okay, since everyone invited me to explain to you so enthusiastically, I won't refuse."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

At this time, Ye Rongrong represented the Huaxia medical community, Huaxia Chinese medicine, so naturally he would not back down, and it was not Ye Rongrong's character to back down.

"it is good!"

"Everyone applauds. Professor Ye is welcome to explain the disease on this patient."

Immediately someone took the lead in applauding and said.

Amidst the applause from the audience, Ye Rongrong stepped onto the rostrum.

"No, these people are teaming up to deal with our Dean Ye."

Li Jialan said anxiously.

"It's okay. At the level of these people, my teacher is not a heavyweight opponent at all. If they want to deal with my teacher in terms of medical skills, they are still far behind."

The old god Ouyang Qianqian said on the ground.

Here, the person who knows Ye Rongrong's medical skills best is Ouyang Qianqian.

Just because Ouyang Qianqian knew Ye Rongrong's peerless medical skills, she didn't worry about her teacher at all.

As far as the patient's situation is concerned, I can "see" it, and for my teacher, it is even a pediatrics.

"Everyone wants me to explain the situation of this old man, so I will do my best. This patient looks like he has a stroke or dementia. In fact, these are just appearances. Eyes are the window to a person's soul. From the eyes It can be seen on the Internet whether a person has stroke and dementia."

"Although this patient is trying his best to show his stroke and dementia, and even drooling, but if you pay attention to his eyes, you will find that his eyes are actually very clear, which is not the case for stroke and dementia patients. performance like this."

Ye Rongrong pointed to the elderly patient and said to everyone.

"No way? No dementia and stroke?"

"Pretending? How is this possible?"

"Professor Ye doesn't know how to joke, does he?"

"This patient is obviously suffering from stroke and dementia. How can he pretend it? Professor Ye's medical skills are not good enough to even say such things."

"The old man's eyes? Why didn't I see that he was very clear?"

Ye Rongrong's diagnosis immediately aroused discussions among the audience. Ye Rongrong's diagnosis was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the top medical masters in the country, who were sitting in the first row, looked at Ye Rongrong with a look of surprise, and really didn't understand how he came to such a conclusion.

However, several experts looked at the elderly patient's eyes and couldn't help being a little shocked.

"I didn't expect to miss it."

Ouyang Qianqian glanced at the patient and said depressedly.

My own "hope" still hasn't learned the lesson!

There was such a misdiagnosis.

The teacher once said to himself that as a doctor, he must think of all the possibilities of the patient, and sometimes ignoring a possibility will often cause an irreparable consequence.

Ouyang Qianqian has always kept the teacher's words in her heart. When seeing each patient, Ouyang Qianqian is very careful and takes all possible possibilities into consideration.

But today, Ouyang Qianqian still missed.

The main reason is that Ouyang Qianqian has always regarded this elderly patient as a patient, and she has always thought that this old man may have this disease or that disease, but she never thought that this patient would deliberately pretend to be more diseases to deceive everyone .

But Ouyang Qianqian understood that in the final analysis, her medical skills were not as good as her teacher's.

The teacher saw at a glance that the patient did not have stroke and dementia at all, and these were all pretended by the patient himself.

Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help but look at the teacher on the stage with admiration.

"Of course, this patient is still sick. Judging from his leg, his hamstring is blue and dark purple, which shows that his foot has been seriously injured. Although it is healed now, it is still a bit difficult to walk, but It’s not necessarily a wheelchair, but he can actually stand up.”

"Also, the tip of the patient's nose is red and dark purple, which means that his heart function must not be good. Ninety-nine percent of them have heart disease, and it is quite serious."

"The whites of his eyes are red, which means that there must be a problem with his lung function. It should be said that he has a disease such as emphysema. His pale face is a manifestation of anemia."

"The patient was thin and looked a little tired, which is typical of diabetes."


As Ye Rongrong pointed out the diseases of the elderly patient one by one, the people listening in the audience did not have much reaction, but the expression of the elderly patient in the wheelchair changed.

Before Ye Rongrong finished talking about all the diseases of the old patient, the old man stood up from the wheelchair emotionally, gave Ye Rongrong a thumbs up and said loudly: "Genius doctor, you are a real great doctor. In fact, I was also a doctor before I retired, and you are the most powerful doctor I have ever seen."

Now the old man admired Ye Rongrong's medical skills.

It turned out that the old man was a retired doctor from Dongjing Hospital. This time, he was invited by Tokyo Hospital to pretend to be a patient suffering from various diseases.

Using real and fake diseases to confuse these medical elites from various countries participating in the exchange, but they did not expect to be seen through by Ye Rongrong.

Not only was he spotted, but Ye Rongrong also easily spotted the old man's own disease.

This kind of medical skill convinced everyone.

"it is good!"



The audience immediately applauded enthusiastically. This Professor Ye is too amazing. He can diagnose the patient's disease so accurately just by watching it, and he can also see through the disease pretended by the patient.

You must know that this old man pretended to have dementia and stroke so much alike that he almost deceived everyone.

If the old man hadn't stood up by himself and spoke clearly, everyone really couldn't believe that he was just pretending.


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