"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong looked ahead suspiciously, and saw an old man in his sixties or seventies lying down in the aisle ahead, and a middle-aged woman next to him was anxiously shouting at the fallen old man.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Ye Rongrong said, and walked forward.

Because the old man fell on the aisle where Ye Rongrong and the others were going to walk, a group of top doctors in the world soon came to the old man.

"Dad, don't scare me, doctor, come to the doctor!"

Because Eiko Matsushita and the others were not wearing white coats, the middle-aged woman didn't know that the people beside her were the top doctors in the world, and she was still yelling for doctors anxiously.

The shout of the middle-aged woman naturally attracted the attention of the medical staff of this hospital, and several medical staff came over soon.

But when they saw Eiko Matsushita and Masaichi Yoshida, they were all shocked.

For these most basic medical staff, Eiko Matsushita is a big shot in the hospital, let alone an official like Masaichi Yoshida.

"President Matsushita, Director Yoshida..."

Several medical staff said nervously to Eiko Matsushita and Masaichi Yoshida.

"Get the patient on the cart first."

Eiko Matsushita nodded to the medical staff.

In Dongjing Hospital, Matsushita Eiko is not only the chief doctor, but also the vice president of Dongjing Hospital.

"Professor Ye, there is a saying in your Huaxia, it is called 'It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day', what about him?"

Eiko Matsushita said, looking at Ye Rongrong to ask for his opinion.

"I have no opinion!"

Although Ye Rongrong felt that Matsushita Eiko's Chinese vocabulary of "choosing a day is worse than bumping into the sun" was a bit nondescript, but he still agreed with Matsushita Eiko's proposal.

"Send this patient to the teaching clinic!"

Eiko Matsushita instructed the medical staff.

Immediately, several medical staff hurriedly lifted the old man, put him on the trolley, and sent him to the teaching consultation room.

Because it is a teaching and consulting room, in addition to the podium, there are also some modern medical equipment and projection equipment. There is also an operating table separated by glass not far away. The equipment inside is very complete and can be done in it. A major operation.

It can be said that it is a very advanced teaching and consulting room, which can not only teach students, but also examine patients on the spot, and even perform surgery on patients on the spot.

"Remember, when we go back, we will also set up such a teaching consultation room in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine."

Ye Rongrong was very interested in this teaching and consulting room, and whispered to Ouyang Qianqian beside him.

"Well, I remember."

Ouyang Qianqian nodded, took out a pen and recorded carefully.

"Professor Ye, do you come first, or should I come first?"

Eiko Matsushita glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Professor Matsushita, this is your territory, of course you go first.


Ye Rongrong responded with a faint smile, made a gesture of invitation and said.

"it is good!"

Eiko Matsushita was naturally not polite.

A competition among top doctors, whoever diagnoses first will take the lead.

Since this Ye Rongrong is so confident and gives himself the opportunity, Matsushita Hideko will naturally not be polite to him.

After finishing speaking, Matsushita Hideko started to work immediately, and the old man's daughter happened to be nearby, so Matsushita Hideko asked carefully one by one.

After asking the basic information about age, Eiko Matsushita then asked, "What's wrong with your father?"

"My dad has always had a heart problem. We went to many hospitals, but we couldn't get a good result. This time, I heard that Dongjing Hospital held an international medical expert exchange meeting, so I sent my father here to try his luck. It's just that we came late. This conference is over."

"I was planning to go back, but my father said that his heart was in pain, so I hurriedly sent him here. Unexpectedly, my father passed out in the aisle. Doctor, is my father okay?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Eiko Matsushita anxiously and asked.

"heart disease?"

Eiko Matsushita frowned slightly, looked at the middle-aged woman and asked, "Have you brought any medicine for heart disease?"

"I have been carrying it with me. When I came here just now, I gave my father two pills. The pain in my heart didn't ease at all. That's why we came to the hospital."

The middle-aged woman hurriedly took out a box of heart disease medicine from her bag and said to Eiko Matsushita.

"There is nothing wrong with this medicine. You can take another two pills for him to stabilize his condition first, and then we will start treating him."

Eiko Matsushita looked at the medicine box, nodded and said.

"it is good!"

The middle-aged woman hurriedly opened the box, took out a medicine bottle from it, then opened and twisted the medicine bottle, took out two pills, and prepared to feed her father.


At this moment, Ye Rongrong suddenly stopped the middle-aged woman's behavior.

"What's wrong?"

The middle-aged woman stopped what she was doing and looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

The middle-aged woman had already met with a medical worker just now. The group of people of various skin colors without white coats in the room are the top medical experts who came to participate in the medical exchange meeting this time. They are all from every country. A great doctor, a great expert.

Although the person who called her was very young, the middle-aged woman dared not underestimate him. From his conversation with Dr. Matsushita, it can be seen that his medical skills should not be much different from Dr. Matsushita.

Dr. Matsushita's medical skills are definitely among the top five in the entire Japanese medical world. A foreign doctor who can communicate with her in an equal tone must also be a great doctor and expert.

He made himself stop what he was doing, he must have his reasons.

"Professor Ye, what do you mean?"

Eiko Matsushita looked at Ye Rongrong with a bad tone and asked.

It was agreed that Ye Rongrong interrupted his diagnosis when he was the one to diagnose the patient himself first, Matsushita Hideko was very upset.

"This patient can no longer be given this medicine."

Ye Rongrong glanced at the old man lying on the hospital bed, and said seriously.

"Can't you give me any more medicine?"

The medical experts from all over the world who were watching the excitement were stunned. This is a heart attack, why don't you give me medicine? Did you watch him die?

After a moment of astonishment, many experts began to whisper in low voices.

"What do you mean? What do you mean can't be fed? He is so serious, if he doesn't feed the medicine, he won't last long."

Hideko Matsushita frowned, looked at Ye Rongrong very unhappy and said.

"This patient is not a heart attack at all. If you give him this medicine, it will aggravate his condition and cause his death."

Ye Rongrong said lightly.

"Not a heart attack?"

Hideko Matsushita was stunned and looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously, not understanding how he judged that the patient was not having a heart attack.

Not only Matsushita Hideko didn't understand, but the experts present didn't understand, and they all stared at Ye Rongrong.


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