The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1902 Intervene

"Yeah, not a heart attack!"

Ye Rongrong said with certainty.

When Eiko Matsushita was diagnosing the old man just now, Ye Rongrong was also checking the old man's condition through "looking".

Just when the old man's daughter was about to feed the medicine, Ye Rongrong found out the real reason for the old man's heartache and fainting, so he hurriedly stopped it.

"Professor Ye, this old man didn't have a heart attack and fainted. What caused him to faint?"

Williams looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"The old man's heart attack was caused by the fact that the old man ate too much at noon and had too much food in his stomach. The old man's digestion was not good. Now he was full, which increased the burden of digestion on the old man's body, and the circulation of the whole body Acceleration has increased the burden on the heart, which is why there is a dull pain in the chest!"

"In this case, if the old man sits down and rests for an hour or two, the pain will subside, but this old man is lucky, and he walked all the way to this hospital. The worst thing is that he also took pills to relieve heart pain. I don't know... "

Before Ye Rongrong finished speaking, Matsushita Hideko couldn't help but reprimanded Ye Rongrong and said: "Fart! The reason why this patient passed out is obviously a symptom of angina pectoris caused by a heart attack. If he is not allowed to take medicine, he will really die. "

Eiko Matsushita's face was a bit ugly, if it was other diseases, it would be fine, it was heart disease, and she was an expert in heart disease.

This Ye Rongrong dared to say that his diagnosis was wrong in front of so many colleagues, which is to slander himself.

Eiko Matsushita is tolerable or unbearable!

"Believe it or not is up to you!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

I just reminded him kindly, this Eiko Matsushita didn't believe it, and Ye Rongrong didn't plan to say more.

After all, it was agreed to diagnose Eiko Matsushita first, and it is not good to intervene by yourself, just a warm reminder.

Anyway, with me here, this patient will not die for a while.

Eiko Matsushita ignored Ye Rongrong, asked the middle-aged woman to feed the old man medicine, and asked several medical staff on the side to prepare for intervention.

"'s wrong with my dad?"

The elderly patient had just taken the medicine, and the medical staff next to him were about to intervene in the treatment when the old man foamed at the mouth and began to tremble. His appearance was very scary.

This scene shocked everyone in the room.

As a doctor, everyone knows that this old man is very dangerous now and may die at any time.

The sudden change also shocked Eiko Matsushita, but she is a seasoned medical expert after all, so she quickly reacted and shouted to the medical staff: "Quick, send it to the emergency room immediately."

After finishing speaking, Eiko Matsushita hurriedly pressed up and down on the old man's chest with both hands to prevent the old man from dying.

Once he dies, even Amaterasu can't save the old man.

"Get out of the way, it's too late to send it to the emergency room!"

Ye Rongrong pushed Matsushita Eiko away from the elderly patient.

It must be too late to send him to the emergency room under the current situation.

The patient's condition must be stabilized first.

Ye Rongrong took out a few silver needles and quickly inserted them into the old man's chest.

The old man, who was foaming at the mouth and trembling, calmed down, no longer foaming at the mouth, and his body stopped shaking.

"Doctor, I... Is my dad okay?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

Now the middle-aged woman can understand that this young medical skill is better than that of Dr. Matsushita Eiko.

I listened to the words of Dr. Matsushita Eiko and fed my father medicine, but my father foamed at the mouth and trembled, looking very scary.

Moreover, the performance of Dr. Matsushita Hideko also disappointed the middle-aged woman. The way she rescued her father was to press her father's chest continuously, but her father didn't get better at all, and he even seemed to be unable to catch his breath.

It was too dangerous. The middle-aged woman herself did not have the confidence that her father could insist on being sent to the emergency room for first aid.

But this young doctor was different. With just a few long silver needles inserted into his father's chest, his father stopped foaming at the mouth, his body stopped shaking, and his breathing became more stable.

Now the middle-aged woman only trusts the young doctor in front of her.

"It's okay, it's stabilized, will there be any danger to life in a while."

Ye Rongrong nodded to the middle-aged woman.

These few silver needles inserted into the old man's chest can stabilize the old man's heartbeat and prevent the heart from stopping.

Although current medicine uses brain death as the criterion for judging a person's death, in fact, if a person's heart stops beating, the probability of more than 99.9% means that the person has died.

Even if there is no death, the heart stops beating, and the chances of resuscitation are pitifully low.

Therefore, keeping the patient's heartbeat stable is the most important thing to treat the patient.

No matter which hospital or doctor it is, the first thing to do to treat an endangered patient is to ensure that his heartbeat will not stop.

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor."

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that her father's life was not in danger.

"Professor Ye, what's the matter with him?"

Williams looked at Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

Up to now, Williams and the others have not understood what happened to the old man who fell to the ground. After all, judging from his performance, the old man had a heart attack and fainted, but in fact, it seems that people like himself have made a wrong judgment.

"As I said just now, this old man didn't have a heart attack, but his heart couldn't bear it. Taking a rest can relieve the pain in his chest."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"But why did he react so violently after taking the medicine?"

Williams asked puzzled.

"The reason why the drug works is mainly because of its chemical reaction, a strong chemical reaction, which aggravates the heart's ability to bear. I have already taken two pills, and now I take two more pills. The reaction is aggravated, and the heart can't bear it. , Naturally, the severe physical reaction just now appeared."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"It turns out that this is the case. This person with a bad heart can't overeat."

Yoshida nodded and said.

"No, the conclusion that people with a bad heart cannot overeat does not exist at all. Although overeating is not good for human health, it is not enough for the heart to bear, let alone the situation just now."

Eiko Matsushita said questioningly.

Anyway, Eiko Matsushita could not accept Ye Rongrong's diagnosis.

Overeating can cause the heart to be unable to bear it, which is medically unreasonable. In Eiko Matsushita's view, Ye Rongrong's words are preposterous.


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