"Professor Ye, what do you see?"

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Since everyone has come here, one person is ruled, and a group of people is also ruled, let's take a look."

Ye Rongrong said indifferently.

Seeing that Ye Rongrong agreed, Eiko Matsushita arranged for the medical staff to bring that special patient over.


A few minutes later, a middle-aged man was pushed in by several medical staff lying on a medical cart.

"you first?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Eiko Matsushita and asked.

"I don't need to look at it. I can't cure this patient. If you can cure it, I just admit defeat."

Eiko Matsushita shook his head and said.

It has been several days since this middle-aged man was sent to the hospital, and it was Eiko Matsushita who led the team to treat him. Unfortunately, not to mention the treatment, Eiko Matsushita and the others still haven't figured out what disease this middle-aged man has.

So Eiko Matsushita will not be ashamed, as long as Ye Rongrong can cure this middle-aged man, Eiko Matsushita will admit defeat.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong didn't talk nonsense, and came directly to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's eyes were tightly closed, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and his eyes showed a strange look. Ye Rongrong reached out and quickly touched the pulse of the middle-aged man's left hand to feel his pulse.


Ye Rongrong's expression suddenly changed, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

The pulse of this middle-aged man is very strange. His pulse sometimes beats strong and powerful, and sometimes it is extremely weak. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation since Ye Rongrong became a doctor.

Silently thinking about the medical knowledge in his mind, it took a full two minutes before a wry smile flashed in Ye Rongrong's eyes.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong frowning, Ouyang Qianqian asked nervously.

With my teacher's medical skills, I can make my teacher frown. This disease must be very difficult.

This is the first time Ouyang Qianqian has encountered a disease that can make her teacher difficult.

Suddenly Ouyang Qianqian gave Matsushita Hideko a resentful look.

This old woman is really abominable, she actually dug such a big hole for her teacher!

Fortunately, Eiko Matsushita didn't know that Ouyang Qianqian was secretly calling her an "old woman" in her heart, otherwise she would definitely be in a hurry with Ouyang Qianqian.

Women are very concerned about their age, especially women in their 40s and 50s. They care about it very much. They hate being called an old woman the most.

"You give him the pulse too!"

Ye Rongrong didn't answer Ouyang Qianqian's words, but asked Ouyang Qianqian to call the middle-aged man's pulse.


Ouyang Qianqian didn't hesitate, and immediately came over to give the middle-aged man a pulse.

But soon, Ouyang Qianqian also frowned, the pulse of this middle-aged man was beating strong and strong from time to time,

It was extremely weak, and it was the first time Ouyang Qianqian had encountered such a strange pulse.

For a full ten minutes, the pulse was still so strange, Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help thinking about what was going on with the middle-aged man.

Suddenly, Ouyang Qianqian remembered what kind of disease it was. My teacher had told several of her students about this disease. It was called "fake death disease".

This is a special disease similar to vegetative, but not non-vegetative.

Ouyang Qianqian even checked about this "fake death syndrome", which is so rare that there are only legends left.

It is said that many patients with "fake death" were considered completely dead in ancient times, and were buried alive or cremated in this way.

There are even more frightening legends. When some patients were burned halfway through the fire, when their bodies were almost burned, they suddenly jumped up and came back to life. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time, and they could only watch helplessly as they were burned. die.

As a result, a large number of families were broken and wives were separated.

"How? Diagnosed?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ouyang Qianqian and asked.

"Teacher, this is suspended animation!"

Ouyang Qianqian let go of the middle-aged man's wrist and said with a frown.

This disease is extremely difficult to treat, and even Ouyang Qianqian has never seen how to treat it. When she heard the teacher talk about this disease, the teacher only mentioned the case of "feigned death syndrome", but did not mention the treatment method.

Ouyang Qianqian checked a lot of medical books, but she couldn't find out how to treat this "feigned death syndrome", because it was rare, and Ouyang Qianqian almost forgot about it later, she didn't expect to encounter this "feigned death syndrome" this time.

"Fake death?"

Upon hearing Ouyang Qianqian's words, the others also frowned, and they all came over to check on the middle-aged man.

These people are all top international doctors who have practiced medicine for decades. They are all well-informed and have seen countless cases. However, they have only heard of this kind of "fake death syndrome" and have never encountered it in their entire lives. Pass.

"It's a bit like feigning death!"

"I reckon, it should also be suspended animation!"

"I don't know if I don't say it. After Dr. Ouyang said that, I now also think that this middle-aged man is suffering from suspended animation."

"Feign death? This is troublesome, isn't it easy to cure?"

"It's not that it's hard to cure, but you don't know how to cure it?"

"That's true. There are some records of suspended animation in medical books from ancient times to the present, but there is nothing about how to treat this suspended animation."

"It's not that it doesn't exist, or it's not necessarily lost."

"That's true!"


Following the diagnosis of these medical experts, everyone believed that the possibility of this middle-aged man suffering from "fake death" was very high.

Of course, if Ouyang Qianqian hadn't mentioned that the middle-aged man suffered from "fake death disease", these medical experts would not have thought about it.

After all, this "feigned death syndrome" is too rare, and of course it may not be uncommon, but many people, even many hospitals, treat people who suffer from "feigned death syndrome" as dead.

Everyone didn't think about it, including Eiko Matsushita, and they never thought that this middle-aged man was suffering from "fake death syndrome".

After all, the "feigned death syndrome" recorded in ancient medical books is also vague. Experts now only suspect that this middle-aged man has "feigned death syndrome", but no one can be sure, and there is even no way to be sure.

"What's the possibility? He just suffered from suspended animation."

Ye Rongrong said with certainty.

"Professor Ye, can this suspended animation patient be cured?"

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong and asked worriedly.

After all, with the development of medicine, no hospital has ever heard of a patient who survived the "fake death syndrome".

Basically, people who suffer from "fake death" are sentenced to death.


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