"It can be cured, but it is a little troublesome to cure."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"It can be cured!"

Ye Rongrong's words surprised the other experts in the room.

The disease of "feigned death" has only been read in books or heard about by people, but they don't understand this "feigned death" at all, and everyone still doesn't know how to treat this "feigned death" patient. Ye Rongrong actually said that he could cure it.

Moreover, the tone of his speech was very confident, which made all the experts in the room sigh with emotion. This Ye Rongrong's medical skills are really more than a little bit better than people like himself.

Ye Rongrong ignored the surprise of these people, but walked to the middle-aged man again.

"I'm going to give the needle, everyone stand back, don't disturb me to give the needle!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he took out a pack of silver needles from his pocket, spread them out on the hospital bed, and quickly took out a silver needle. With a slight shake of Ye Rongrong's wrist, the silver needle in his hand quickly pierced into the middle-aged man. Men's Fengchi point.


As Ye Rongrong inserted the silver needle into the middle-aged man's Fengchi acupoint, the middle-aged man suddenly let out such a muffled sound.

Immediately, I saw the middle-aged man's body trembling slightly. It was obvious that the middle-aged man's body had reacted.


Including Eiko Matsushita, everyone in the room was dumbfounded. It was really surprising that this was the case.

According to legend, patients with "fake death syndrome" are no different from real dead people. Except for some strong and weak pulses in the body from time to time, there is no difference between them and dead people at all.

Even as the time of "fake death" prolongs, the body will start to become colder and tougher, and dead spots will appear.

This is also the biggest difference between a "feign death" patient and a vegetative person. The vegetative person's body is still warm, and he can rely on potions to maintain his life. The state of his body is no different from that of a sleeping person.

But people with "fake death" are different. Their bodies will become like dead people over time. Except for occasional pulses that fluctuate from strength to strength, everything else is no different from death.

This is why since ancient times, there have been so many "fake death" people who have been treated as dead.

There may even be cases where a patient who was declared dead by the hospital suddenly came back to life because he suffered from "fake death syndrome".

As for how he came back to life suddenly, until now, there is no reasonable medical explanation.

Ye Rongrong is currently performing the "nine moves of life extension", which is a set of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques researched by Chun Yuyi, a famous ancient Chinese medical scientist, for treating patients for a long time.

China's concept of inheritance, male not female, master-student inheritance, true good medical skills cannot be spread, and all are in the hands of a few individuals.

Coupled with the continuous wars in ancient times, many medical scientists with excellent medical skills died unexpectedly, and many Chinese medicine skills were lost.

This "Nine Life-Continuing Styles" is a long-lost acupuncture technique. If Ye Rongrong hadn't won the "Lazy System" lottery to get "Advanced Medical Skills", this "Nine Life-Continuing Styles" would have truly disappeared in the long river of history. up.

In China, the origin of this "acupuncture" is earlier than drug therapy. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, acupuncture was the main treatment method. Famous ancient Chinese doctors Bian Que, Chun Yuyi, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, etc. were all good at acupuncture.

Important ancient medical books such as "Nei Jing" and "Nan Jing" have records of acupuncture theory and operation methods.

It's a pity that the powerful "acupuncture" has basically been lost now.

Ye Rongrong didn't pay attention to the shocked expressions of the others. He didn't stop the movement of his hands, and quickly injected the needle on the middle-aged man. The movements were very smooth and skillful, giving people a feeling of naturalness.

"This...how is this possible?"

Shuishu Shaji looked at Ye Rongrong's technique, his mouth was so big that he couldn't close it for a long time.

This Mizuki Shaji is one of the top medical experts in Japan, and the only top medical expert in China majoring in Chinese medicine.

When he was young, Shuishu Shaji went to China to study abroad, and studied under Li Dayuan, a very famous Chinese medicine master in China at that time.

This Shuishu Shaji has been studying Chinese medicine in China all his life, and is now the dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Riben Medical College.

It can be said that he was the first person to study Chinese medicine in Japan.

This Shuishu Shaji has excellent medical skills, and he has also studied the acupuncture and moxibustion techniques of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine, and he has also inherited a set of powerful acupuncture and moxibustion techniques.

Shuishu Shaji has always believed that his acupuncture skills are also very good, even in China, his acupuncture skills are rare to meet the standard bearer.

But now seeing Ye Rongrong administering needles to this middle-aged man, Mizuki Saki was terrified. The speed and movement of the needles could not be achieved even after decades of practice.

This person is so young, how could he have such powerful acupuncture techniques?

Acupuncture and moxibustion are different from general medical techniques. The speed of acupuncture depends on the doctor's understanding of the location of acupuncture points in the human body.

Only by knowing the acupoints of the human body like the back of the palm of your hand can you perform needles like Ye Rongrong like you do.

Shuishushaji is sixty-five years old this year. He has been studying this Chinese medicine and the acupoints of the human body all his life, but until now, Shuishushaji still cannot achieve the state of acupuncture like a god.


Soon Ye Rongrong had already inserted eight needles into the middle-aged man, and now he was only one needle away. This last needle is also the most critical one. It is the so-called taboo technique among the nine life-continuing exercises. Nine needles - "needle of life".

In the end, whether this person can live or not depends on the last needle.

There are very strict requirements for grasping the force. If the force of the needle is slightly heavier, then the seven orifices will bleed to death immediately, and you will be killed instantly. If the force is slightly lighter, it can only give the person who is still alive a time to recover. Let me explain the last opportunity for a will.

If you really want to save people, you need the last shot just right.

But this "just right" is the most difficult thing. What is just right is very difficult to control. Every patient's situation is different, and the strength of this just right will also be different.

Moreover, everyone's understanding of "just right" is different, so there is no way to teach it at all, and it can only rely on everyone's own understanding.

Fortunately, the "lazy system" instills knowledge directly, otherwise, Ye Rongrong may not be able to learn the "nine life-continuing techniques" in his life.

"Nine ways to continue life, this is the nine ways to continue life..."

When Ye Rongrong was about to give the ninth needle, Mizuki Shaji couldn't help shouting, but after realizing it, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from shouting, for fear of disturbing Ye Rongrong's last injection. one stitch.

However, Mizuki Saki stared at Ye Glory's movements with wide eyes, for fear of missing something.


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