The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1906 admit defeat

Following Ye Rongrong's last injection of the "life extension needle", the whole body of the middle-aged man began to tremble violently.


This scene shocked many people in the room, especially the young female nurses who were serving here, so scared that they couldn't help screaming.

"Shut up!"

Eiko Matsushita shouted to these young female nurses with a livid face.

The young female nurses were so frightened that they hurriedly covered their mouths with their hands, for fear of making another sound.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

Ouyang Qianqian walked to Ye Rongrong's side and asked in a low voice.


Ye Rongrong said something lightly, staring at the middle-aged man trembling violently on the hospital bed.

Five or six minutes later, the fingertips trembled a few times, and the middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes.

"It's done!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, which meant that the "fake death syndrome" had been cured.

"I... where am I?"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, looked at a large group of strangers in the room, and asked suspiciously.

In the state of suspended animation, patients with "fake death syndrome" are no different from dead people, without any consciousness, and do not know anything happening around them.

"This is a hospital, you are fine now!"

Ye Rongrong nodded to the middle-aged man and said.

"Hospital, could I be in the hospital?"

The middle-aged man looked confused.

"Send it to the ward for examination. As for your question, you can ask your doctor."

Ye Rongrong explained to the medical staff.

"Professor Ye, what kind of acupuncture did you use just now?"

After the middle-aged patient was sent out, Mizuki Saki looked at Ye Rongrong respectfully and asked.

Capable people are always respected. Ye Rongrong's medical skills made Mizuki Saki admire him all over. The address has changed, from you to "you".

Let a top international medical expert in his 60s or 70s call a 30-year-old young man "you", which shows how respectful this Shui Shu Sha Ji is to Ye Rongrong.

"Nine ways to continue life."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Nine ways to continue life? Is it really acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine that has been lost for thousands of years?"

Mizuki Saki looked at Ye Rongrong excitedly and asked.

"What are the nine ways of life extension?"

A western medical expert asked curiously.

"The Nine Forms of Life-Continuation is a miraculous acupuncture and moxibustion technique created by Chun Yuyi, an ancient Chinese genius doctor. According to legend, as long as the patient is still breathing, the Nine Forms of Life-Continuation can continue to live. It is extremely miraculous, but unfortunately it has been lost for thousands of years. , I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect to see this lost magic skill today.”

Mizuki Saki said excitedly.

"Aren't the ancient Chinese miracle doctors Hua Tuo, Bian Que, and Li Shizhen? When will Chun Yuyi come out?"

Western countries don't know much about Huaxia's traditional Chinese medicine, but many people in the medical field in Western countries know about Hua Tuo, Bian Que, and Li Shizhen, who are very famous in Chinese history.

Even today, thousands of years later, their legends are still being circulated all over the world, but Chunyu Yi, the ancient miracle doctor, Williams has never heard of it.

However, Shuishu Shaji studied Chinese medicine and knew a lot about many famous ancient doctors, so Williams asked him.

"Chunyu Yi is a very famous medical scientist in the Han Dynasty in China, one of the most powerful miracle doctors in history. Although he is not well-known, his status in the history of Chinese medicine is no worse than that of Bian Que, Hua Tuo, and Sun Simiao."

"In particular, he created medical records and developed medical records, that is, medical records, which are now called medical records. He has made great contributions to world medicine."

"And he created the nine-style acupuncture and moxibustion techniques for extending life. His achievements in Chinese medicine are no less than those of Hua Tuo and Bian Que. He is one of the most powerful miracle doctors in ancient China."

Mizuki Saki told everyone.

"so smart?"

A group of experts in the room were all surprised that Chunyu Yi was such a powerful ancient miracle doctor.

"Professor Ye,

You... can you tell us about the nine life extension needles? "

Ignoring the surprise of other people, Mizuki Saki calmed down the emotions in his chest a little, then looked at Ye Rongrong seriously and respectfully and asked.


Ye Rongrong shook his head directly and said.

Not to mention that the "nine needles for life extension" are very complicated, and it would take a long time to explain them. The key is that Ye Rongrong doesn't want to teach these "nine needles for life extension" to these foreigners.

Ye Rongrong is going to wait for Ouyang Qianqian and the others to train in the hospital for another one or two years, and is teaching them the powerful acupuncture techniques of "nine acupuncture needles for life extension".

After all, Ouyang Qianqian and the others don't have a "lazy system", so there is no way to directly pass on all the knowledge of the "nine needles for life extension" to them like an empowerment.

This requires them to have very solid basic medical skills in order to inherit the "nine needles for life extension". After all, although the "nine needles for life extension" are very powerful, they are also very difficult to learn. It will only harm people but not save them.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong was unwilling to explain the "nine ways of life extension" to everyone, although Shuishu Shaji was disappointed, he didn't say much.

After all, this is someone's unique skill, and it's quite normal that people don't want to tell everyone.

Just now, Shuishu Shaji had the idea of ​​trying it out, and he didn't expect Ye Rongrong to explain the "nine ways of life extension" to himself.

But to be able to see this lost for thousands of years in his lifetime, Shuishu Shaji feels very satisfied.

"Professor Ye, I admit defeat, I am not as good as you in medicine."

Hideko Matsushita walked to Ye Rongrong's side, looked at Ye Rongrong and said bravely.

Ye Glory really cured that middle-aged patient, and Matsushita Hideko had no reason not to admit defeat.


Ye Rongrong smiled and said nothing.

If it wasn't for going abroad and weakening Huaxia's aura, Ye Rongrong would be lazy to waste time comparing his medical skills with Matsushita Hideko.

As far as her level is concerned, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, she is not as good as her student Ouyang Qianqian.

"Professor Ye, Huaxia's Chinese medicine is so powerful, I implore you to come to our hospital for exchanges and lectures."

Williams hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong.

"Professor Ye, we also invite you to our hospital for exchanges and lectures!"

"Our American National Hospital is the most advanced hospital in the whole world. We welcome Professor Ye to visit and communicate with us at any time."

Medical experts from other countries sent invitations to Ye Rongrong one after another.

Ye Rongrong's medical level is very recognized by these medical experts.

In the past, these experts thought Ye Rongrong was lucky to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine at such a young age, and they even suspected that Ye Rongrong's Nobel Prize in Medicine had something to do with it.

But the two medical competitions just now, and Ye Rongrong's diagnosis at the exchange meeting, have already convinced these medical experts from various countries.

Now they all recognized Ye Rongrong's medical skills very much.


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