"I also went to Tangshan Village ten years ago, and now it has really changed a lot, it is an earth-shaking change, and now Tangshan Village has become a more prosperous place than our county in less than ten years. It is a piece of brand-new buildings, and the villagers there are all rich in millions..."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Millions of wealth?"

"So rich?"

"What business do they do, why are they so rich?"

"What kind of shit luck did this Tangshan Village have? The villagers are all rich in millions?"

Although these old villagers don't understand why they are talking about the hot water coming out of the ground, why do they mention the changes in Tangshan Village, but Ye Rongrong's prestige in the village is not built. Although these old people are Ye Rongrong's elders, they are still quiet Listen to Ye Rongrong's words quietly, no one interrupts Ye Rongrong's words.

But when they heard that each of the villagers in Tangshan Village had a fortune of millions, the villagers couldn't stand still, and they all looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

A family with millions of dollars is nothing short of extraordinary.

The villagers of Taoyuan Village living in Taoyuan Village now have millions of dollars in wealth, and it is estimated that Ye Rongrong is the only family.

The villagers of Tangshan Village, which was originally as poor as Taoyuan Village, all have millions of dollars in wealth. These villagers naturally have thoughts in their hearts, and they can't control it.

Ye Rongrong felt the doubts and puzzled eyes of these villagers on him, smiled and said: "Do you know why Tangshan Village has changed so much in less than ten years?"

Most of these old villagers did not have much culture. It was very rare for them to be able to read books for one or two years. Culture restricted their activities and knowledge. Naturally, it is not clear why Tangshan Village has such a large village. Changes, why are the villagers so rich.

"Glory, you don't want to play tricks on us, tell us the reason, it won't have something to do with the hot water coming out of the ground, right?"

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, looked at Ye Rongrong's temperature.

"That's right, Glory, we old guys haven't seen any big world, so how do we know what, you can tell us clearly yourself."

An old villager also spoke to Ye Rongrong.

"The hot water that comes out is called hot spring. The reason why Tangshan Village has changed so much is because there is also this kind of hot spring that comes up from the ground!"

"Just this hot water has made the villagers of Tangshan Village rich?"

An old villager asked in disbelief.

After all, in this old villager’s mind, hot water is not easy. If you burn it at home, it will be hot water. Besides, everyone’s living conditions are better now. Many villagers have installed water heaters in their homes. It is more convenient to heat hot water. convenient.

It is incredible that this hot water can make the villagers of Tangshan Village rich!

"It's because of the hot springs that things change so fast."

Ye Rongrong nodded.

"Just this hot water can make people rich?"

The old village head looked at Ye Rongrong ignorantly and asked.

It's not their fault, the age they lived in limited their knowledge.

"This hot water doesn't seem to us to be very effective, but those people in the city like to bathe in this underground hot water. They feel that bathing in this hot spring is good for their health. Taking a bath in Tangshan Village's hot spring costs two, Three hundred yuan, if you add shopping, food, drink and housing, you can spend thousands of dollars at a time, and there are tens of thousands of dollars."

Ye Rongrong said.

"It costs two or three hundred yuan to take a bath with this free hot water?"

The old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

Although the people in this city are very rich now, and their hands are generous, but it costs two or three hundred for just taking a bath like this, which is too much to give up!

"Village chief, it's not two or three hundred yuan, it's thousands, tens of thousands of yuan!"

An old villager said excitedly.

Take a bath with this free hot water, and you can earn thousands or tens of thousands of yuan. This money is really easy to earn, and it is easy to earn a million yuan a year!

Thinking about it, this old villager's heart beats a lot faster,

Some can't take it anymore.

By then, everyone in Taoyuan Village will be rich!

Going to be a guest at a relative's house in the city has a lot of face, and the voice of this speech is also loud!

"Don't have that daydream. It costs thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to take a bath. That's very rare. Let's just think about earning two or three hundred yuan."

The old village chief Ye Xianghai shook his head and said.

"In fact, it is not impossible to earn thousands or tens of thousands. First of all, we must build this hot spring project. This is a very large investment. Once it is built, the reputation will be spread, and this will make money. It's not easy."

Ye Rongrong said.

"A lot of money to invest?"

The old village head looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"If you want to do it well, it is normal to invest tens of millions, hundreds of millions!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Tens of millions? Hundreds of millions of dollars?"

Ye Rongrong's words frightened the villagers.

Although tens of millions and hundreds of millions of funds are not much for Ye Rongrong, but for the villagers of Taoyuan Village, it is almost an astronomical figure.

They save tens of thousands of yuan for retirement, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of yuan, and their faces change when they hear it.

"How much money do you need?"

The old village chief came back to his senses, looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

The village committee doesn't have that much money.

Despite Ye Rongrong's glory, the village committee has also made profits in recent years, and the village committee has millions of funds in its account.

But it is still far from the tens of millions or hundreds of millions that Ye Rongrong said.

Even if the villagers raise funds, they don't have so much money, unless someone as rich as Ye Rongrong is willing to contribute.

But after all, this is tens of millions, hundreds of millions, it is not a small number, and Ye Rongrong may not invest money.

"So much money is needed, but the money doesn't have to come from the village. When our village discovers this hot spring, the government will be more active than us. They will attract investment. I think what we need to do is hold a village meeting and tell everyone This is good news, and more importantly, it is necessary to unify everyone's thinking, and then don't make troubles among everyone for the sake of profit."

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, this mountain is where the ancestors of Taoyuan Village lived for generations, and everyone in the village has a share in the wealth of this mountain.

This involves the interests of all villagers, and a meeting must be held in advance to discuss the rules and regulations and unify everyone's thinking.

For the sake of profit, such things as husband and wife turning against each other, father and son becoming enemies, and brothers breaking up friendship happened from time to time, so Ye Rongrong felt that it was very important to unify the thoughts of the villagers first.

After all, everyone is bitter and haha, and suddenly there is a huge sum of money, and many people will control their emotions.

Especially when there is an uneven distribution, it is easy to cause trouble.

"Yes, Glory, what you said is too correct. This matter must be discussed with all the villagers first, and everyone must unify their thinking."

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

Having been the village head and party secretary for so many years, Ye Xianghai naturally knew that the sudden wealth that fell from the sky, if not done well, would not be wealth for the villagers of the entire village, but would become a disaster.

Therefore, this matter must be reached before the development of this hot spring, and the villagers and the village committee must reach an agreement.

"For this matter, I think it's better to have a meeting sooner rather than later."

Ye Rongrong said.

"It's almost Chinese New Year now, and many people are in the village. I think it's hard work for you to call everyone for a meeting at night, Glory. Your prestige in the village is higher than mine now. You can suppress the scene, and this We old guys don’t know anything about hot spring development, so you have to work hard to tell everyone.”

Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Glory and said.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.

After all, the discovery of this hot spring is of great significance to the entire Taoyuan Village.

"By the way, let everyone keep this matter secret first. We haven't discussed it internally. If it spreads out, it will easily lead to accidents."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Wealth is not revealed, I understand this truth, I must keep everyone secret, and don't tell the children at home, lest the children are young and ignorant, and spread to the outside world."

The old village chief Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

In fact, everyone knows that the big village of Nuo wants to keep secrets, which is tantamount to idiotic dreams, but it can always stop the news from spreading, and delaying for two days can give the village time to discuss and prepare.

"By the way, village chief, I think we need to arrange a few people to guard this place now, lest someone come and destroy the hot spring here."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

After all, it is difficult to control people's hearts. Some people just don't want others to live better than themselves. Ye Rongrong is worried that the news of Taoyuan Village's hot springs will arouse the envy of other villagers.

Especially for those with bad intentions, it is not impossible for them to sneak over and destroy the hot springs on this mountain.

"Glory, village, let's guard this place. This is the wealth that can make our village rich. It cannot be destroyed by others."

An old villager said immediately.

"Yes, we will stay here. You, the village chief, will send some tents, quilts, and food over. We will live here."

"We old bones have nothing to do, we are all guarding here, and we will never allow anyone to destroy the wealth of our village."

The group of old villagers said one after another.

"That's good. When I return to the village, I will arrange for people to bring the things I need, and then arrange for a few more people to come over. Everyone will take turns to guard the hot spring. There must be no accidents in the hot spring."

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

This is a major matter related to the future destiny of his village, so Ye Xianghai naturally attaches great importance to it.

"Glory, do you think there is anything else to pay attention to?"

The old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"No, but there is one thing I want to say in advance."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"you say!"

Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"It is this hot spring that we discovered, and our family's contribution is the greatest..."

"That's for sure. During the meeting at night, this matter must be mentioned to the villagers. Your interests must be more than others."

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

"Old village chief, I didn't mean that!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"that's not what it means?"

Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously.


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