The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1947 Want a private hot spring

"Then what do you mean?"

The old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"I checked here. There are a total of thirty-seven hot springs. These hot springs were discovered by our family. We want one hot spring, which means that the hot spring belongs to our family. Of course, in this way, the hot springs in the village We don’t want a cent of the proceeds.”

Ye Rongrong said.

This natural hot spring is hard to come by. Now that he has encountered it, Ye Rongrong wants to have a hot spring that belongs to him independently.

After all, there are many women in his family, Ye Rongrong doesn't want his women to share a hot spring with others, Ye Rongrong wants a private hot spring.

That way the privacy is strong, you can go to the hot spring whenever you want, how to make the hot spring, how to build it, and what style is up to you.

"I don't think there is any problem with this matter, but I still need to tell everyone at the village meeting."

Ye Xianghai thought for a while and said.

Anyway, this hot spring was discovered by Ye Rongrong. If Ye Rongrong didn't discover this hot spring, who would have known that such a big treasure was hidden in this mountain?

If Ye Rongrong really told him that there are thirty-seven hot springs here, it would be reasonable for Ye Rongrong to ask for one hot spring alone.

Besides, with Ye Rongrong's current status and status, as well as his contribution to Taoyuan Village, if he wanted a hot spring alone, no one in the village would object.

"this is necessary."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This matter must be made clear at the village meeting, and even Ye Rongrong has to sign a contract with the village committee, and write it clearly in black and white.

Ye Rongrong believed that when he was alive, no one in the village would talk about this matter, and he would not dare to talk about it.

But after a hundred years, will my descendants be unhappy with the villagers because of this matter?

So Ye Rongrong had to give this matter in black and white.

"Glory, I'm going down the mountain now to inform the villagers to hold a meeting at night, will you go down the mountain with me?"

Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"I'll go down later."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.


"Husband, do we want a hot spring?"

After the old village chief left, Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with surprise and said.

There are natural hot springs in her village, so Liu Qingqing naturally wanted to soak in the hot springs, after all, hot springs are very good for women's skin.

Although Liu Qingqing is already very beautiful, and her skin is also good, but for a woman, beauty has no limit.

But for Liu Qingqing, who is obsessed with cleanliness, she doesn't want to take a bath in a hot spring pool where anyone can take a bath.

More importantly, Liu Qingqing is a very conservative woman, so she naturally doesn't want to be seen by men other than her husband in revealing clothes.

It's still my husband who is thoughtful and just asks for a hot spring eye, and then he can build a private hot spring, so there are not so many problems.

Thinking about having a private hot spring in her own home, Liu Qingqing was very excited.

"Yeah, how do you feel?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and asked.

"Okay, husband, I firmly support your decision."

Liu Qingqing nodded fiercely and said.

"Dad, Dad, Dudu supports you too!"

Dudu also hugged his father's thigh and said.

"Master is wise!"

Ye Piaoyue looked at Ye Rongrong adoringly and said.

"Boss, we support you too!"

Naturally, Nangong Ziyan and the others were not far behind.

"Come on, stop flattering me, hurry up and choose a spring, we are the first to discover this hot spring, but we have the priority to choose."

Ye Rongrong said proudly.

"Husband, you said there are thirty-seven hot springs here. Besides this one, where are the other hot springs?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

After all, I don't know the location of these thirty-seven hot spring eyes,

How to choose!

"That's true!"

At this moment, Ye Rongrong remembered that Liu Qingqing and the others did not have "detection skills", so naturally it was impossible to know the locations of the other thirty-six hot springs.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, Ye Rongrong went to the bamboo forest and cut more than 30 small bamboo poles. Taking these small bamboo poles, Ye Rongrong inserted bamboo poles one by one at the positions of the hot springs.

Except for a few hot spring holes, the other hot spring holes are far away from each other. It took Ye Rongrong more than ten minutes to insert all the thirty-six bamboo poles in his hand.

"Master, is the location where you put the bamboo pole the location of the hot spring eye?"

Ye Piaoyue asked Ye Rongrong suspiciously.


Ye Rongrong nodded.

"Master, how do you know where there are hot spring eyes?"

Ye Piaoyue asked curiously.

After all, the hot springs are all under the ground. Without digging up the ground, no one can see the hot springs under the ground with the naked eye. The owner will know where there are hot springs just by walking around like this. This is amazing, right? !


Ye Rongrong was immediately stopped by Ye Piaoyue.

This thing is really hard to explain.

"Husband, did you have a dream last night?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was stopped by Ye Piaoyue, Liu Qingqing gave him a look and said.

There are many unspeakable secrets about my husband. As his wife, Liu Qingqing naturally wants to help him cover up.

"Yes... yes... I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that there are hot springs in our back mountain. I saw the locations of these hot springs in my dream, so I know the location of the hot springs."

Being hinted by Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong immediately found an excuse.

After all, he has the ultimate secret of the "lazy system", and Ye Rongrong will never reveal it.

It can only be covered up with dreams!

Although this excuse is a bit far-fetched, no one can refute it.


Ye Piaoyue nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

As a smart woman, Ye Piaoyue naturally didn't believe the master's words, but since the master didn't tell the truth, Ye Piaoyue would not foolishly expose the master's lies.

"Everyone, don't be stunned, let's see which hot spring eye is better!"

Ye Rongrong naturally understood that everyone didn't believe what he said, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

"Boss, I think the location of the hot spring eye is good!"

Nangong Ziyan pointed to the small bamboo pole on the left near the cliff and said.

"The location is really good. The minimum straight-line distance from other hot springs is more than 50 meters. The hot springs are built there, and the privacy is good. It is also on a high place, on the edge of a cliff, and has a condescending eye, which is good. "

Liu Qingqing is also optimistic about that position.

"Then let's go and have a look!"

Seeing that both Nangong Ziyan and Liu Qingqing chose that position, Ye Rongrong led everyone there.

That location was a bit remote, and there was no road, Ye Rongrong could go up quickly, but Liu Qingqing and the others were not so easy, it took half an hour for everyone to climb to the place where the small bamboo pole was inserted.

“The scenery here is really nice!”

Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the scenery below and opposite, Liu Qingqing was more and more satisfied with this position.

"Master, I think the scenery here is very nice!"

Ye Piaoyue also likes this position.

"Boss, I like this place too!"

Ma Yu said to Ye Rongrong.

"I think it's good here too!"

"I like it here too!"

Soon, everyone's opinions were unanimous, and they all felt that the location here was good.

"Then it's here!"

Ye Rongrong said with a final word.

After all, compared to the location of other hot springs, Ye Rongrong is also very optimistic about this location, and its location is the best.

"Husband, when will we build this hot spring?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Although Liu Qingqing was born in a top Chinese family, she had never enjoyed a hot spring, and she wanted to experience the feeling of a hot spring sooner.

It's not that Liu Qingqing doesn't have the money to go to the hot spring, it's just that she is a clean freak and doesn't want to go to the hot spring that has been soaked by countless people, because she feels a bit dirty.

Another point is that Liu Qingqing is not used to soaking in a hot spring pool with outsiders naked.

"After the meeting at night, tomorrow we will find someone to build our hot spring."

Ye Rongrong said.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong is not short of money now, so of course he wants to build this private hot spring as soon as possible.

As for the other hot spring eyes, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, it will take a year or so to build them, and it is basically impossible.

After all, this is to engage in tourism. The government department must set up a project, and experts must come to investigate, evaluate environmental impact, tourism value, etc., and attract investment. This whole process will take three to five sooner. months, let alone construction.

Of course Ye Rongrong won't wait any longer.


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