The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1949 The Misunderstanding of the Villagers

Seeing that the villagers were all quiet and returned to their respective positions to sit down, the old village chief Ye Xianghai nodded in satisfaction and began to say to everyone: "I have called you here for a meeting today, and I have a very important matter to discuss with you. It involves the interests of everyone here, so everyone must take it seriously."

"But before that, I want to say that there are still some people who did not come to the meeting today. This is a disregard for the village committee, which makes me very unhappy. For these people who did not come to the meeting, our village committee's decision Yes, either their qualifications will be cancelled, they will not be able to enjoy the benefits of the village, or they will have to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan to the village committee, and this money will be used for infrastructure construction in the village."

After speaking, Ye Xianghai calmed down and watched the villagers' reactions.

"No way, it's so ruthless, if you don't come to the meeting, you will have to pay the village committee a deposit of 50,000 yuan!"

"Let's put it down. Those families who don't come to the meeting are all very rich people. They don't care about the little welfare in the village. How can they pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan? Their brains haven't entered water!"

"That's right, our village didn't have any welfare before. Thanks to Ye Rongrong's blessing in the past two years, some income, the villagers have some welfare. This welfare is to give red envelopes worth a thousand yuan to the elderly in the village during the festivals. , give a subsidy of 2,000 yuan to poor families, these benefits have nothing to do with those rich villagers, so they will not talk to the village committee."

"It's true, those people are rich, and they usually talk loudly, so what if they don't come to the meeting, their lives are better than ours!"

"That's right, the old village chief's trick can't scare those people!"

"The old village chief was just joking, you guys are serious about it!"

"I also think the old village head is joking."


The villagers in the meeting room began to discuss in a low voice.

After all, this old village chief's trick is too domineering. If he doesn't come to the meeting, others will have to pay a deposit of 50,000 yuan to the village committee. How is this possible?

Besides, there is no mandatory requirement to come to the meeting or not, and there is no way to enforce it whether to pay a deposit or not, it has to be voluntary.

Unless those people are out of their minds, they will pay the village committee a guarantee deposit of 50,000 yuan.

Everyone felt that the old village head was just talking cruel words, and they didn't take them seriously.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Seeing that the people below were talking about the same thing, Ye Xianghai said to everyone.

The prestige of the old village chief was still very high, everyone immediately stopped discussing and looked up at the old village chief Ye Xianghai.

"It's a big matter to call everyone over for a meeting tonight. If this matter is settled, our Taoyuan Village will become the wealthiest village in Yangping County within ten years..."

"Old village chief, you are not joking!"

Before Ye Xianghai finished speaking, some villagers couldn't help standing up and asking.

How is it possible to become the wealthiest village in Yangping County?

This Taoyuan Village has no factories and no resources, so how could it become the wealthiest village in Yangping County within ten years.

Let alone ten years, it is estimated that it is unlikely to become the wealthiest village in Yangping County in one hundred years.

If Taoyuan Village wants to be rich, it is easier said than done!

"I'm not joking. Speaking of this matter, we should be grateful to Ye Rongrong. It is Ye Rongrong's family who brought us all such a huge fortune."

Ye Xianghai said.

"Ye Rongrong?"

"Ye Rongrong brought you a huge fortune?"

"What does the old village head mean by this?"

"Could it be Ye Rongrong who is going to tell everyone the secrets of the delicious vegetables and fruits grown by his family?"

Immediately, the eyes of many villagers lit up.

"If that's the case, everyone will really get rich!"

"That's right, Ye Rongrong's vegetables and fruits are more than ten times more expensive than the market prices!"

"The key is that it is more than ten times more expensive and you can't buy it!"

"If this kind of secret is told to everyone,

Everyone is really going to make a fortune! "

"Great, Glory Ye is finally willing to tell everyone the secret of the seed."

"Ye Rongrong now has status and status, and the family has a lot of money that they can't spend in a few lifetimes. This kind of secret is useless to him, so I'm going to tell everyone."

"What's the matter with you, Ye Rongrong doesn't owe you anything, so he can choose not to tell everyone. Is there anyone who talks like this?"

"That's right, what's your state of mind!"

"Ye Rongrong has done so many good things for our village, what else do you want!"

Seeing someone belittle Ye Rongrong, several villagers immediately said dissatisfied.

"I... I didn't mean that, I really didn't mean that!"

Seeing that his words were misunderstood by everyone, the villager hurriedly said.

I really didn't mean that, I just said it casually, I didn't expect that it would cause such misunderstandings.

If this spread to Ye Rongrong's ears, it would be really bad!

Ye Rongrong is a big shot now, if you offend him, let's live in Taoyuan Village, even if Ye Rongrong doesn't mind, the villagers will have opinions on his family.

"That's good, some things can't be said indiscriminately."

"In the future, don't speak ill of Ye Rongrong again, or I won't be polite."


People in the conference room were discussing one after another, and many people looked at Ye Rongrong with glowing eyes.

Many people in the village are concerned about the vegetables and fruits grown in the courtyard of Ye Rongrong's house, but after blocking the door of Ye Rongrong's house and being taken away by the police, no one dares to think about Ye Rongrong's house again.

Coupled with the fact that Ye Rongrong's status is getting higher and higher, it is too late for people in and out of the village to curry favor with Ye Rongrong's family.

This time, when they heard that Ye Rongrong might tell everyone the secret of this seed, the villagers were very excited.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Seeing the villagers talking a lot, the old village head Ye Xianghai immediately said loudly.

The villagers who were talking a lot shut up quickly and looked at Ye Xianghai nervously.

Everyone is now waiting for Ye Rongrong to announce the secret of his family's seeds.

"Now let Glory tell everyone about this."

Seeing that the people below were quiet, the old village chief nodded to Ye Rongrong and said.

As soon as Ye Rongrong was about to speak, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room became tense, and almost the villagers all pricked up their ears, concentrating, for fear that they would miss every word Ye Rongrong said.

Some younger villagers even turned on the recording function of their mobile phones.

As long as you write down the secrets of the seeds of Ye Rongrong's vegetables and fruits, it's hard not to get rich!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Rongrong!


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