The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1950 Form of Income

Stepping onto the stage, Ye Rongrong naturally felt the expectations of the villagers on him.

Sitting on the stage just now, Ye Rongrong's hearing is so good, he can naturally hear what the villagers are talking about.

These villagers really think too much.

Want to know the secrets of your own vegetables and fruits?

That is impossible!

After all, this "Plant Advanced Nutrient Solution" needs to be exchanged with Glory Points in the "Lazy System", and these villagers don't have this "Lazy System", so it is impossible to grow vegetables and melons as delicious as their own in this life fruit.

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Rongrong to tell anyone about the secret of his "lazy system".

This is the secret that will be carried in the coffin to death.

"The village committee invited everyone to come to a meeting tonight, and there is a good thing to announce to everyone, that is the back mountain of our village, even if hot springs were found in the mountain where we lived before, and there are quite a few hot springs. , there are thirty-seven..."


"Our Taoyuan Village actually has a hot spring?"

"Oh my god, it's time to post!"

"Hahaha, our Taoyuan Village is really lucky!"

"I've been to a hot spring before, and once I went to a hot spring, the entrance fee alone cost more than 200 yuan, not to mention buying this or that thing inside, it's normal to spend 300 to 500 yuan for a bath. "

"No way, it costs three to five hundred yuan to take a bath, which is too easy to earn!"

"It's like stealing money."

"You're right, it's like robbing money, but robbing money is illegal, and bathing in hot springs is legal income."

"It costs three to five hundred yuan to take a bath, who is willing to do that!"

"Now that everyone's living conditions are better, there are more rich people, and they pay more attention to health. Taking a hot spring bath is good for your health. Naturally, many people go to take a bath."

"What's so healthy about taking a bath? It's better to work hard and get stronger!"

"What are you doing, you just need to understand that this hot spring is very profitable!"

"That's right, you can earn three to five hundred yuan for a bath, can you not make money?"

"Hehehe, it looks like our village is going to get rich!"


As soon as Ye Rongrong said that a large number of hot springs were found in the back mountain of the village, there was a commotion below.

Although some elderly villagers didn't understand what this hot spring was for, the eyes of those young people and some people who had gone out to work were all brightened.

Guarding the hot spring, the villagers do not work, and the money goes into their pockets.

Immediately, the villagers below exploded. Some villagers who didn't understand what the hot spring was said to be very excited when they heard the words of those villagers who knew about the hot spring.

It doesn't matter what the hot spring is, anyway, it's enough to make my family rich.

Seeing that the villagers below were discussing almost, Ye Rongrong pressed his hand and said loudly: "Everyone is discussing almost, it's time to listen to me!"

As Ye Rongrong's voice fell, the villagers in the conference room immediately stopped discussing and looked at Ye Rongrong quietly.

Now in the eyes of the villagers, Ye Rongrong is the lucky star of Taoyuan Village, God of Wealth, and the pride of Taoyuan Village.

Ever since our ancestors came to this mountain to escape the war, our ancestors have lived in this mountain for more than two hundred years, but they didn't know that there was such a big treasure hidden in this mountain.

If it weren't for Ye Rongrong, the treasure in the deserted back mountain would have been sleeping for many years, and it would never be his turn to enjoy this wealth in this life.

"Although we have thirty-seven hot springs in the back mountain, they are all underground and need to be opened, but who among us knows how to develop these hot springs?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the villagers and asked.

"don't know!"

"How do we know this?"

"Glory, just tell everyone how to do it well, and everyone will listen to you."

"Yes, everyone in Glory listens to you, you make up your mind!"

"Glory, do what you say, everyone will do!"


The villagers in the meeting room said one after another.

Now in the nearby ten miles and eight villages,

Who doesn't know that Ye Rongrong is a powerful person, and everyone knows the high-level leaders, so everyone must listen to him.

"Then everyone calm down and listen to me!"

Seeing that the villagers trusted him so much, Ye Rongrong was very happy.

After everyone calmed down, Ye Rongrong continued: "If we want to develop this hot spring resource, the investment in construction and publicity is a huge amount of money, at least tens of millions, and our village can't afford that much money." It’s a lot of money, and the village doesn’t have the resources to do publicity.”

"So, we need to attract investment and let qualified companies develop our hot spring resources. Of course, these are not what we are going to discuss today. After all, there are hot spring resources in the village, and the government will pay attention to them. The government will do this by attracting investment. At that time, our Taoyuan Village will become a tourist attraction."

"If it becomes a tourist attraction, for us villagers, it will make money."

"We don't need to bother with the development of hot springs. The government will arrange them. The purpose of our meeting is to unify opinions and negotiate everyone's interests. Everyone hasn't earned the money from Bienima, and the village is full of chaos. of."

"How to distribute this benefit is what we will negotiate today, and it is also the purpose of today's meeting."

"One thing I want to remind everyone is that if our village becomes a tourist destination, everyone must manage it reasonably and build a good tourism industry in Taoyuan Village. Don't let things like Snow Village happen in our village and tarnish the reputation of Taoyuan Village. Scaring away the tourists, lest everyone guard Baoshan and have to suffer..."

Ye Rongrong said solemnly.

Some people are short-sighted, Ye Rongrong must remind those people, don't scare the tourists away in order to make money before few tourists come.

Just like the report about Xuecun that Ye Rongrong read two days ago.

Sometimes it's just individual behaviors that can ruin the reputation of a place.

"Xuecun, where is Xuecun?"

"What happened to Xuecun?"

"Is Snow Village a village?"

For many elderly villagers, they basically know how to surf the Internet, and they don't know anything about Xuecun at all.

Hearing Ye Rongrong mention Xuecun suddenly, he was a little confused.

"Snow Village is a tourist destination in the north. Not long ago, it was reported in the news that there were scams in tourism there. Many people don't travel there now."

Some young villagers who watched the news had already explained to those villagers who were unclear.

"Okay, I won't say much about the rest. Now, let our old village head talk to you about the distribution of income after the development of the hot spring. Although the hot spring has not been developed yet, we all feel that this matter should be discussed in advance. .”

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he handed over the topic to the old village head Ye Rongrong.

After all, Ye Rongrong is not a village cadre. Although Ye Rongrong knows the specific plan, it is not suitable for him to discuss it with the villagers.

"Glory just told everyone about the hot springs, and now everyone understands the importance of the hot springs to our village, because the hot springs are found by the people of Taoyuan Village on the territory of our Taoyuan Village. The villagers of our Taoyuan Village will definitely benefit from opening up this hot spring resource."

"Our village committee held a meeting to study, and also checked many models of tourist attraction development on the Internet. Basically, there are two models. One model is that the government or the developer compensates the local villagers at one time. In the future, the development of this tourist attraction The income has nothing to do with the villagers, another model is that the villagers use the land to buy shares, and at the end of the year, the dividends will be distributed according to the land.”

"Tomorrow we will report the discovery of hot springs in the village to the county. The county will definitely discuss this matter with the village. In order not to be passive, we will call everyone to have a meeting at night to discuss it."

"Our village committee's opinion is that if we invest in hot spring resources and land resources, the villagers will have income every year. As long as the management is good, the income will definitely improve year by year. Of course, this is just the village committee's opinion. Everyone can express their opinions."

After the old village chief finished speaking, he looked at the villagers and waited for their reactions.

"I think it's best to buy shares. In many places, land is used to buy shares in factories and tourism industries. There are a lot of income every year. This is more cost-effective than one-time compensation."

"I also think it's good to invest in shares and dividends!"

"I also support the plan of investing in shares and dividends!"

Many villagers choose to share dividends. After all, there are reports in the news at the end of each year that a certain village takes tens of millions to distribute dividends to villagers, and every household gets a lot of money.

The villagers in those places use the land as a resource to invest in shares, and by the end of the year, they will receive tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dividends, which is much better than going out to work.

"Well, if it is a one-time compensation, how much can you make up?"

Of course, there are some villagers who do not want to invest in shares and dividends, but want to receive compensation in one go.

"I don't know about this. It depends on the policy given by the government. Of course, it is also possible to choose a one-time compensation, but after the one-time compensation, all future dividends will be gone."

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, said.

After all, the village committee has not reported the fact that there are hot springs in the village to the county.

The old villager who wanted a one-time compensation wanted to ask the old village chief something, but he was dragged by his son and whispered in his ear.

"Village Chief, then I'd better choose to pay dividends!"

The old villager hastily changed his words.


The old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at the old villager and asked.


The old villager nodded and said.

"Everyone chooses to share the benefits of this hot spring in the form of share dividends?"

Ye Xianghai looked at the villagers and asked.

"Just buy shares and pay dividends according to this."

"That's the way!"

"They all choose to buy shares and pay dividends."

Villagers have chosen this model of shareholding and dividends.

"Okay, the form of income is determined in this way. Then let's talk about the next topic. The hot spring eyes in the mountain behind our village have been detected by Ye Rongrong. There are thirty-seven hot spring eyes. This hot spring eye was discovered by Ye Rongrong, so in order to reward Ye Rongrong's contribution, the village committee decided that among the thirty-seven hot springs, Ye Rongrong can choose any hot spring as his private hot spring."

Ye Xianghai said.

In fact, Ye Rongrong originally asked for it from the village committee, but the village committee officials discussed it and felt that it would be better to give this hot spring eye to Ye Rongrong himself in the form of a reward, so Ye Xianghai said so.



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