The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1951 The old village chief's request for help

"Reward Ye Rongrong's family with a hot spring eye!"

What the old village chief Ye Xianghai said surprised many villagers in the conference room.

There are many villagers in this meeting room who are aware of the importance of the hot spring eye. Having a hot spring eye is equivalent to having a steady stream of wealth.

Suddenly, a hot spring eye was directly owned by Ye Rongrong, and some villagers felt a little upset.

Of course, it’s okay to be unhappy, and no one stood up to say anything against it.

After all, the current Ye Rongrong is not the lazy Ye Rongrong three years ago, but now Ye Rongrong is a big shot, and the villagers have no time to curry favor with him, who dares to offend him.

Besides, this hot spring was discovered by Ye Rongrong first, if he refuses to occupy this hot spring, everyone will be helpless.

He only needs one hot spring eye now, which is very kind.

On the other hand, there are so many hot springs in the village, which means huge wealth. The people in the village are basically miserable farmers without any big background. Those rich and powerful people had to swallow up all these interests in the village.

Everyone has small arms and legs, and they can't compete with those who have money and power. When the time comes, the villagers themselves can only drink some soup!

But it's different with the great god Ye Rongrong. Whoever dares to infringe the interests of the villagers of Taoyuan Village will have to weigh the consequences.

After figuring this out, many villagers agreed to give Ye Rongrong a hot spring eye.

"Is there any objection?"

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, looked at the villagers in the meeting room and asked.

"This hot spring was discovered by Glory. I think it's right to give him a hot spring eye."

"Xiang Tian is right. If it wasn't for Glory, how would we have such a blessing? This is simply a drop of money from the sky. I think Ye Glory should be given a hot spring eye."

"Third Uncle is so right. This time everyone is blessed by Glory. Ye Rongrong got a hot spring eye. I am convinced."

"We agree too!"

"this is necessary!"

"That's the way it should be done. If it weren't for it, Ye Rongrong's heart would be chilled."


Immediately, the villagers spoke one after another, their voices were very loud, as if Ye Rongrong didn't hear what he said.

Anyway, no one objected to it.

"Since everyone has no objections, this matter has been settled, and it will be written in the agreement later."

Seeing that none of the villagers raised any objections, the old village chief Ye Xianghai finally made a final decision.

This is Ye Rongrong. If other people want to monopolize a hot spring eye, the spittle of the villagers can drown him.

It can also be seen from this, Ye Rongrong's status in Taoyuan Village.

"Thank you everyone, since I got a hot spring eye, I don't want the other share."

Ye Rongrong stood up and thanked everyone.

Now Ye Rongrong is not short of money, and if he gets a hot spring eye of his own, Ye Rongrong doesn't need any dividends.

Among other things, Guangye Glory's money stored in several banks now has tens of millions of interest a year.

It can be seen how rich Ye Rongrong is now, so naturally he won't compete with the villagers for that little bit of profit.

"How can this be, Glory, you are also a member of Taoyuan Village."

"That's right, the village must give it."

Hearing that Ye Rongrong didn't want this right anymore, the elders of Ye Rongrong's family immediately stood up and said.

"Fifth Grandpa, Seventh Uncle, Ninth Uncle, don't talk about it. I only need one hot spring eye, and I really don't want the others."

Ye Rongrong said to these elders.

"okay then!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong himself really didn't want this right, the elders of the main family didn't say much. After all, Ye Rongrong's family is so rich now, and everyone understands that he doesn't like such a small amount of money.

"There are no other questions. Let's talk about how to divide the profits from the hot springs."

Ye Xianghai looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock, and some elderly people in the village were feeling sleepy.

Ye Xianghai spoke.

This has to speed up the process of this meeting, and it can't be held too late, otherwise the old people in the village can't bear it.

When everyone heard what the old village chief Ye Xianghai said, they all stopped to look at him.

"The village committee came up with a plan, that is, we will talk to the government and developers about the proportion of shares in the form of resources. Of course, we will try our best to win as many shares as possible. The villagers are paid according to the head, as long as the household registration is still in Taoyuan Village, they can get a corresponding proportion of dividends..."

"Then... those who move to the city can also get dividends?"

A villager immediately asked.

"As long as the household registration is in Taoyuan Village, the villagers can get a share, no matter whether they move to the city or marry out of town, they will get a share of the dividend."

The old village chief Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

"It's not fair, why should those who have moved out of Taoyuan Village also get dividends!"

"That's right, the water that the married girl poured out is even given dividends to them. What's the reason for that?"

"What about the people who moved out of the village? As long as they are still in Taoyuan Village, they have the right to pay dividends."

"Uncle Wu is right, as long as you are a member of our Taoyuan Village, you have the right to pay dividends."

"Moving out, they don't live in Taoyuan Village, so what qualifications do they have to get this dividend?"

"Why is he not eligible? As long as he is still registered in Taoyuan Village, he is eligible."

"that is!"

Immediately, the villagers in the conference room started arguing, but it was obvious that those who had moved out of Taoyuan Village but whose household registration was still in Taoyuan accounted for most of the dividends, and these people were all elderly people with high seniority, In the end, those who opposed were suppressed.

Such a result was completely within Ye Rongrong's expectations. After all, Taoyuan Village used to be very poor, and many villagers moved out of Taoyuan Village, but their parents and elders basically stayed in Taoyuan Village.

Now parents and elders must earn this benefit for their children. In addition, some of the people in the meeting today thought that some villagers had already moved out of Taoyuan Village. His own benefits were withdrawn.

If anyone touches their "cheese", they can fight him desperately.

For money, many times, people tend to lose their minds.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Seeing that the villagers were almost arguing, the old village chief Ye Xianghai patted the table and said loudly.

"Now everyone has no opinion on the village committee's decision?"

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Ye Xianghai asked everyone.

"I have no objection to paying dividends to those villagers who don't live in Taoyuan Village, but I can't accept dividends to those married women!"

"How can we give dividends to the water poured out by married girls!"

"That's right, there has never been such a reason throughout the ages!"

"The married daughter belongs to someone else's family, how can she share the welfare of our village!"

"This matter is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Xiang Hai, this must be changed!"


As for the distribution of dividends to those women who are married and have not moved out when their household registrations are out, the villagers in this meeting room are already very big, and basically they don't think that they should be paid dividends.

After all, the old thinking in the countryside feels that the married girl has no right to fight for the family's property.

After all, the rural custom for thousands of years is that the family property is inherited by the son, and the girl is someone else's property when she marries, so she cannot share the property of her mother's family.

Especially those old people of the older generation hold this view.

After all, this "cake" is only so big, and it is enough for so many people in the village to share it, and it is necessary to share this "cake" with those married women, which almost touched the interests of all the villagers who came to the meeting today.

"According to the law, they have the right to pay dividends. If they don't pay dividends to them, they will sue us..."

Ye Xianghai, the old village head, explained with some headaches.

"The power of bullshit, every married woman has the right to divide the family's money, there is no such reason!"

"that is!"

"This matter is absolutely unacceptable!"

"They still dare to file a lawsuit, they have eaten the guts of a leopard!"

Suddenly, several irritable and respectable old villagers interrupted Ye Xianghai's words loudly.


Facing these senior and respected old villagers, Ye Xianghai could only look at Ye Rongrong, asking Ye Rongrong for help.

After all, in Taoyuan Village now, Ye Rongrong's words are more useful than Ye Xianghai, the old village head. The older people in the village listen to Ye Rongrong's words.


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