The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2011 Bonus

"Whose phone is it?"

Ye Rongrong answered the phone and asked.

"A man named Xu Liangchen."

Liu Qingqing said.

This Xu Liangchen is the person in charge of the "Reverse Porcelain Association" established by Ye Glory. Because he has never been to Taoyuan Village, Liu Qingqing does not know him.

"Xu Liangchen, why is he calling so late?"

Ye Rongrong answered the phone with some doubts.

Since the establishment of the "Reverse Porcelain Association", except for the financial support and audit provided by the "Qingyao Charity Foundation", Xu Liangchen is fully responsible for the rest.

Ye Rongrong is the hands-off shopkeeper, basically he doesn't care about specific things, he just reads emails when he has free time.

"Old Xu, why did you call me so late, what happened?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"Boss, there's nothing wrong, it's just...just..."

Xu Liangchen hesitated for a long time and couldn't tell why.

"Old Xu, just speak up if you have anything to say, don't hesitate, let's not be so pretentious!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Boss, is my work performance okay these past few months?"

Xu Liangchen was silent for a while and said.

"It's okay, I read the email sent by the 'Anti-Porcelain Association'. You have done a good job. You have helped many people who have been touched to get justice, and some people who have done this kind of dirty work have received a response. compensation."

Ye Rongrong said.

The results of the "Reverse Porcelain Association" led by Xu Liangchen in the past six months are still very good, and Ye Rongrong is quite satisfied with this point.

"That's good, that's good..."

Xu Liangchen said with some excitement.

If the boss is not satisfied with his job, Xu Liangchen doesn't know how to speak up.

"Tell me, seeing your hesitation, there must be something."

Ye Rongrong said.

This Xu Liangchen has been with him for half a year, Ye Rongrong still knows what kind of person he is.

He will not call himself for no reason and say something unnutritive to himself.

"Boss, my son is getting married in a few days."

Xu Liangchen reminded with some embarrassment.


Ye Rongrong remembered that Xu Liangchen had once mentioned to him about advancing his salary to buy a wedding house for his son, and he also agreed to him, as long as his work performance satisfied him, he would agree to advance him one year in advance salary.

"Oh, I remembered. I'm to blame for this matter. I forgot about it. The salary advance?"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Yes, boss, I..."

Xu Liangchen didn't know how to bring up this matter.

After all, I have only been able to work for half a year, and now I have to advance my salary for a year. This is a very embarrassing thing for the boss anywhere.

Some bad-tempered bosses might just fire themselves.

"Don't worry, what I promised will definitely be done. If you are not in a hurry, I will ask Chengchen to remit it to you tomorrow morning. Is 200,000 enough? If not, you can just mention it."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss, 200,000 is enough, 200,000 is really enough."

Xu Liangchen said excitedly.

Xu Liangchen was really moved when he didn't expect that the boss would still remember this promise, would agree to himself so readily, and would care about whether his 200,000 yuan was enough.

It seemed that he had really followed the right master.

"Then I'll ask Chengchen to send you the money tomorrow."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Thank you, thank you boss!"

Xu Liangchen thanked the boss from the bottom of his heart.

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you deserve. Go buy a good set of clothes to attend your son's wedding. You are now the vice president of the 'Anti-MLM Association', don't lose our 'Anti-MLM Association' s face."

Ye Rongrong explained solemnly on the phone.

"Yes, boss, I will definitely not embarrass you, and I will not embarrass the 'Anti-MLM Association'."

Xu Liangchen solemnly promised.


That's right, I'll take your vacation and go to your son's wedding! "

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"thank you boss."

Xu Liangchen said gratefully.


Noon the next day.

"President Xu, I'm Pan Chengchen, your 100,000 yuan advance and 100,000 yuan bonus have been sent to you, and..."


Listen, Xu Liangchen soon realized something was wrong, and hurriedly interrupted Pan Chengchen's words.

"President Xu, what's wrong?"

Pan Chengchen asked suspiciously on the phone.

"Manager Pan, did you make a mistake?"

Xu Liangchen asked hurriedly.

"Mistake, no mistake!"

Pan Chengchen said with certainty.

The money was handed over by Brother Ye himself on the phone in the morning, and he asked that it must be remitted to Xu Liangchen today, so Pan Chengchen would naturally not make a mistake.

If she makes a mistake, her position as the financial manager of the "Qingyao Charity Foundation" will be lost.

"I paid 200,000 in salary in advance, how did it change to 100,000, and what's going on with the 100,000 bonus?"

Xu Liangchen asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about this. The boss told me that you paid 100,000 yuan in advance and paid it back in 20 months. The other 100,000 yuan is a bonus. In addition, the boss also paid 6,666 yuan. Said it was a gift for your son's wedding."

Pan Chengchen said.

"A bonus of 100,000 yuan, a red envelope of 6,666 yuan?"

Xu Liangchen was stunned for a moment.

This is different from what I expected. Originally, Xu Liangchen only hoped that the boss could advance him 200,000 yuan, so he was very happy.

He never thought that he would give himself a bonus of 100,000 yuan and a red envelope of 6,666 yuan for his child's marriage. The boss is really very considerate.

Xu Liangchen didn't dare to think about giving himself a bonus of 100,000 yuan. After all, only the bosses of big companies have a year-end bonus of 100,000 yuan. He never thought that he could get a year-end bonus of 100,000 yuan.

"Yes, this is what the boss told you. I have already transferred all the money to your salary card. You can check it."

Pan Chengchen said.

"Okay, thank you Manager Pan."

Xu Liangchen nodded and said.

"If the money is sent by mistake, please call me in time. If there is nothing, I will hang up."

Pan Chengchen said.

After all, it was almost the end of the year, and the work of the finance department was particularly heavy. In recent days, Pan Chengchen didn't get off work until one or two o'clock in the morning.

"Okay, please trouble Manager Pan."

After Xu Liangchen said something politely, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Liangchen hurriedly checked the text messages on his mobile phone, and soon saw the message that the more than 200,000 yuan had been sent to his bank account.

Xu Liangchen really didn't expect that his boss would be so generous that he would give him a bonus of 100,000 yuan. This was something Xu Liangchen never dared to imagine before.

After thinking for a while, Xu Liangchen took out his mobile phone and called the boss.

Soon the phone was connected.

"Old Xu, hasn't the money arrived yet?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Liangchen heard the voice of the boss on the other end of the phone.

"It's here, it's here, thank you boss!"

Xu Liangchen said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

"This is what you should take, don't thank me."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Boss, is a bonus of 100,000 yuan too much? How can I get so much bonus?"

Xu Liangchen said with some anxiety.

"One hundred thousand yuan is not much, and it is not much. The work you are doing now is very dangerous, and you are risking your life to do it. You should take this 100,000 yuan bonus for granted."

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, the people who touch porcelain these days are all low-quality people. If someone ruins their fortune, these people dare to do any bad things.

"Boss, thank you!"

Xu Liangchen said gratefully.

"It's not that you alone have a bonus, so members of the 'Reverse Porcelain Association' have bonuses, and bonuses will be given out according to the degree of danger of the job, the importance of the job, and the usual performance. I told Fang Bolin, There are three grades of bonuses, namely 30,000, 20,000, and 10,000. The specifics are waiting for you to discuss with Fang Bolin. My principle is that you are responsible for your people, and you are directly responsible to me."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Boss, I understand!"

Xu Liangchen nodded and said.

"That's it. I still have some things here, so I won't tell you more."

"Boss, you are busy!"

"That's it."

Ye Rongrong hung up the phone after speaking.

It's not that Ye Rongrong doesn't want to talk to Xu Liangchen more, but because something really happened.

"Grandma Ma, I'm really sorry that I answered the phone just now, what do you always want me for?"

Ye Rongrong walked into the living room and asked Grandma Ma who was anxious to find him.

For this respectable old man, Ye Rongrong has always respected her very much.


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