The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2035 seniority

Chapter 2035 Seniority

"Brother Rongyan, sister-in-law Ma Hong, you guys. I haven't seen you for many years. This is Xiaoyu, I don't even recognize you. Let's go to the yard to chat."

Ye Rongrong happily said to several people who came over.

"Xiaoyu hasn't called anyone yet."

Ma Hong pulled her own son and said.

"Hello, Uncle Glory!"

Ye Xiaoyu yelled at Ye Rongrong with a slightly red face.

This Uncle Glory in front of him is two years younger than him according to his age, but his seniority is higher than his own. Ye Xiaoyu had to bite the bullet and call him "Uncle".

This is also the reason why Ye Xiaoyu has never wanted to go back to the countryside. He is in his early thirties, but he is a young person. When he meets people in this countryside, he is either an uncle or a grandfather;

In Ye Xiaoyu's view, it was extremely embarrassing.

Except for the fact that Ye Xiaoyu often went back to the countryside to see her grandpa and grandma when she was a child, Ye Xiaoyu basically didn't come to the countryside when she grew up. After all, her family had already moved to a big city, and she seldom walked around with her relatives in the countryside.

Ye Xiaoyu would not even want to go back to the countryside if there was something important, that is, if her parents went back to the countryside to do it.

But this time Ye Xiaoyu didn't escape, this time she was dragged over by her parents.

After all, after the Chinese New Year, Ye Xiaoyu was going to get married in the first month of the year, so he had to invite relatives from the countryside to the wedding. In order to appear sincere, Ye Rongyang felt that his son had to go back to the countryside together.

The main purpose is to recognize a relative. After all, when Xiaoyu was young, his relatives in his hometown had seen him, but now that he has grown up, his whole person has changed. Basically, his relatives in his hometown don't recognize him.

So we must let the son go back to his hometown, and let his relatives in his hometown meet him well, so that his relatives don't know his relatives at that time.

"Okay, Glory, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Last time I went back to my hometown, I didn't see you when you were not at home. This time I finally saw you. I didn't expect you to change so much and become a famous person. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard everyone say that."

Ye Rongyang said excitedly Ye Rongrong said.

The countryside in the past was not like it is now. At that time, few people went out to work, and there were not many entertainment facilities in the village. They had a lot of free time to do farm work or do some odd jobs during the day.

When there is nothing to do, everyone walks around a lot. Although there are hundreds of people in a village, everyone knows each other well, and everyone's relationship is very harmonious.

At that time, Ye Rongrong was about the same age as Ye Xiaoyu, and they were still playmates at that time, and Ye Rongrong often ate at Ye Rongyang's house.

It can be said that Ye Rongyang still has a lot of affection for Ye Rongrong.

It's just that later, Ye Rongyang and his wife went to work in other big cities. After earning money in the big city, they bought a house in the big city and settled in the big city.

Like many villagers who moved out of Taoyuan Village, they gradually returned to the village less and less.

Ye Rongyang and his wife are still reluctant to leave their homeland, and they still think about their hometown, the folks in their hometown and this hometown, but if they wait for their son and grandson's generation, they probably have forgotten the countryside long ago.

This is also the same as many rural people who moved to big cities. When the older generation is here, they can still go back to the countryside from time to time to visit and walk around with relatives in the countryside.

But after the old man passed away, he had almost no contact with the countryside, and became a complete urbanite.

"It's okay, brother Rongyang, sister-in-law Ma Hong, let's sit in the yard."

Ye Rongrong happily took Brother Ye Rongyang's hand and said.

Having not seen each other for more than ten years, Ye Rongrong is also very excited to see his brother Rong Yang who was so good to him before.

You must know that when Ye Rongrong was a child, every time he went to Brother Rongyang's house to play, Brother Rongyang and Ma Hong's sister-in-law would bring many delicious snacks to Ye Rongrong.

After so many years, Ye Rongrong still remembers it firmly in his heart.

You must know that when Ye Rongrong was young, the economic level of the entire Yangping County was still very backward, and the people in the countryside were very poor.

There are some delicious snacks at home, but I am reluctant to take them out to eat, they are all hidden, only when the guests come, I am willing to take them out for the guests to eat.

However, Brother Rongyang and Ma Hong's sister-in-law are very generous people. Whenever children come to their house to play, they will bring out snacks for everyone to eat.

Although it was just a few candies, a few biscuits or a few peanuts, for the children at that time, these were all very precious.

Some children were even reluctant to eat it, and hid it in their pockets and took it home for their younger brothers and sisters to eat.

If you haven't experienced poverty, you don't know your present happiness.

Ye Rongrong sometimes really sighs that children nowadays are much, much happier than before.


Ask Ye Rongyang to sit down under the longan tree in the yard, and Ye Piaoyue comes over with a plate of fruit.

"Glory, is this your daughter-in-law? She looks so pretty!"

Ma Hong looked at Ye Piaoyue and praised.

Such a beautiful girl is rare even in big cities!

"Sister-in-law Ma Hong, this is not my wife."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

As for the relationship between Ye Piaoyue and himself, Ye Rongrong really couldn't explain it to Ma Hong's sister-in-law.

Fortunately, Liu Qingqing came out of the room at this time, so that Ye Rongrong didn't have to explain his relationship with Ye Piaoyue.

"Qingqing, come here!"

Ye Rongrong waved to Liu Qingqing and said.

Under normal circumstances, when a strange male guest comes to the house, as long as Ye Rongrong is at home, Liu Qingqing will not take the initiative to meet the strange male guest, unless Ye Rongrong asks her to come out to meet.

"My God, how can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?"

Ye Xiaoyu was dumbfounded.

"Brother Rongyang, sister-in-law Ma Hong, this is my wife Liu Qingqing, Qingqing, this is brother Rongyang, this is sister-in-law Ma Hong, and this is their son Ye Xiaoyu."

Ye Rongrong introduced to both parties.

"Brother Rongyang, sister-in-law Ma Hong, hello!"

Liu Qingqing said politely to Ye Rongyang and his wife.

"Ah... hello!"

"Oh...Qingqing, right? Hello...Hello!"

Ye Rongyang and his wife came back to their senses, and responded in a somewhat awkward manner.

Obviously, Ye Rongyang and his wife were shocked by Liu Qingqing's beauty.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu!"

Seeing that her son was still looking at Liu Qingqing foolishly, Ma Hong pushed his son's arm awkwardly and said.


Pushed by her mother, Ye Xiaoyu also came back from the trance.

Never thought that such a beautiful woman exists in this world, she is simply a fairy.

Ye Xiaoyu felt that the stunning beauty in front of her should not live in reality, she should live in mythology.

What a closed moon shames flowers, what sinks a fish and a wild goose.

In Ye Xiaoyu's opinion, it was already impossible to describe the stunning beauty in front of her.

"The son of the master, if you increase it by one point, it will be too long, and if you subtract one point, it will be too short; if you apply powder, it will be too white, and if you apply red ink, it will be too red; your eyebrows are like emerald feathers, your muscles are like white snow, your waist is like a string of plains, and your teeth are like shellfish; Yangcheng, fall for Cai."

Ye Xiaoyu couldn't help thinking of this sentence,

"Ah, what, this is your Aunt Qingqing."

Seeing that her son was still looking at Liu Qingqing in a daze, Ma Hong secretly twisted her son's arm to wake him up.

This Liu Qingqing looks pretty, like a fairy, but she is also a married woman, the elder of her son.

It's really rude to have your own son staring at him so stupidly.

Aunt Qingqing?

When she came back to her senses, Ye Xiaoyu couldn't say these four words.

The stunning beauty in front of her looked like she was twenty years old, even Ye Xiaoyu suspected that she was not twenty years old.

Let yourself be an old man in his thirties.

Yes, he is an old man. Compared to this stunning beauty in front of him, isn't he an old man?

Let an old man like himself call a stunning beauty so much younger than him "Auntie", Ye Xiaoyu really can't say it!

"I'm so old, I'm sorry, Qingqing, don't mind."

Ma Hong said to Liu Qingqing with some embarrassment.

"Auntie, it's all right."

Liu Qingqing waved her hand and said.

To be honest, Liu Qingqing is not used to having this man who is obviously much older than her call her "auntie".

Wow, that sounds really weird.

This Ye Xiaoyu is okay, she looks to be in her early thirties.

One must know that when Liu Qingqing first married into the Ye family, an old man in his sixties came to the door and called her aunt, which really frightened Liu Qingqing.

I'm only in my early twenties, so I'm already an aunt.

You must know that this kind of situation rarely occurs in big cities. Even if there are, in the city, there are probably not many people who are over half a hundred years old and call a girl who is 30 years younger than themselves an aunt. Half a hundred people who grew up in the city can scream.

But in rural areas, many people are accustomed to this kind of thing. In rural areas, there is sometimes a big gap between seniority and age, and it is often not proportional. It is very common for the younger generation to be older or the older generation to be younger. It is not uncommon for the nursing baby to be an uncle or a grandfather.

There is a saying in the countryside: "Brothers have different sizes, but uncles and nephews have no age."

Because brothers are arranged according to age, but uncles and nephews are not arranged according to age, but according to seniority.

The reason for the disparity in seniority and age is the unique background of rural areas. There are three main reasons for this.

One is that in the past when the concept of family succession was very strong and "the strength of a large number of people" was advocated, there were often too many births in rural areas. It was extremely common to have five or six brothers and sisters, and it was not surprising that there were more than seven or eight brothers and sisters. "Second daughter" is often enviable.

As a result, there is a large age gap between the eldest and the youngest among brothers and sisters. In addition, in the past, early marriage and early childbearing were popular in rural areas. Sometimes even the children were married, but the mother was still giving birth. , The phenomenon that the nephew is older than the uncle.

In this way, the gap between generations is getting bigger and bigger. If this is the case between relatives, the disparity between non-kinship is even greater.

However, after living in the countryside for several years, Liu Qingqing is somewhat accustomed to the intricate seniority relationships in the countryside.


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